
Suffocation Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"Freedom is like air; only when suffocated do people realize its preciousness and cherish it."
"This poor young lady died a horrific death. Imagine being slammed like that and not being able to breathe, but yet you're dying and you can't speak or tell anybody. That is horrific."
"Radical honesty: to believe in the facade is to suffocate."
"The medical examiner found that Lisa's air supply was cut off very, very slowly, like something was gradually pushing down harder and harder on her neck."
"Some of you are realizing that success can be suffocating."
"I would start waking up in the morning or from naps gasping for air and feeling like I had been strangled."
"The heaviness in the air was suffocating."
"It's like a birdcage; it's so suffocating, I just want to get out."
"They found no drugs in her system that would cause a death, but she was suffocated."
"Her living room is the same suffocation blue was the rest of her every surface piled high with her own discarded bloody skin and she has no terror deeper than the thought she might be discovered."
"If you don't like it you can change it if you don't like the feeling of suffocation or debt and you want that freedom you can get there."
"When Zaheer used air bending to remove the air from her lungs, suffocating her to death."
"I guess it's cuz you suffocate me."
"I feel like one of millions of women... suffocating beneath social pressures."
"But I think now after my conversations with Mike I got like, oh God, like I felt it literally felt like I was suffocating."
"Fear sits on your chest and refuses to let you breathe easily."
"The intensity of the darkness seemed to oppress and stifle me."
"The darkness is alive, it penetrates you. You can't talk, it's like you're... you can't you can't suck in air, it's suffocating."
"Women need to feel free in a relationship. If they feel smothered, they'll pull away."
"Suffocation a tried and tested method for taking the life of your enemies it would seem to be an effective way to conceal a murder if indeed a murder did actually take place at all."
"Everybody wants what they can't have but it isn't just sex for these characters, it's about escape from the norm, the mundane, the facade. All these characters feel suffocated by their bland and phony suburban lives."
"It feels suffocating. It can affect our sense of self. It can affect our relationships."
"Suffocating makes your life feel pressured makes small things seem huge think about when the snake wraps around you that's pressure."
"Someone is suffocating in a toxic connection."
"If you're in a group and you feel like you have no space and you're being suffocated and there's no area of your life that is just for you, there may be a serious problem."
"She feels suffocated by the expectations placed upon her by her parents who dream of her achieving academic success and settling down in a respectable marriage."
"As much as I love my wife, she could be a little smothering at times."
"To not pray is personal and cultural suffocation."
"I'm out of breath dude, I was suffocating in the [__]."
"Just like a fire, if there's not enough oxygen, even if there's a flame, it will slowly suffocate."
"It was like we're all gasping for air."
"It's like you're suffocating them with your love, you're doing too much because you're scared of losing the person."
"It's hard to put into words, it feels suffocating. It's not all I think about, but uh, it's suffocating."
"eventually we would pretty much suffocate all Society because of the decrease in air quality"
"Such a fearsome display of Sword intent made all the star martialist present feel suffocated."
"... it's sort of like sucking the oxygen out of the room and then before you know it you're suffocating."
"The sense of suffocation is always there, always disturbing."
"It's such a suffocating and anxious feeling."
"The smothering thing was never an issue. It was just never enough."
"But then it stopped, and I... I can't breathe."
"Communication is like breathing, silence is equivalent to suffocation."
"I felt suffocated by the tense air."
"it wouldn't move I was it was literally strangling me to death"
"The air grew thick with a sense of malevolence, and I could feel the creature's presence suffocating me."
"Love is like a huffing pain, I love her the more I suffer, I suffocate."
"This is what it feels like to suffocate."
"Sometimes when we love people, we hold on to them so tightly that we suffocate them."
"I was running out of air and I could no longer breathe."
"In other words, it's going to essentially replace the oxygen in that room or lower the oxygen percentage in that room where there is a potential to suffocate, believe it or not."
"For a few seconds, it felt like all the oxygen had been sucked from the area."
"The fog seemed to mock me, thickening with every stride, suffocating the very air that I struggled to breathe."
"When you feel suffocated, you need to breathe."
"Roots get suffocated, it causes damage, and now they are more susceptible to the pathogens that actually cause the rot."
"When you belong, you get enriched; when you fit in, you get suffocated."
"I lived only half a life for the last decade, slowly suffocating under the heavy pungent cloak of guilt."
"I'm so drunk off tragic endings, I'm dying to breathe and all you do is strangle me."
"I need my space; I feel like I'm being suffocated."
"A girl who always did what was prescribed, now, she’s starting to feel suffocated."
"Carbon monoxide is so poisonous to you because it binds and displaces oxygen or replaces oxygen so that we have less oxygen-carrying capacity. You suffocate."
"Loving someone in this way will suffocate them."