
Sunflowers Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"I'm completely obsessed with them (sunflower planter boxes)."
"Sunflowers are the ultimate plant to kind of grow."
"If you are a sunflower lover, you will definitely be leaving this video wanting these sunflower molds."
"Sunflowers are so easy to grow, they don't want to have their soil amended, they don't want any fertilizer, they just want you to plant them keep them watered until color up and once they have established the roots have established they don't take as much water either."
"It's the type of thing that pays for itself in a single year of sunflowers."
"I'm gonna sit here with my toast next to my gorgeous sunflowers that I got the other day from the supermarket."
"Sunflowers just make people happy."
"You can use sunflowers any time of the year."
"I put a lot of thought into it and she always liked sunflowers and I thought this is the ear to plant sunflower so we planted her 80 acres of sunflowers."
"It was the series of four sunflower works painted in Al that would capture the hearts and minds of so many."
"Look how pretty there's like all of these sunflowers over there."
"So if you want to try growing the evening sun sunflowers with me, this month's Gardener's World has got three seeds."
"I've got one that produces like a hundred sunflowers per plant, which is insane."
"The easiest flower for beginners is a sunflower."
"Her favorite flowers were sunflowers."
"We encourage people to grow sunflowers and zinnias."
"It's exciting walking down towards the sunflowers because this year, I think this was our fourth succession of sunflower planting."
"Look at these, aren't they fun with the dark centers?"
"Sunflowers, there's just something about them."
"I saw sunflowers today. Sunflowers are a good omen for me, brings me so much joy."
"I love sunflowers; fun fact, sunflowers are my favorite flowers."
"I found the sunflowers! Oh, there's a really big one down here."
"Sunflowers are attracted to the Sun."
"Aren't those sunflowers beautiful? Just love to look at them because they always lean towards the sun and they always smile."
"Sunflowers definitely sold me on Amsterdam."
"I'm obsessed with these, this might be my favorite sunflower."
"I love the fact that we could have a one to two foot tall sunflower branching and have that be in people's Gardens."
"I love them so much I want to grow them all."
"It's going to be sunflower crazy here because you will be getting not one but two sunflower paintings."
"I love my sunflowers with the lemons; it's so beautiful."
"Sunflowers are a must-have in a cut flower garden."
"I hope y'all like sunflowers as much as I do."
"I love sunflowers, they're so cute."
"Sunflowers can predict where the sun is going to rise and set and position themselves even after days in the dark."
"Sunflowers turn their heads towards the sun, they're yellow, fresh, and so much fun."
"Sunflowers always seemed warm, even on cold days."
"I grow a lot of sunflowers because I love them; they're just one of my most favorite flowers."
"Look at the beautiful detail especially at the center of the sunflowers, absolutely gorgeous."
"Nothing says summer like sunflowers, and we're finally into the sunflowers."
"Sunflowers are my favorite flowers."
"I love sunflowers, sunflowers are my brand and it made me happy, so I bought it."
"I grew sunflowers for the first time and I just fell in love with them; they're just amazing plants, just absolutely incredible."
"Sunflowers are so fun to grow, they're so pretty, and did you know you can eat the whole sunflower? Everything, the stem, you could eat it all."
"Let's grab our yarn, grab our hooks, head to the craft table, and grow ourselves some sunflowers."
"I just wish we could have shown this to you when those two rows of sunflowers were still up because oh, that was beautiful."
"I just really really wanted to draw a field with tons of sunflowers in it."
"I want the look of sunflowers to basically surround the greenhouse."
"I just found out that sunflowers usually face the sun, but when they cannot find it, they face each other."
"Let's talk sunflowers: when you harvest them, you'll not only get a nice flower but you'll likely get some seeds as well."
"The pollen from sunflowers has been proven to be medicinal for your beehive."
"If you've never grown sunflowers, well, you've missed out on one of life's great joys."
"Sunflowers are my favorite because they just remind me of like happy thoughts."
"These sunflowers, I believe, are the Mongolian giants, the largest of the sunflowers."
"We have a bunch of different sunflowers... they're using those as actually our poles to help support these pole beans."
"Look at my sunflowers, so they're taller than me now, but look at that, that's a squash coming up through there."
"Wow, look at all those sunflowers. Wow, they're so tall and yellow. Oh, and circular, maybe that's why they're called sunflowers, they look like the sun."
"Sunflowers usually face the Sun, but when they cannot find it, they face each other."
"Sunflowers are a representation of permanence, friendship, vitality, confidence."
"I love sunflowers, so healthy and bright."
"The single biggest producer of sunflowers in the whole world."
"The sunflowers themselves have a little heart in the middle, isn't that precious?"
"We're going to be making a little garden full of sunflowers and a pumpkin patch."
"We're going to start with the very center of our sunflower."
"I didn't want to leave you, I didn't want to fight, I started to cry, then remembered I can buy my sunflowers."
"I think they're happy and cheery and just like so cute."
"Sunflowers are my absolute favorite thing to grow."
"We love sunflowers and there's reblooming sunflowers."
"I think probably everyone that passes by gets a little smile from these sunflowers. I know I do every time I leave home or come back home."
"I love sunflowers, isn't it cute?"
"I really tried to simplify these sunflowers because sunflowers can be tricky."
"I love making little bouquets in the fall season, especially little sunflowers."
"I just loving these sunflowers so much."
"I finished this. This is 'Pick Your Own Sunflowers'."