
Watering Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"If you notice they're starting to decline that means that they're probably not getting enough light and probably getting over watered."
"Sometimes it takes a long time to focus on things, plus my lens looks perma dirty all the time."
"It has made watering in here just a breeze."
"Consistent deep watering is the key."
"...you do want to generally go between dry and moist."
"Most problems in the garden can be traced back to incorrect watering either too much water or not enough."
"Plants that are only watered once a week are ideal."
"When it comes to watering shade usually means you don't need to water very often these plants aren't taking up as much water as your sun varieties."
"The trick is to water them perhaps once a week, really well, so the soil gets very wet underneath the root ball, and then the roots will go down."
"The fatal thing for new planting is to just water on the surface a little bit - you know, stand there and water for five minutes."
"You just don't want to water that much."
"Ultimately, how often you need to water is really not the right question to ask, it's rather when you should be watering."
"...it's really the pot and the potting medium that you use that makes the frequency and the volume of water a problem."
"Figs need a lot of water per five gallons of soil."
"If you put it in from bottom watering or you water from the top, at the end if you lift two fully saturated samples of soil, given that the same volume, they're going to be the same saturation volume."
"So when I'm watering, the first thing I'll do is I'll-- I'm going to spray a fine mist on the surface of that soil pot to make sure that the local vicinity of that seed is getting wet."
"...the main watering mistake that you can make is continuing to water from overhead after that initial watering where we just did it to get rid of the air pockets."
"It's so worth it to not have to deal with overwatering your plants."
"Realistically, you probably have time to do all of your watering once or twice a week."
"I would rather under water and it look a little shriveled and then I water it and it comes back then over water at once and then it's dead and rotting and I can't bring it back."
"...if anything else is out of whack like if they don't have the correct soil the correct watering if their leaves get covered in dust I mean you name it I could go on and on they're more susceptible to pests because cause they won't be as healthy."
"...these succulents sitting in these really big pots means that their soil kinda all around their roots and then what happens is that soil when we water it becomes really saturated and there's nowhere for that moisture to go."
"...these succulents need water this is a mistake that I've made myself I'm like so afraid of over watering my plant that I give it the well-draining soil I have it in the correct pot and then my plant is like thirsting for water."
"...bottom watering is super simple you just put some water in a little vessel and then put your succulent into the vessel allow it to soak up moisture and then when you've noticed that it's not really absorbing any more water at that point you know you just take it out."
"You're not trying to water Roots, you're just trying to keep that seed wet."
"Sunset early evening watering is probably the most important."
"You have to top water these. I know a lot of people say no, you just water it to the pond. If you top water, you're going to get blight, early blight, and late blight."
"When you do water your plant, make sure you're watering it when it's actually ready for a drink."
"Underwatering is always better than overwatering."
"Water it until you can see water pouring out of the drainage holes."
"If you're in any doubt, start with a little bit less and gradually build it up over time."
"We always suggest that you actually water very, very early in the morning."
"The calathea wants to have access to water all the time, but it should never stand in water."
"The main thing you need to watch out for is not to overwater your plants."
"Having your soil dry out in between waterings is a good thing."
"You must have water dripping on these figs at least twice a day, 20 minutes. It requires a lot of water, but the figs do well like that."
"The most important thing to remember with these ones is that they like their soil to almost completely dry out before you water them again."
"The reason these plants are so low maintenance is because once you've found the right spot for them and they're happy there, then you can often go weeks on end without watering them."
"Water less frequently, but deeper when you do."
"Because you've taken most of the leaves off, this plant won't be needing anywhere near as much water as it did before."
"It's impossible to overwater plants with the new grow plug media."
"You should always water your tree in, even if the soil is moist."
"Give it a good water, just up your spray and give it a really good wash to the tree and then down to the soil."
"Adjust your environment, that you can control, in order to give this plant what it wants: a lot of bright light, allow that soil to dry out completely, and water thoroughly."
"Deep watering does not mean drip emitters; it means letting the water slowly trickle out for over the course of a long period of time."
"Even if this is filled with water because of rain, I won't water it."
"I've got my hose, I'm going to water it in from the top and then fill up my water tubes."
"Tomatoes benefit a lot more from a deep, inconsistent watering, than a little bit of water every single day."
"The leaves, nice and cupped upwards. If I press down on them and mess around with them, they flip right back to their normal shape. It's well-watered, it doesn't have any water stress at all."
"Watering is the most important part of having a garden."
"Jade plants rarely die because of lack of water, so less is better."
"When it comes to watering, if you find that the plant is quickly drying out and you are having to water it more frequently, it may be a sign that it needs to be repotted."
"The yellowing of leaves... is because the water is flushing out the nutrients that's in the soil mix."
"I hope this helps clarify why it's so important to be more observant when it comes to watering and the frequency of watering your plants."
"Overwatering is often just as harmful, if not more harmful, than underwatering."
"Bottom watering is very good for saturating and deeply watering plants to the fullest of the soil's moisture holding capacity."
"After lighting and humidity, watering is definitely the next most important thing about looking after Calatheas."
"They do need bright indirect lights and they like to dry out."
"It makes a good house plant if you don't water it too much and you give it plenty of sunlight."
"I recommend waiting for the soil to dry out completely before watering again."
"They're like regular plants; they're gonna need their water, but the way that they get it is that they'll send their roots down deeper."
"Underwatering is better than overwatering with these plants."
"Water only when the soil is completely dry through."
"Splash of water, let it run through nice and clean all the way through the soil we've just put in."
"You want to water your vandas when they turn back to white."
"Water, water, water. Water is very important, especially for a young garden."
"Your soil is full of life, and if you want to keep it that way, you need to give it some water."
"It's really relaxing if I just wake up, make my tea, and then go around and water my moss poles."
"A mister is really nice because it just sort of mists water droplets all over."
"Water as early as you can in the morning... try not to get the leaves wet."
"I'm going to keep the pot tilted, as these trees get more of a root system, they'll use the water in the pot every day for sure."