
Compiler Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Rust is commonly regarded as having the most helpful error messages in the compiler space."
"Modern compilers are pretty good at creating optimized machine code from higher-level languages."
"The compiler will memset it for you."
"Unique typing is a very interesting idea where we extend type system and actually ask compiler to check that the user does not use a particular value of a type more than once."
"Wow, a compiler is a tool for turning my C++ into poetry."
"The first thing your compiler is awesome at is maths."
"Static code analysis tools might warn you about some access to some use of a move from object. The compiler will not."
"Unlike in the future promise case where the promise is an object that the producer constructs on its own, for the coroutines, the promise object is something that will be generated automatically by the compiler."
"Compiler errors don't block you from running your program. What I mean by that is that it'll tell you about a problem like this like if there is one but it's not actually going to prevent you from running your application."
"The compiler will understand if you have null checks in place and won't warn you if it's obvious that the values you're using won't be null."
"If you can read the assembly, then you know what the compiler did to your code, you know exactly what's going to be run on the CPU."
"As you know, Java's compiled language, the Java C compiler takes your .java source and produces various .class files generally distributed in a .jar file, which is just a zip."
"All of what we're covering here is with just a few examples the basic tools just to understand how does the memory model work why does it work how does the compiler and the processor and cache get to reorder my code."
"So what you could do for example in a compiler is you could say I could end register the loop variable and at the end say if optional work so repeat the test then write X out makes perfect sense and this will continue to be safe."
"We are working on a BPF trace internal compiler as an option that has no dependencies."
"If something is sufficiently exhaustive, it doesn't need a default case. If the compiler is happy, then the compiler is happy."
"This session is talking about code that is great and that we're helping the compiler write, optimize our code."
"Concepts help the compiler with producing better error messages."
"The job of the compiler is to turn the AST into instructions the CPU can actually understand."
"If you don't specify the type, the compiler will figure it out for you."
"The compiler has got your back; it understands your code in a really fundamental way in a way that other languages don't."
"The compiler will be behind you to catch you when you make a mistake."
"Probably the most important optimization your compiler does."
"Babel basically is a JavaScript compiler."
"The compiler is doing work, so you're going to pay for it in slightly longer compile times, but you recoup that at runtime."
"With Elm, you get more than the compiler."
"XLA, which stands for Accelerated Linear Algebra, is a domain-specific compiler for linear algebra."
"Compilers... take your code all at once, reads the entire file all at once, and then translates that to machine code."
"The compiler is your best friend."
"As an embedded programmer you absolutely need to know about it, because otherwise you will never understand why the compiler inserts padding into your structures."
"These features make it much easier for the compiler to help enforce your application logic and make your state transitions more clearly defined."
"The compiler should never change what the program actually does from the user's point of view."
"Pragmas are actually a very powerful way of conveying information from the language to the compiler."
"The role of the compiler is taking your high-level code that's relatively much easier to write and converting it down to machine code."
"Clang really shines compared to GCC."
"If you change your compiler... you get the latest features, maybe performance improvements, bug fixes."
"The compiler generates these definitions and these instructions, and the runtime actually implements those instructions to run as your application is running."
"We have a miniature compiler for a miniature programming language."
"The compiler will not let you compile a broken program."
"The compiler knows what we're allowed to hook up to this click event."
"The compiler generates incredibly useful error messages."
"The C job compiler makes the system really compelling because it's not only useful when you write multi-threaded code, it also is super useful when you just want to run your code on a single thread."
"The types they extracted will have no holes in it, so you can declare new variables using those types directly, and the types will be dictated by the compiler automatically."
"Let the compiler take care of allocating memory and the compiler take care of allocating all the required resources for that."
"The key is to write your program in such a way that the compiler can very easily tell you where the problems are."
"We want to be able to have the static compiler emit not code to create a Lambda but a description of what a Lambda is."
"The compiler is a lot like the evaluator. You run it, except it stashes away these operations instead of actually executing them."
"The sooner you can rephrase or look at it differently in your mind to know that the compiler is your friend, the better you're going to handle the struggles that you will have at the beginning with Rust."
"Wouldn't it be nice to have some more compiler support here so that the compiler can tell me the thing you just wrote doesn't make any sense?"