
Liminality Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Liminal spaces are something of a reminder, a memento, a lens into a world that is and will always be nothing but a burning, fading, and ever-so-distant memory."
"Driver: San Francisco is sort of permanently trapped between life and death, and there's something a little romantic about that."
"Liminal spaces within the halo games liminal spaces are unnerving and nostalgic images."
"This was a bridge between worlds, a bridge between the world of man here and the world of gods, between life and death."
"Samhain is considered a liminal time when the veil between the physical and spiritual realms is thinnest."
"I've seen ghosts a couple of times, and it's usually on the edge of waking and sleeping."
"When we lay a compass, we are essentially taking it out of time and space; it is an area that is between worlds, it is neither mundane nor magical, it is neither here nor there, it's everywhere, it's both, it's all."
"Is there perhaps an of something almost like joy in the no man's land between this world and the next?"
"At the heart of liminal spaces is transition."
"Limbo is the ultimate liminal space, a place of uncertainty, infinite possibility, and potential."
"A good liminal space should invoke a sense of uncertainty."
"The abandoned mall has always been like the ultimate true liminal space to me."
"I want so desperately to have them understand. I sit in this liminal space between understanding, being seen as a victim, and being myself."
"Liminal Spaces: Correct, yet incorrect. Real, yet unreal. Existing, yet impossible."
"In the surreal interpretation of liminality, the internet has found their fascination."
"This place is basically just the random discovery of a real life liminal space."
"It captures that liminal space really, really well."
"Celtic spirituality as a sort of life on the threshold, an intersection of liminality."
"The liminal space is defined as a unique spiritual position where human beings hate to be but where the biblical God is always leading them."
"I want to tell you the story today of how I came to be a person who lives in, respects, and generates the space between or the liminal space."
"He's got one foot in each world right now, caught between life and death."
"This brings up concepts that we've talked about in other videos like the idea of liminal space."
"Liminal states have what he calls 'communitas.' It's a social experience that you only get in liminal states."
"The longer you hold it in a liminal state, the more reliable what comes out of it."
"He creates in effect a third space, neither completely inside nor completely out; it's a space apart from the usual conduct of life."
"Liminal spaces don't exist inside the flow of time and are free from the common worries of life."
"The general idea of liminality is an anthropology concept used to describe that tinge of ambiguity we all feel during those transitional periods."
"A ghost itself is its own liminal space because it's neither living nor dead."
"You're not back where you were, but you're not where you're going; you're in a liminal space."
"The wilderness was a liminal space, and here's the thing about liminal spaces: you see things and hear things and learn things in liminal spaces that you can't learn there or here rather or there."
"It's the period of time between Christmas and New Year where you just kinda exist."
"She is just a soul on the border between life and death, a being that defies the ordinary."
"Lately, the internet has become obsessed with the idea of liminality."
"The liminal state was understood to be a condition which bridged a distinct before and after."
"The liminal realm is a condition of ongoing transformation; it is neither here nor there, it is in a sense nowhere."
"A liminal space is always a mixture of the inexpressibly alien and hauntingly familiar."
"She is this liminal goddess, the goddess who sees in all directions and can pass between the worlds."
"It's honestly kind of a genius idea that perfectly encapsulates that feeling of liminal spaces."
"Purgatory is a liminal place between Heaven and Earth; maybe that's exactly what this road is."
"I lay back and slipped into that pleasant trance-like state somewhere between sleeping and waking."
"These things are not dead nor are they living... don't ever turn your back."
"This is a story kind of set in the place between life and death."
"Liminality is really where the stuff of life is."