
Radiology Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"Next we get to the actual x-rays of Alex's injury if we look here we can see the tibia here on the right side of the screen and the fibula here on the left."
"If you're a radiologist you better embrace it because it may help us out more than we think."
"Interventional radiology is not what you think of maybe when you think of radiology, like x-rays and things. It's using image guidance to gain access to different structures in order to deliver materials for therapeutic purposes."
"We're a large department approaching 200 attending radiologists 20 fellows and over 50 residents and with that comes a lot of resources that we couldn't possibly show in one video."
"This desk setup is my home radiology desk setup."
"Radiologic technology is really cool."
"Welcome to the best kept secret in medicine. Welcome to Radiology."
"My specialty is Diagnostic Radiology."
"We will start off by going through what radiologists encounter in daily practice and how you can approach imaging analysis in a structured manner."
"A great presentation on the radiology, good review of the guidelines."
"There is no function the computer cannot do in radiology."
"The type of material you have and the radio tracer you use does affect the system itself."
"Solitary nodule, you think of primary lung cancer, especially if it has any degree of irregularity."
"Radiology lends itself to remote working or working from home."
"Radiology is an expanding specialty, which means new diagnostic imaging techniques, new procedures, and more demand for Radiologists."
"Signs in Radiology facilitate learning, improve recall, and enhance patient care."
"It's great to be here... especially about something so complicated like thoracic radiology."
"We're going to try to get you to five differentials."
"The more images you take, the more information you get."
"In radiology, it is all about the contrast. The contrast is what allows us to deduce things."
"I actually look forward to coming to work every morning, and radiology, working as an x-ray tech, I found that that is my passion."
"You really have to have a good foundation of the skeleton and also the other organs and systems in the body because in x-ray, we look at all types of body parts."
"As radiology techs, we make a lot of money if you consider the amount of training that you go through to get this job."
"Contrast agents in radiology... help us see things better, they make our diagnosis more accurate."
"We need to realize that having that contrast in most cases for body cases will help us make a better diagnosis."
"The most important thing that I can do as a radiologist is quickly administer epinephrine or adrenaline."
"Anytime you have a chest x-ray that supports regional atelectasis, you should consider a recruitment maneuver."
"You guys will do amazing things even if you decide that radiologic technology isn't for you."
"The ideal arrangement of the geometry for an x-ray beam is to have the maximum source to object distance and minimum object to image distance."
"Thank you so much for watching and I hope you enjoyed this series on oral radiology."
"This apron right here, the lead apron, this is to protect the patient."
"Mastering interventional radiology coding basics."
"Right now we're able to read images about 10,000 times faster than human radiologists."
"I guarantee that whatever level of radiology you practice, you are going to find a pearl or two to take home from this."
"The patient is the source of radiation, which means that once injected, it cannot be turned off."
"Nuclear medicine tests tend to be some of the highest radiation dose tests that you can do in a hospital."
"Ewing sarcoma is going to have an onion peel or a sunburst pattern."
"Passion for radiology is always translated and reflected in the work you do."
"Hello and welcome everyone to the first edition of our Kahoot radiology quiz."
"The purpose of AI in Radiology is to increase accuracy and efficiency."
"Welcome to Radiologists Headquarters. I'm Doctor Dan Koval, and it's time for five cases in five minutes."
"This is a typical appearance for an anterior shoulder dislocation."
"As a result of this interaction, we basically have five densities that we can identify on conventional radiographs: air, fat, fluid and soft tissues, bone, and metal."
"When we're looking at doing an x-ray or any kind of exposure to radiation, the benefits must outweigh the risks for any study."
"Fluorodeoxyglucose is just a glucose analog that's radioactive; you can think of it as sugar that glows in the dark."
"Our goal here is to develop an algorithm that can screen these images and alert the radiologists to turn their attention to the potentially more serious findings first."
"Keep on reading the basics, you become very good interpreter of the x-ray findings."
"That's one of the most interesting things about radiology as a science."
"The future of radiology is that, being a screening tool, standalone x-ray units will always exist."
"Subject contrast is defined as that ratio of X-ray attenuation between two adjacent structures."
"Radiology touches on basically every field."
"Radiology techs drink cold beer to remember roots, trunks, divisions, cords, and branches."
"The balance that we play as radiologists is that we obviously don't want to miss a malignancy, but we don't want to unnecessarily expose patients to radiation."
"The benefits must outweigh the risks of any diagnostic x-ray study."
"I want to be an MRI technician for now and one day actually be a diagnostic radiologist."
"High kVp means low contrast, and low kVp means high contrast."
"Getting a gentle traction view can make a big difference for patient care."
"Gas is going to be very low density and show up as darker, and things like bone and metal are very dense and they're going to show up as very bright."
"Would it be possible to be able to boost the performance if the model and the radiologists work together?"
"The bones are always brighter because they cause almost twice or even more attenuation than blood and water and brain or muscles together."