
Untouched Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"This house is epic, everything is still inside untouched is more rare than any other house maybe around this area."
"We felt untouched and unburdened."
"Untouched from the four-yard line."
"They were very happy to be able to reach a place that had never been touched by anyone."
"What I like about Holkham is that much of it remains untouched."
"What a place this is, absolutely everything's left behind, everything's in place, it's completely untouched."
"The charm about this is an absolutely original untouched condition."
"To this day, the scenery remains largely unscathed."
"It's so preserved. I've never seen any place so untouched."
"Everywhere you look, there's spectacular scenery and no sign that anyone has ever been here."
"Some mysteries are better left untouched."
"Apparently, nothing has been disturbed in this place."
"I wish stuff had never been touched by certain people, you know?"
"It's like untouched snow, that's my fear. And yes, I'd touch snow, the undriven snow. Hmm, seductive."
"But there is something that's underneath all of that, that's still not touched!"
"Nature still remains mostly untouched by humans."
"It was untouched, or so we thought."
"It was just completely untouched, and I was like, 'Wow, holy [__].'."
"It was beautiful, like the war hadn't even touched this place yet."
"Estonia has more than 2,000 Islands, most untouched by human civilization."
"Untouched nature, this is some really untouched nature here, wow."
"Change is absolutely essential because it is the true order of things. You are forever untouched and unchanged."
"This is one of the most untouched houses from this time period that I've ever been in."
"Once touched by man but untouched since, Cataloochee Valley preserves an intimate beauty."
"She touched something in him... something he was determined would remain untouched."
"It had a sort of an untouched feeling to it and the people there are very nice."
"This landscape is so pristine and it is the one place on the planet where man really hasn't screwed it up yet."
"It's really great to get outdoors and just see things that look very untouched."
"Thou still unravished bride of quietness."
"It was just as I left it when I was a kid, there was even the old floorboards left in the corner, untouched for many years."
"No matter how much heartbreak you have experienced in your lifetime, there will always remain a place in your heart that will be unhurt or unstruck."
"Once you leave Cox Bazar, this bit is like paradise, it's so quiet, untouched."
"Everything's still left inside, and I know you guys will love it a lot."
"It really does have a feeling of being untouched."
"What an absolutely beautiful piece of machinery, and probably more beautiful that it's here, it's never been touched."
"For untold millennia, the River Kingdoms were mostly untouched by the powers of the ancient world."
"The primordial purity of the mind means that it's never touched or contaminated or marked in any way."
"In a world largely untouched by modern civilization, lies a realm of untamed beauty."
"The Kalalau Trail makes you go through some of the most dramatic and untouched landscapes in the Hawaiian islands."
"There is something sacred, untouched by man."
"Unlike its rockstar neighborhood Tuscany, Umbria still maintains a wild, untouched feel."
"Untouched Paradise, undeveloped Paradise, also not many places like this left, but they are here."
"The gods of Winterfell kept a different sort of wood; it was a dark, primal place, three acres of old forest untouched for ten thousand years."
"I made two acres of the property an area that I will not touch; it'll be left as forest."
"We're still a virgin island; we haven't been discovered by everyone in the world."
"It was the first Pharaoh's tomb that hadn't been looted at some point throughout history."
"The things that are more valuable are the ones that haven't been played with."
"The untouched beauty of this place is amazing."
"It feels a little bit like a part of Italy that the world's left behind."
"Definitely have to come back, there are so many things here that are left untouched by us."
"Once that has been unpacked, there's this movement into clarity that has not been touched before."
"The braids of her dark hair were touched by no frost, her white arms and clear face were flawless and smooth, and the light of the stars was in her bright eyes, gray as a cloudless night."
"The proud lions have not trodden it, nor has the fierce lion passed over it."
"Everlasting joy shall be untouched."
"This place is virtually undisturbed, no forced entry, no sign of a struggle."
"The light inside of you wants more, even though fire hasn't touched it."
"It was clear that nobody had ever entered this chamber since the pyramid was built."
"It's brand new, no one has ever lived here."
"It's like nobody constructed anything here in thousands of years, and it's just so beautiful."
"This tree I have kept almost in its complete state; that means I haven't pruned many branches."
"It's pristine and it's untouched."
"It's one of the last places on the planet that we can explore yet that haven't been touched."
"I feel so untouched and I want you so much."
"The coast looks like it's been that way for about a thousand years: untouched, pristine, and beautiful."
"We trek through this primeval land that's remained the same, untouched by the passing ages - a past that lives in the present."
"The discovery of a tomb chamber that had never been touched, that had never been robbed out in antiquity."
"It's very unspoiled, very picturesque."
"He's so beautiful, look at how he's so untouched; there's no scarring, his coat is so unmarked, it's unscathed."
"The land and the waterways of this region have remained unspoiled by man."