
Allergy Quotes

There are 109 quotes

"Climate change is also favoring some allergy-inducing plants."
"I'm no longer allergic to dogs in fact if you guys follow me on my youtube channel or on my instagram."
"The risk of allergic contact dermatitis to petroleum jelly is almost non-existent."
"You need to bind up the histamine."
"Ketones stabilize mast cell degranulation. It's going to make them less reactive to an allergen."
"Some people are actually kind of allergic to money."
"Did you know that there's only one thing on Earth that I'm allergic to? Strawberries."
"My father's allergic to cotton. He's allergic to cotton. He has pills he can take, but he can't get them out of the bottle."
"I put it inside a stuff sack that was for a sleeping bag and the reason I did that was to keep me from smelling and breathing something I'm allergic to."
"As an adult, you go and buy a product. You lift up the bottle, you read the ingredients. If you notice your child is allergic to peppermint, you're not going to buy it. You're going to put it back, right?"
"Fragrance is one of the most common allergens in skincare products."
"A crazy entitled mum genuinely believes that nut allergies aren't real, they're literally made up fake according to her."
"I have a severe allergy to cashews. It's bad enough that one 100th of one will kill me if I'm not treated properly and quickly."
"Just itching is definitely a sign of potential for food allergy and it's one of the ways that your body's going to communicate to you, stop eating that food."
"If you're allergic to fragrance, I do suggest trying this out."
"I am so used to it, to be honest. I know the telltale signs. The seconds the palm of my hands start itching, I know the anaphylactic is about to explode in my body. I give myself an injection and I just move on with my life."
"Trying to feed someone a nudge they're allergic to is like subtly attempting to murder."
"All data suggests that you can't be allergic to MSG."
"so i broke out in hives i have absolutely no history of allergies and i didn't do slash consume anything the day or other than a burrito from chipotle"
"Fortunately, both my husband and his parents understood my allergies, easing the mental burden I felt after getting married, especially my mother-in-law, who had a deep understanding of allergies due to her father's severe wheat allergy."
"Look, I've never taken Claritin. Claritin is not that strong."
"I try to use more natural... I just feel like my skin was like allergic to it or something."
"Changed my allergy life, changed my children's allergy life, and has made waking up not dramatic in the sneezing, blowing nose Department."
"I'm going to get an allergy test because I am allergic to something and intolerant to something, and I don't know what it is."
"I'm actually allergic to a very pivotal ingredient in macarons."
"I'm allergic to fake butter that is on movie theater popcorn."
"Oh, you guys know I'm allergic to fish."
"I have saved probably six or seven lives in my tour guiding history of people who ate something that they were allergic to accidentally you pop a Benadryl in their mouth and they're good to go well at least to get to a doctor."
"Sometimes I'm sad that I'm allergic to cats, other times I'm grateful they're little demons."
"One of those reasons I'd say personally as someone who is chronically online and has a grass allergy is because it has such a huge influence on my own sense of humor."
"No, no, no, you cannot just be kind of allergic to something, okay? No one goes to Red Lobster allergic to shrimp thinking, 'Just three or four for me.'"
"Guess I'm allergic to good excuses."
"Nut allergies are serious. Someone could still end up in the hospital or dead. Are you completely unable to imagine a recipe without nuts?"
"My face is turning red and my eyes are rapidly starting to swell shut out of nowhere."
"It's the problem of allergy, and this is exactly why I do talk so much about allergy, why I try to keep allergy in mind when talking about products that do work out for me."
"Azithromycin is a macrolide antibiotic, so it'd be the most appropriate choice for a person with penicillin allergy."
"Anaphylactic shock is due to a severe allergic reaction and a massive immune response by the body. It causes difficulty breathing and swelling of the respiratory tract."
"This is what makes me allergic to directors."
"I'm allergic to men's pajamas. One whiff of a pajama jacket and I could literally drop dead."
"And then literally, literally that night, the colic stopped like completely stopped. And so I was like, okay, she had a milk protein allergy."
"Ordered gluten-free pasta, allergic, they sent a garlic bread on the side."
"Just bring me the salad. I'm not that allergic."
"Sometimes I gotta wing it. If I start getting itchy, I'll just pop in a Benadryl and call it a night."
"I'm allergic to arrogance, so I understand."
"Giving that kind of food to Lishu, knowing her allergy, is the same as poisoning her."
"There is no such thing as an allergy to beef."
"Dry skin can be kind of a door by which the allergy pathways get activated."
"If you're not well, you'll feel it, you will feel it, you'll feel a difference, even if you don't have a background of eczema, a lot of people are allergic to all of the Airborne substances that we're exposed to."
"We cannot guarantee that any dish we prepare is free from gluten or allergen or free from cross contact."
"It was good to know her allergy was cured now since I wouldn't want her to get sick."
"People with egg allergy can receive any flu vaccine, egg-based or non-egg-based, appropriate for age and health status."
"I'm allergic to milk, so I use soy milk for dishes that usually require it."
"Eczema is most likely to be a response to some component of the protein, not the carbohydrate."
"The difference between allergy and intolerance: the immune system reacting to a foreign substance, usually protein, is called allergy, while intolerance is a reaction which doesn't involve the immune system."
"Anaphylactic shock is an extreme allergic reaction usually to foods like peanuts or bee stings."
"If there's peanuts and a member of your family could die from consuming the peanuts, you have a right to be upset."
"You're brave, you're inspiring other people who can't eat seafood because they ate it, you got this."
"On average, two children in every class have a food allergy and allergic reactions take place more in school than in any other setting outside the home."
"On average, two children in every class have a food allergy."
"If you have a really severe allergy... if you get a parasitic infection, your allergy pretty much goes away."
"Epinephrine can have an effect within one minute, so it is the primary way to save the life of someone with a severe allergic reaction."
"Sneeze every time someone lies to me. I guess I need to carry tissues with me."
"Anaphylactic shock is a severe allergic reaction that can result in fainting, difficulty in breathing, and even death if it's not treated right away."
"Mammalian meat allergy is precipitated by having a tick and then you get this alpha-gal reaction."
"Itchiness is a hallmark feature of allergic conjunctivitis."
"Local honey contains a small amount of pollen from the local area that can help desensitize the body to local allergens."
"These allergic types can never safely use alcohol in any form at all."
"Reese's pumpkins are instantly god tier for anybody that's not allergic to peanuts."
"Up to 78% of asthma patients will also experience allergic rhinitis."
"One way to correct an allergy, both seasonal and environmental, is to do periodic prolonged fasting that actually will fix your immune system."
"I need to get over my cat allergy and get a cat, this is too fun."
"The early introduction of peanut protein can prevent allergies by 80 percent."
"Can you be allergic to sunscreen? Absolutely, you can become allergic to pretty much any ingredient."
"Ma'am, I'm allergic to the other painkillers, can I have the paracetamol back please?"
"Are you allergic to any medication, food, or latex?"
"The only really effective treatment for severe acute allergic reaction is to administer an epi by the way of an intramuscular injection."
"Highly allergic people really should carry an EpiPen."
"It helps reduce the pollen in the air and helps alleviate her hay fever."
"Why do blooming trees have to hurt so much, Mother Nature? Why are you trying to kill me with beauty?"
"Epinephrine is the exact reverse of histamine and that's why it's given for allergic reactions."
"Hey Connie, can you ask the cleaning lady to actually dust? I have a dust allergy."
"It's generally accepted that there has been a marked increase in allergic disease throughout the Western world."
"Anaphylaxis is a life-threatening situation usually triggered by a hypersensitivity or an allergic reaction."
"Allergy shots are recommended as an add-on therapy for allergic asthma."
"Coming from someone who's allergic to dairy and gluten, mac and cheese smacks."
"The most salient feature of allergic conjunctivitis is itchiness of the eye."
"There are great ways, number one, if somebody is allergic to metals, that you can be able to use a nonmetallic toggle or clasp for their jewelry."
"I'm very thankful that I get to say 'that I was having' because it turned out a lot of my vestibular migraines were due to a dairy fat allergy."
"Some people can have severe allergic reactions to different species of wood."
"I have a seafood allergy; if I eat seafood, I'll die."
"Some people that are allergic to chicken eggs can actually eat duck eggs."
"Anaphylaxis truly affects your blood pressure and your pulmonary system."
"It's as if you have an allergy, and when you eat strawberries, your throat closes up, it becomes hard to breathe, and your lips swell up to four times their normal size."
"If the patient is allergic to any medication, keep an eye on that; it might be prescribed on your drug chart."
"The patient is allergic to penicillin, and the effect is rash."
"Anaphylactic allergy reactions are type one hypersensitivity reactions."
"When allergens attack, depend on the histamine blockers, Benadryl."
"If you're allergic to nuts, just don't go anywhere near them."
"The lone star tick is a species of tick that can bite humans and give them an allergy to red meat."
"I was so freakishly allergic to ant and bee venom as a child that a single sting from a single little common black ant put me into anaphylactic shock."
"No one is allergic to hydrogen peroxide."
"I haven't had allergy issues since owning Miele products."
"I'm allergic to hippos. I found out the hard way after spending too much time with my first hippo, Raxi."
"I started weaning at four months... because he had cow's milk allergy."
"Close enough to touch... it's about a woman who is allergic to human skin. She can't touch people without gloves on."