
Diary Quotes

There are 122 quotes

"Victoria wrote in her diary of their wedding night: 'I never never spent such an evening... Oh, this is the happiest day of my life.'"
"My vlogs mean a lot to me, it really is my visual diary."
"Elena's extensive diary survived today and in these she repeatedly refers to Sarah as 'my beloved'."
"Why don't you write a diary," he suggested. "Why don't you write down what happens every day, then you can read about everything when you get back to England?"
"My friend's little cousin drew this. My diary as a little kid: 'My name Amy, my address can't say out loud on here, my phone can't say it. It's okay, no worries.'"
"It's kind of like my diary if you want to call it that."
"His diary entry detailed the unexpected encounter with a Subterranean civilization during a flight over the North Pole."
"Keeping a diary is a childish habit but, this childish habit may now be worthwhile even to a serious man."
"If any of you are interested in immortality, start keeping a diary. Write about anything you want every day."
"I'm sorry, I cannot help but be captivated by the beauty and, don't even run as a [ __ ] head right, is an absolute dick but, oh I decided to leave behind a diary preserving my 16-year-old self in its pages."
"When mortals write their diaries, one day their pet dog gets knocked down, the day after that they meet someone and fall in love."
"Dear diary I had no intentions on vlogging this trip...I just wanted to get away...Lagos did me well over these last two years...I've lost myself and there's no other way to restart than to come back home."
"May 2nd, 1991. 'Dear diary, I can't believe it. Hell, nobody can.'"
"It's what she does best, reading from her [__] diary. I'm so happy to have revisited 1989 with you."
"A diary is a collection of time-bound feelings."
"My name is Captain Andrew Makai... and the date is Sol 281 36 AC."
"Everything's a diary, you know? Broken hearts, celebrating love."
"Edward VI often gets credit for being the first English Monarch to keep a diary."
"Olga finished her diary entry for that day saying that she was so unbelievably happy with today with three exclamation marks."
"It is the return of William's diary, and you are in it."
"Write a book, my di all my diary!"
"Many people ask me how to write a diary. Just write what you are thinking."
"Keep like a little photo Diary of all of your outfits that you go out and about and you feel confident and cute in."
"Keep a diary because you never know what Saucy reader is gonna open it up in the future."
"I don't know why but it's my diary."
"Blue is partly a diary. It's me moving through a backdrop of our changing times."
"I think diary format books are so fascinating because it's like this is crazy that you're just telling me this [ __ ]."
"It's almost like the jacket's like a diary for me."
"I said that it reads a lot like a diary if you know what I mean, like that kind of like 14 year old Journal kind of thing."
"Hey guys, welcome back to my online video diary."
"I have greatly broke stocks, still a thousand little things to report. Very strange in view of my situation if I interpret them correctly."
"It's ridiculous. Warner has Juliet's notebook that she left behind at sector 45. Warner has stolen it, read the whole thing. He's memorized her entire diary, every single entry."
"You try to organize your diary and you end up just ripping pages out."
"In Martha's diary at the end of 1974, she wrote, 'Dear diary, today is the last day of '74, boohoo. '74 has been one of the best years of my life. Well, I hope '75 is just as good.'"
"The diary is exceptional... the meat on top... fresh basil... tomato sauce has got so much character."
"Dear diary, today I couldn't find my diary so I'm writing this on both of my Kung Fu Panda 2 DVD."
"I've kept a diary since I was 10. It is my form of therapy, and I do not police my thoughts."
"It's a really fun ticket stub diary where I just put like little things from events and photos or memories."
"He had a diary that was one of the most unbelievable things I have ever witnessed in my life."
"I've got lots of things going on, so I thought I would document them in a bit of a video diary style."
"Do you remember writing in your diary that it did not matter whether I was a friend or an enemy, since I was at least a person who understood you and could be talked to?"
"The best place to look for a true picture of Catherine is to look at Catherine's diary entry."
"On June 12, 1942, a young girl received a diary for her 13th birthday."
"Imagine if you could write that in your diary, that wouldn't be bad."
"I hope you guys really enjoyed part one of my photo diary, I'm just excited to keep this forever as like a capsule of memories."
"Otto Frank's 13-year-old daughter left a written account of the ordeal."
"Mary's best friend had been her diary; she told it everything."
"The internet is somewhat of a diary for some of the most unnerving things that can ever happen in real life."
"Journal is like more observational, and diary is more from a personal perspective."
"Dear diary, today I was pompous and my sister was crazy."
"Your art journal is your diary and you get to do whatever you want."
"Well, it's been an incredibly windy day today, very interesting day."
"Anne Lister's diary is a hidden masterpiece of the English literary tradition, nothing less."
"Will you remember tomorrow the diary you wrote yesterday?"
"It's not a diary, it's a manly, manly journal."
"Although she was a private person, Pat liked to share her thoughts in a diary which she wrote in every day."
"It was as if I was writing in my diary; I would really open up my heart entirely."
"The thing that he was about to do was to open a diary."
"It's kind of like a little diary of my recipes."
"A diary is almost like a time machine to both your past and your future."
"I can't imagine not writing in my diary. It's like I'm addicted or something."
"Keeping a diary isn't just about describing what kind of person you are, it's also about discovering what kind of person you are."
"You can use your diary as a place to keep little things that you cherish."
"Well, it is officially day two here in Dubai."
"Hello and welcome back to Daily Diaries. Happy Valentine's Day everyone!"
"This is the first video diary. I don't know what we're going to do with them yet, but here they are."
"Bubble is like daan's little daily diary."
"Everyday take some time and write down what you're going through and how you're feeling."
"It's 9:25 on Wednesday, December 15th. Snow day!"
"It's very much like my diary. You've read my diary at this point."
"The film you're about to see is not intended to be an ethical history of Hollywood; it is merely a day-by-day personal film diary."
"Dear diary, what an amazing day I've had."
"Dear diary, I couldn't have been more wrong."
"Dear diary, I made it through the day. I must have said 'I'm fine, thanks' at least 37 times, and I didn't mean it once, but no one noticed."
"Before I left, I bought an exercise book which I was going to use as a diary, and on the front of it I wrote '50 weeks adventure by bus', and after the first week I crossed out 'adventure' and printed in great big letters 'nightmare'."
"I'm gonna just work on my diary and plan out the rest of the month."
"One of the best known accounts of these efforts is recorded in the now famous diary of 13-year-old Anne Frank."
"The diary felt like a bridge through time, connecting me to people who had walked these woods centuries ago."
"It's like a diary entry set to music."
"Just really nice, I think, this way of having a visual reminder, a visual diary of a certain place, a special place."
"Welcome to a day in the life of my four-month-old Golden Retriever puppy."
"The diary lists as many as 11 sites where these treasures have been hidden."
"Samuel Peeps is a man who is most famous for his diary, which he kept for almost a decade during the 1600s."
"This is someone's antique diary, oh my gosh, look at how amazing this is."
"My 2021 diary is my COVID creation, I hope you like it."
"Reading somebody else's diary? That's terrible. Tell me more."
"You're not a loser. Do losers really have such beautiful diaries?"
"Thank you, diary. With your help, I can become everything."
"Sometimes I write stuff in my diary that I don't mean, just in case someone else reads it."
"Welcome to another exciting edition of Counter Diary."
"They all are or were avid diarists, keeping track daily of the events in their lives, their thoughts, and their feelings over many years."
"Keeping a diary can help you to work through difficult, even traumatic events that have happened, and help you get new perspectives on them."
"It's very innocuousness somehow proved that every word written in that diary is true."
"I think blogs are wonderful nowadays because it is an online diary, isn't it? And it gives you purpose."
"It's fun for us because we can go back to any day, it's like a diary without writing anything down."
"Dear diary, it's now day 16 without... and I'm starting to lose hearing in my left eye and taste in my right."
"Welcome to the channel, welcome back to the People's Diary."
"Molly has been keeping a diary for years, it's got all her deepest secrets in it."
"Dear Diary, since you and I are going to be great friends, I'll start by telling you about myself."
"Everyone gathered happily to eat, and San felt that this day was worth documenting in his diary of adventures in the tower."
"So dear diary, that means I must leave you behind. Goodbye for a while."
"Dear diary, since you and I are going to be great friends, I will start by telling you all about myself."
"I don't want to set down a series of bald facts in a diary like most people do, but I want this diary itself to be my friend."
"I need a diary because I haven't got a friend."
"Early in the war, I began to keep a diary and continued until the very end."
"This literally reminds me of when I was in elementary school, I used to have this like boy diary that I got from the Scholastic Book Fair at my school."
"Manifesting with the moon, my Astro Moon diary for 2024 is now available."
"This diary was commenced for the fun of writing down my experience as a soldier from the old North State."
"Dear diary, today Gar gave me a hug. It was the best feeling ever."
"The diary in this imaginary world is all he has."
"Dear diary, I have so much to tell you."