
Postponement Quotes

There are 101 quotes

"Congratulations, mankind is postponed bombing itself into the ground."
"This challenge will happen to postpone for another day, a day where I'm not this lucky."
"It's gonna be one of those things. It's gonna take a long time, okay? So I'm not gonna do it right now."
"Why don't we take a rain check... make it up to you by getting the first round in?"
"Not in the short term... kick into long grass for many many many years."
"The Fed can postpone insolvency, but it won't arrest it."
"The people who say I will suffer now so I can be happy later tend to keep pushing that definition of later farther and farther into the future until they sort of forget about it altogether."
"Maybe if we keep delaying Judgment Day, we'll always have a non-apocalyptic present."
"We just had to postpone the wedding for a bit, so like a week or a month or 10 years."
"I'm not putting anything in there for a long, long time."
"Desires being put on hold are not desires being put away..."
"Set aside your concerns for now. You can make a decision later."
"I do not, not right now. I'll think of something later though."
"But if you want to talk about it, we can talk about it later."
"I love doing more with you, but that will have to wait till tomorrow."
"Just have to let it be and come back to it another day."
"I guess I'll just, at the cost of me, I guess I'll just keep myself down for the next 20, 30 years."
"Plenty of work still to be done but those are jobs for another day."
"Let's put off raising money and just do experiments."
"If you can't make a decision, you can vote to postpone the motion."
"You can vote to table the motion until the urgent situation is taken care of."
"I'm just gonna have to call it off and do it another time to celebrate."
"Postponing worry is effective because it breaks the habit of dwelling on worries in the present moment."
"We're not using this no time soon, but I just need to go ahead and get that out of the way."
"You cannot appropriate what you postponed. Religion postpones the kingdom."
"I'm making no ruling on any of that. We'll reconvene on October 31st."
"I think I'm going to leave this alone for now because I do kind of want to do that."
"Let's just save it, let's do another year."
"I couldn't agree more. We should postpone the conference."
"Sorry, buddy, we don't play with you until probably the next sorry all the row after."
"A rain check just means to do something later."
"The release of the latest WWE Icons documentary has been now postponed, PW Insider reported that WWE delayed the premiere so the documentary could have a stronger lead in."
"But nonetheless, we'll return this later."
"...so for now I will get in a minute."
"At this point, we put the master bathroom on hold."
"I can answer them now if you'd like... I think I'll wait until tomorrow. It's just that I don't trust you anymore."
"It has troubled our national conscience but only as a problem unpleasant to mention, easy to postpone, and despairing of solution."
"I had saved a large sum of money for a new car but decided the car could wait."
"We can sort all this out another day. I'm scared. Let's go."
"What a tragedy to defer the rich life until some mythical day."
"We've been engaged for three years, and we've postponed the wedding three times."
"I can't go tonight, but let me take a rain cheque", which means: "I can't do it tonight, but later on I definitely want to get together and we'll do this."
"The King has been advised by doctors to postpone public facing duties."
"When somebody takes a rain check, it's to indicate that that person cannot accept the invitation right now, but they'd be happy to turn up in the future."
"After all, you are breaking our date. Not breaking, postponing."
"We appreciate the Bucharest court of appeals' decision to postpone the extradition."
"One of my favorite jokes was from Kim Possible: 'Procrastination for crafting, there's Club postponed till tomorrow.'"
"Horses will always come first, and there'll always be another day to jump."
"It is what it is, that's for another day."
"Sometimes it's awesome to have a little bowl just to throw random stuff in so you don't have to worry about it until later."
"We have made the difficult decision to postpone our wedding by about a year."
"You won't believe what happened: a wall of water swept across this racetrack, just a deluge postponing the Daytona 500."
"Holyfield now in the wake of the Tyson postponement."
"There are biological processes that can postpone all the different aspects of aging."
"I think so," Emily assured him, "but we can worry about that tomorrow."
"Let's sleep now; we'll discuss it tomorrow, it's already too late."
"I would cry a river for him, but later."
"I'm really sorry, I'll speak to you later."
"It's a really strange 72 hours. We've gone from the Olympics definitely being on this summer to now the Olympics happening in 2021."
"In the middle of a war in which our future together was so unsure, Annalisa and I agreed that we should delay our marriage until peace was achieved."
"We had to postpone our wedding... but June 13th will now forever be special."
"The Pentagon has postponed its missile interception test because of bad weather."
"Let's put a pin in this and come back."
"Heaven sounds great, but it can wait."
"There's no escaping your fate, friends. The best you can do is postpone it a little."
"We learned a lesson from that and that's one of the reasons why we decided to put it off a year."
"We have postponed it to a later date that I'm sure will be announced by the end of the day."
"We will revisit this conversation at a later point."
"I have listened to everyone, and I am making the decision to pause the show's premiere until the strike is over."
"Can we argue about it later?" His lips were just a breath from hers when he smiled.
"Christmas is not canceled, it's postponed."
"I decided to go to bed, hit the hay, deal with that in the morning."
"For once, the anniversaries, birthdays, and family reunions of the rich and famous could simply wait."
"We'll talk about this more tomorrow, I have to go."
"You know you're a bad [__] when all the great whites are like the show has been postponed."
"The Austin Pride Festival that we've been hyping for so long was postponed due to severe weather."
"Don't be sad, Frankenstein, we'll have a challenge some other time."