
Athena Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Percy realizes it was Athena, trying to help him save her daughter."
"Athena proved to be a brave pure just and wise goddess she was considered the favorite daughter of Zeus."
"Athena is able to offer readers a different take on a female warrior with a title that not only develops the character for the future but also celebrates her past with fantastic artwork at a respectable hero."
"Athena emerges out of a headache born into the world, straight from the mind of God as the harmonized fusion between the spirit and consciousness of Zeus and the wisdom of Metis."
"Athena's sacred bird is the owl, and this is indeed the reason why, in culture today, we still view the owl as being a bird representing wisdom."
"Athena as War goddess was superior to Aries, God of War, due to her wisdom representing the much more intellectual and civilized side of battle."
"Athena straight up just whoops Aries' ass using her agus, a powerful Shield not even Zeus's thunder and lightning can Pierce."
"It's called Parthenon, dedicated to the Greek goddess Athena."
"Athena is understanding, all thought, the very mind of God."
"Athena emerged fully grown and fully armoured from Zeus's skull."
"Athena... carries her owl as a symbol of good fortune."
"Athena was declared the winner, she became the patron goddess of Cecropia."
"Athena was held in very high regard by the majority of Greece."
"Athena, she's what one might call a boss in spades."
"What is Athena's favorite animal?"
"Athena had a cool, prudent courage that aided her in various undertakings."
"Athena famously was born from her father's head, Zeus, not born as we say through the usual channels, and she was always represented in full male armor."
"The real warrior goddess was of course not Aphrodite but Athena."
"The Athenians have dedicated this to Athena, having taken it from the Spartans whom they defeated."
"We are following a very strong main character, Lore, and also the goddess Athena herself."
"She was seen as Athena incarnate and a savior."
"I am proud of my daughter as well," Athena said.
"Athena embodies a unique blend of War prowess, sharp wisdom, and craftsmanship."