
Fertilizer Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"By composting human waste, countries could make cheap fertilizer and improve the health of their citizens at the same time."
"Anybody could do this. This is the idea we want to show you that you can make your own fertilizer and increase the life in the soil, which increases the potential nutrient in all your food."
"Compost is a gardener's best friend; it's the absolute best thing you can use to fertilize flowers, trees, shrubs, vegetables."
"Water soluble fertilizer feeds the plants right away."
"Water soluble fertilizers really boost plant growth."
"Chicken poop can be composted for use in the garden. It makes great fertilizer."
"Organic fertilizers are naturally slow-releasing because it takes a minute for that process to happen."
"The bizarre craze came about because there was an increase in demand for fertilizer after the Napoleonic Wars."
"What this will do for your soil's texture is it will add moisture holding capabilities nutrient holding capabilities it will also add some nutrients it's a really gentle fertilizer which your plants will love."
"One pound amino acids per acre will give us... will perform to the equivalent of about five to seven pounds of nitrogen."
"Epsom salt is one of the fertilizers and plant supplements you can use."
"When you give your plant a balanced fertilizer like this it's going to put on roughly equally amount of green growth and flowers and fruit."
"Since I'm already spraying my plants, I decided that why not add, if I can, as long as I'm spraying them, here's a little liquid seaweed, which is a really good foliar fertilizer for plants. So I thought why not do that?"
"The more manure, the more beautiful the rose."
"Pepper plants are heavy feeders so when you pick them clean they are going to need a big boost of npk in order to get them to flower and grow more and fruit more."
"If we have a mix that we don't have to fertilize, that's obviously the winner to me."
"Fresh, raw manure is high in urea and it is really strong. So it's going to just burn your plants roots and that is not going to help them, they will probably die."
"Christians are like fertilizer. We're only good when you spread out."
"Biochar additions to fertilizer are as efficient as the original fertilizer additions."
"Let's support microbes rather than using high-analysis fertilizer."
"I suggest using a different soluble fertilizer, but I do think it is best to use them for best results."
"The world's best fertilizer is made in your backyard from waste products."
"The concept of mulching with fertilizer is an idea that I picked up from a fellow by the name of Charles Doughty."
"Microbes are a better investment than fertilizer."
"Man-made fertilizer: English farmers used bone dust from fallen soldiers at Waterloo."
"Just look for a good starter fertilizer."
"...my cucumber plants do better with an initial pre-plant fertilizer..."
"Here's the also brilliant part too, is that the poop is a fertilizer for the seed. So all you gotta do is take your poop, get the seeds out, make a little poop ball around it, put it in the dirt, and boom, you're going to have an explosion of seeds."
"The byproduct of healthy animals is good fertilizer for your land, that's what we do over here in the pastures."
"So we can make fertilizer and this process is so important that 80% of the nitrogen in your very tissues comes from this process."
"There is no best fertilizer. It's the worst answer nobody ever wants to hear."
"This is perhaps the best fertilizer for spring."
"Why isn't it happening on all farms? The reason it's not happening on both soils is because we have killed or suppressed the biology that can deliver those results."
"Great question. Really great question because it's one of those old pieces of folklore out there. It's more related to we were using... we had poor options that we had available and recommendations that we had available for using synthetic fertilizers."
"Personally, I'm just going to take that rich black earth and use it as a fertilizer, as a side dressing in the garden, and make my tomatoes grow up big and beautiful. That's what I'm planning on doing with it."
"Fertilizer is important for African violets."
"The fertilizer of Hellebores needs to be complete, so it needs to have the N and the P and the K."
"Ammonia provides most of the fertilizer that we used today, and the importance cannot be exaggerated."
"Is rabbit manure good for fruit trees? Yes, rabbit is really, really good for fruit trees."
"Pick the one that works the best for you, don't buy into one person telling you this is the best fertilizer ever, they're all kind of the same."
"Worm castings are one of the best fertilizers you can add to soil."
"It's not just a fertilizer but it's full of a bunch of good things for your soil."
"Bio gold got Mirai to where it has been over the past 10 years and it's pretty freaking good."
"Kelp seaweed extracts... act as a natural fertilizer and can be added as a concentrated tea solution or used directly on your garden soil."
"I'm thinking about this compost more as a really biologically diverse fertilizer."
"We are using black soldier flies to convert the empty fruit bunch fiber into organic fertilizer... hopefully this will come into commercial utilization soon."
"Sensor technology quickly and efficiently converts kitchen waste into nutrient-rich organic fertilizer."
"Fish Mix is the most powerful fertilizer that is 100% organic."
"Any Green Revolution is policy-based first and includes fertilizer as a key input."
"By offering cheaper, more adapted fertilizer, we are starting to witness this green revolution."
"We're picking up some fertilizer today; this is nitrogen for our Rye cover crop."
"Wood humus on the soil over time will rot and mix into the soil, it will become an extremely useful organic fertilizer."
"Only half of the world's population could be fed without nitrogen fertilizer."
"We're trying to get away from going to the co-op and buying fertilizer; we're trying to be all organic."