
Instant Connection Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"It's like you meet someone or see someone and know right then and there that's my person, kind of a love at first sight vibe for some of you."
"Your soul mates or twin flames, there's going to be this instant recognition between you both."
"This book was love at first sight because I had that image and then suddenly, I knew everything instantly."
"Within an instant of being given the child to hold for the first time, you automatically know that you would gladly, willingly, and happily give your life for that child. It's almost instinctual."
"The moment my eyes connected with hers, it was as if I knew her my entire life."
"I love her already, you can't not love Yuffie."
"As soon as you meet this person, it's a lightning bolt moment."
"The doctor handed the baby I absolutely one trillion percent fell in love."
"Strangers to feel like lifelong friends in an hour."
"When you meet somebody, it either works or it doesn't, and for us it worked like that."
"I fell in love with her in two minutes, and she with me."
"When you meet this person, it's going to be instant attraction."
"For those with BPD, it's common for them to feel an instant connection to someone else and for that connection to turn to a sense of intense emotional need. Right, that initial spark and they're like, 'Oh forest fire, forest fire, forest fire.'"
"They felt this connection with you immediately... it happened instantly."
"I love you even if we've only just met."
"He mesmerized me. I fell in love instantly."
"Han Solo's redemption worked... and I love him instantly."
"I instantly loved it, instantly knew that it was the house for us."
"Instant connection it's what's going to make you guys like literally be like never mind like to whoever you're talking to instant dude instant sixth house Virgo energy."
"Victoria writes in her journal about how she instantly fell in love."
"Falling off straight away was a love from the first side. I never believed it."
"I just love this boy to bits. It was like instantly when you see Kissa you smile, and that is what you've just done to me."
"It's when you meet them that you just feel like you've known them forever."
"You meet somebody and when you meet them you just feel like you've known them forever."
"I feel like I've only known you for five minutes but I also feel like I've known you for like 50 years."
"...I fell in love with the album right away..."
"I definitely knew there was an instant something when we first met each other."
"Dating apps have become this generation's answer to Modern Love, offering millions of people instant connections and removing all those typical first date jitters with virtual blind dating."
"Love at first sight or you knew there was something very different about this energy."
"They hit it off instantly and have a lot in common."
"We just met today, but we already got good vibes."
"The only thing I was able to love easier and more instantly than football was my children."
"You've never met these people before in your life, but yet you become instantly close."
"I think I fell in love with you the first second I laid eyes on you."
"Your best friends instantly, even if you don't realize it yet."
"For him, it was love at first sight."
"I instantly fell in love with this place."
"I played it and I fell in love with it right away!"
"It was just an instant friendship, it was kismet."
"It was just love at first sight, absolutely."
"We fell for each other straight away."
"Instant love couldn't wait to get her home and get to know her."
"I fell in love at first sight when I met you."
"I fell in love with you instantly."
"All of a sudden something just clicked and we instantly both knew we needed to be a couple."
"It was literally love at first touch."
"This is going to be a person where you feel like, 'Wow, this is true love,' or 'love at first sight,' or you instantly fall in love with this person."
"It was the kind of friendship where it's instant, and you tell each other everything."
"How cool is it to meet someone for the first time and then just have a chemistry and a working chemistry that works so well?"
"I instantly love Jamie, he's strictly positive."
"I love that rare thing that only happens a handful of times where when you meet someone, you just click instantly."
"Love at first sight, it's the only real way."
"It's always a good feeling when it happens quickly, when you read a script for the first time and you cannot put it away but you have to read it through in one go."
"This time it only took an instant to fall into each other's embrace."
"Do you ever just pick up a book, start reading it, and instantly know that you're going to love it?"
"You ever see a character that you just instantly love?"
"It was love at first sight, I tell you."
"I know we just met, but I feel like we are soul mates."
"Teddy and Veronica were the classic story of love at first sight."
"When you feel a connection with somebody right off the bat, you know it's there."
"I'm talking about a few yards, and I instantly could already tell I was going to love it."
"It's one of those things that the minute you see it, you instantly know that it's suitable."
"Whoever loved that loved not at first sight?"
"I fell in love with the three of you almost from the first glance, and it hurts."
"I instantly fell in love with all of them."
"We instantly felt love like we never experienced before."
"Olivia Coleman has one of those faces you just trust instantly."
"We fell in love with it straight away."
"You ever just find love at first sight? That's really just how it was."
"It happened when you least expected, and we hit it off instantly."
"Love at first sight, it definitely was love at first sight."
"It was wonderful. I've never experienced anything like it, and the bond was still there; it was just instant, really."
"I do think sometimes you meet people and you just click."
"We just met each other and we're like family, it's crazy."
"Allow the passion to guide you, the chemistry is natural, you will feel it almost instantaneously."
"It's like a laser beam, as soon as you saw this person, it was literally boom, this is the one, I just know."
"Love at first sight, just like the hero and heroine in the film."
"It's instant attraction; it's almost as if the first time you guys meet, see each other, you're going to know your souls are well aware of the contract between the two of you."
"It's instant love, instant connection."
"As soon as I saw it, I just loved it."
"You feel like they're your soulmate right away, they feel the same."
"You instantly know you have chemistry and you can do something really special."
"Some people don't believe in love at first sight, but this person believes in it."
"I think it's kind of like a love at first sight kind of moment."
"I kind of know right away when I love something."
"Finding fragrance is kind of like finding your true love, it's like that love at first sight."