
Footwork Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"Leon has this tricks that he uses with his footwork that allow him to land strikes in good positions."
"He creates post-up real estate for the defender too, spins, establishes that pivot foot."
"His cage awareness is one of the best things about him. He's got intelligent pressure, a lot of good footwork, a lot of good entries."
"He starts to kind of get off rhythm and his footwork gets messed up."
"What just great boxing and footwork from Britney cloudy, kept composure, kept, you know, didn't get greedy, didn't try to look for too much."
"Petrosian is just a masterful defensive fighter in kickboxing. Not very effective on offense, but he demonstrates how good footwork can really stifle the game of another boxer."
"Slide those feet around parallel to your opponent. Never cross one over the other. If you don't cross them, they won't cross you."
"Do your best to prevent being out of position on your third shot by focusing on having good footwork."
"Cunningham showed the advantage of active footwork combined with explosive strikes."
"Indians not afraid to use their feet and give the spin on the charge."
"running without footwork can be painful at first but pain is a very swift teacher."
"Running on the balls of your feet is what you're supposed to do."
"I like to see good footwork to get you out of trouble."
"I know a lot of these guys can make these throws off platform without their feet, but the more you play without your feet, your feet not set, the more you're going to miss, no matter how talented you are."
"I like it the ability to pump quick reset right when he resets and sets his feet."
"For that kind of more floating footwork and if you're trying to get your body contorted around the hoop or just kind of get out of someone's way or get out of your own way I think that's where these shine the most."
"Your footwork is always important and that's because it's going to allow you to move more freely."
"A split release is exactly how it sounds, you are literally going to be splitting your feet."
"Our job is here to repeat. First, shooting starts from footwork."
"Heeseung's footwork is just so impressive!"
"Refining his footwork, he regained a measure of his old agility and was capable of sudden bursts of great speed and could cover ground quickly with solid power leaps."
"He's an expert at slipping punches using head movement and brilliant footwork."
"Knowing how to move your feet is going to help you with your dribbling further down the line."
"To go full sprint, run around the backhand, pull it inside in, the footwork has to be remarkable."
"Footwork can be a little intimidating for a lot of people, but I guarantee by the end of this video, even a four-year-old can do this."
"Footwork is how you're going to use your body to get out to the ball the most efficiently, taking the right steps and making sure you're taking those steps that allow you to use your body and maximize your body."
"Footwork can really increase your amount of consistency and while you see a lot of times the best players have great footwork."
"Remember all the footwork that we do here is helping to strengthen your ankles, your knees, and your hips."
"His handles and isolation footwork are almost as good as you can ask for."
"That's lovely use of the feet from Laxman."
"Players love the challenge in this drill, and we are also reinforcing the players moving their feet toward the direction of where the ball is going."
"If you work on these footwork patterns, this game and dinking in general will become a lot easier and you're going to have more confidence in your shots."
"Break dancer Erbach, the break dancer, showing his footwork not just with his punches but with his dancing."
"We want the feet to move as tight as they can, as fast as they can, and as quick as they can."
"It's improvisational, it's like jazz, but it's all set up by his feet."
"Pointe work is not just about all this stuff, it's about how we shape the foot in the shoe."
"The footwork in this song is so cool."
"He was able to just sneak past defenders just because he was so elite with his different footwork options."
"Being able to finish in the paint, you got to have big man footwork, you got to have guard soft touch."
"Footwork is important because it allows us to get to the ball to hit the ball."
"Your feet are the most important thing in boxing because without these guys right here, you can't throw these guys right here."
"So a great drill there just for working that inside range, getting out with the feet, counter punching, and getting out with the feet."
"All right, so there you have it guys, just a few drills you can use on the Webby, like I said, this is probably my favorite tool on the market right now for developing your boxing footwork."
"Three ways we can defend punches: using footwork, using your gloves to block the punches, using your head movement to avoid those punches."
"The first way we can defend boxing punches, in my opinion, it's the best way to defend boxing punches, is footwork."
"Always my personal preference for defense is footwork; it's always the most effective."
"The dream shake was all about footwork and instinct."
"Every single good volleyer has fantastic footwork because a volley is all about using your legs to generate power."
"Kane's footwork is just phenomenal."
"Rarely before seen in the ring, exemplified in dazzling footwork, impeccable defense, and fluent combination punching."
"Look at the little steps she takes as she is about to hit the ball, and she's not taking big long, she's taking little tiny steps and hitting just quality shots every time."
"You've got to spend the time off the court and working on the footwork and working on all these individual parts."
"Pacquiao's footwork was some of the best footwork we've ever seen."
"The footwork is so amazing for strengthening the muscles into your feet and through the toes."
"We're playing soccer now, soccer toe taps."
"Hopefully now you guys can see how getting that good footwork is going to get you where you want to go sooner, get the information to your dog sooner, you're going to get tighter turns, fewer off courses, less confusion."
"You need to make sure you've got that wide stable base and you're landing on the balls of your feet."
"Always go out there with a focus, whether it the contact point, your footwork."
"Tennis is a game of footwork, and the more efficient you are getting around the ball, the better chance you have at firing off that winner."
"The only way to deal with time pressure is by having better footwork."