
Countryside Quotes

There are 353 quotes

"William was at his happiest in the countryside."
"The countryside has always provided a rich tapestry of inspiration."
"It's just great to be in the countryside where it's peaceful and relaxing and some amazing village food coming up."
"Number three is the opportunity to leave your troubles behind you, kind of the therapeutic benefits of riding in the countryside alone, but connected."
"We're gonna take them out to the country and have some fun with them."
"People are more relaxed and it's like they're enjoying life a lot more... That's one of the main reasons that I enjoy the countryside so much."
"She loved trips out of town to the countryside."
"It's really good if you're in Japan, come out here, come to the countryside."
"This is a dream. I love living out here in the farm, like I love living in the province."
"It's not the best combination for city driving, but get the right country road, this thing is fantastic fun."
"For this occasion, I'm envisioning a wedding in the countryside during the day."
"It's a great way to see the countryside which is absolutely beautiful."
"This village is strikingly beautiful, full of quaint European homes and rolling green hills with vineyards as far as the eye can see."
"Few things exemplify Country Life in England more than the simple Cottage in its Garden."
"A real glimpse into the quintessential English countryside."
"A great way to experience that is to rent a house in the country."
"We're going to be staying in this huge countryside mansion."
"Living in such an amazing city like London, we wanted our weekends to feel a little bit like the English countryside."
"When I first dreamed of visiting Italy, a longing stirred in my soul to ride an iconic Vespa through the rolling Countryside."
"My dream home would probably look like a cottage in the English Countryside but like in the US."
"Most of all beautiful countryside. When the colours change in full, the town looks like a postcard."
"To commemorate Her Majesty's relationship to the countryside in a series of three special programs, Countryfile was given unprecedented access to the Queen's Country Estates."
"I would describe the queen as the country woman at heart and if she hadn't been the queen she would have been a country woman with horses and dogs."
"Here she could enjoy two of her greatest loves, precious time with her family and the freedom of the beautiful Great British Countryside."
"The beautiful countryside of Taiwan has been an absolute pleasure to experience for the very first time."
"What's your favorite thing about the countryside?"
"This is what the buggy is meant for, isn't it? This countryside shenanigans."
"Have you ever wished that you could go to the country with the wind blowing in your face on a beautiful motorcycle?"
"I've always said I want to live in the country."
"It's good to know you can sing well take a quiet drive through the countryside in a land where Englishman's home is his castle who do you still find the odd that's true."
"I've always wanted to live in the countryside. If it's okay with you, I'd love to."
"Classic English countryside, I'm pretty excited for this."
"It's beautiful just walking through the English countryside."
"I love a cityscape as much as I love a Countryside sort of beachy."
"...I hope sometime soon I will actually summon the effort to get out into the countryside proper rather than just wandering around London pads."
"With its charming canals, idyllic countryside, and peaceful atmosphere, Hindorn is a perfect destination for those looking to escape the hustle and bustle of city life."
"Your reward might be a picture-perfect home just a stone's throw from some of the county's prettiest market towns."
"Amsterdam is not a big city, and just outside town is the wonderful Dutch countryside."
"They found a universe of inspiration in the countryside around them."
"...the views and the countryside... just so nice to get out of the big cities like Phnom Penh Siem Reap and see a little bit of the Cambodian Countryside..."
"It's Italian Countryside, so if you look at videos of Tuscany, it's similar to that."
"Country life is amazing. There are ups and downs, yes there is, but there is no way I would trade this to go back and live in the city, no way."
"Just look at that scenery, look at that Countryside."
"It's cute and funny how a lot of sheep hang out next to the road and they're not even fenced in."
"If you suffer like stress or anything, get out, get out in the countryside. I tell you, it does, it's true. Isn't it? That's like, it's good for you, it's natural medicine. Honestly, it cures you."
"In the gentle Embrace of the English Countryside, innocence and tragedy share a silent stage crafting a tale as the horror of war Finds Its voice in When the Wind Blows."
"I think it's just kind of the ultimate acre lifestyle."
"It's got just this wonderful open ranch country life and very different from New York City."
"In the first phases of lockdown, it was bliss because there was just nothing. All of the roads were had nothing on, and the sheep were chill."
"It's like we're riding horses in the countryside."
"110 miles of the Irish countryside has been good. The weather has been insanely good. Got very lucky with that."
"And this is the English countryside as it's most beautiful."
"But you know what I'm saying it's more level ground out in the country and stuff like that."
"Honestly, I would so recommend you have. I've not even got into the room yet and I'm already recommending this place because it's beautiful. If you're looking for a little staycation away, this is just absolute interior goals, countryside paradise, it's really wonderful."
"Driving this car on country roads is really a joy."
"When the day's work is done, the surrounding countryside so close at hand gives the people of Derry a great advantage over many in other towns and cities in the United Kingdom."
"I think country life really suits us both very well and I think it helps so much being able to step out the door and into nature. That's something I've found that if I ever feel anxious or stressed, it's been so nice to just walk out the door and go on a lovely walk."
"The countryside round here is absolutely stunning."
"...even if I didn't get the collection I was going to make sure that I breathed in some of that really nice country air and got to know Frank a little bit..."
"...living the dream a little bit and like you know kind of you know i've always wanted a place out in the countryside but the the realization is is that you know for our time of our lives it might not just be the right place for us right now."
"Rumors spread frighteningly fast in the countryside."
"There's something so liberating about this world of the countryside."
"A Countryside vibe that is only 30 kilometers to the city and the cherry on top"
"It's pretty crazy and you can do whatever you want basically pretty good life you know you don't have to boy country little mutton you can go and keep one out of the paddock Eddy own paddock."
"Having the roof down and just being able to go along country lanes in the summer."
"Thankfully, the cows, the Scottish Highlands, with those lovely long coats, they found some in the back 40 for me there."
"The countryside around here is perfect for grouse."
"I wasn't super stoked because I wasn't ready to be back in a big city, but now that we've left and we're in the countryside, I'm realizing how much I missed Europe."
"Are you excited to actually get out of the city and see some of the countryside?"
"Isn't this just the glorious countryside. I absolutely love it up here. I really, really do."
"Welcome to the most beautiful countryside in Jamaica."
"A place in the country that's big enough for your own kids and a large group of extended family and friends is a dream for many."
"I just live in my little cottage in the countryside."
"If you love farms and Country fields and magnolia trees and horses then you would love to drive over."
"If one thing stands out, it's not necessarily working here in the 17th century, but working here in the countryside amongst nature."
"Escaped the hustle and bustle of city life and enjoy this charming countryside abode."
"Moving to the country can be the perfect solution."
"Driving in the middle of the night when the stars are bright."
"Yeah the countryside is so pretty with the wind blowing in your hair."
"I'm excited to see the countryside."
"It honestly feels so good to be back on the road again, back in the countryside."
"The countryside is the romance, if you see what I mean."
"You know, I moved like an hour away from Paris where it's kind of more chill and more country-like type of stuff."
"There are so many gorgeous countryside areas outside of Leeds. You can drive in less than an hour and be in the Yorkshire Dales."
"Amidst the rolling hills and the gentle whinnying of horses, they found their happy ending."
"I had persuaded Sherlock Holmes to take a brief holiday with me as we ran through the countryside."
"Living in the Cotswolds had been a dream since childhood."
"The Italian countryside just looks so dreamy and so picturesque and the weather looks absolutely phenomenal."
"There is an abiding love in the UK for the late countryside expert and TV presenter Jack Hargreaves."
"If people have found a new love for the countryside, they need to respect it."
"France is absolutely stunning, France is like the most beautiful part of countryside that Britain's got, but everywhere, do you know what I mean?"
"...really lovely and there's some nice ideas about what to cook and also just tales from the countryside really which I really enjoy."
"We're sort of lucky to have all this beautiful countryside around here."
"I have this really cute picture of him out in the Hayfield."
"Grab a pocket full of money, a camera, a big smile, go out to the countryside, check it all out. When you leave the countryside, you've got great memories in your camera, a bigger smile, and hopefully no money."
"How I love the English countryside. It's like a Jane Austin novel with less corsets and more..."
"I love riding around English Countryside like this."
"Check out that view as we leave Volterra. What stunning Countryside!"
"When driving through the countryside, the landscape appeared serene."
"Hospitality here and they are they aren't one family these are seven or eight different families they're all camping in the field over there amazing just look at it we're in the middle of the countryside it is beautiful."
"I would love to book a little cottage in Devon."
"It's a wonderful bike to ride in the countryside."
"It is so nice waking up in the middle of the countryside to the sounds of nature."
"It's been a joy to come back to the countryside, that nice peaceful job, yeah, it's lovely, it's like working with friends."
"We're just gonna have a few days of relaxation, countryside, just chilling, dog walks, maybe a pub lunch."
"Dorset's landscape is beautiful, rolling hills everywhere, that's what makes Dorset so fantastic."
"I just want to get back out to the country where everything feels calmer and less pushy."
"We're going out into the countryside, well, as countryside as Birmingham gets, for a meal with my family."
"It's so great to be back out in the countryside after spending about four months confined within the city."
"Give me a little home in the country."
"I'd love to settle down in the country sometimes."
"It's really nice being so peaceful in the countryside, just a nice break away from being home."
"We've decided up for a more peaceful existence out here in the countryside."
"The best thing about the broads is the countryside here in North Norfolk."
"I grew up out in the wooded country in Illinois on a short dead-end street."
"It's just so [expletive] gorgeous, you know, like country, yeah, English countryside here."
"We continue driving along the North Coast of Lan, which took us through the countryside, and the views only got better."
"Definitely not a bad place to wake up to, out in the countryside."
"We love the UK and its incredible countryside and want to explore more of it."
"Make time for the countryside, and the most popular countryside destinations in Italy, understandably so, are in Umbria and Tuscany."
"England is a relatively small place, lined with narrow lanes and dotted over with farm houses and small villages."
"They'll always remember this day in the countryside."
"I love the woods... I like more the countryside."
"So this has been a real treat to come out and have a poodle around the countryside in this little Terra."
"Nothing stays secret in this countryside, Sharp," the Colonel said happily.
"We literally have nothing else apart from the field at the back, which was a dream of mine."
"It's a beautiful autumn Sunday afternoon, and I'm gonna go for a walk in the countryside because I've got some thinking to do."
"I am so excited to be moving out to the country."
"It's a real joy to drive through the lanes."
"The majority of the Japanese people living in the countryside regions are probably the kindest people you'll ever come across."
"Life in the Japanese countryside may not turn out to be this peaceful utopia that will solve all of your life's problems."
"Countryside in Japan is more than safe for young women to live alone."
"I've enjoyed driving around the Welsh countryside."
"Gwendolyn Howard is a woman based in London, and she leaves her London life behind to move to a little cottage in the Sussex countryside."
"We're just on a little driving date out in the country on a Sunday afternoon."
"Surrounded by beautiful rolling countryside."
"Whenever I drive past a farm, I always make sure to plug my nose so I don't smell the cow poop."
"This is so wholesome, Peter Rabbit tales from the countryside."
"An ancient custom that allows anyone to wander an open countryside, whether the land is privately or publicly owned."
"Surrounded by the canals and fields, perfect for walks and bike rides in the Lancashire Countryside."
"You have all the beauty of basically going to the country areas, the joy that you get whenever visit your relatives in the country, but you also have a home that is modern."
"We absolutely love the countryside; we're out with the dogs every day."
"The dream had always been to retire to the countryside one day, a fantasy of bucolic bliss."
"The countryside is so vast, you can honestly drive around for hours."
"He looked past apple trees to a farmhouse, he heard a child laughing somewhere near."
"Niagara on the Lake is your best choice if you're looking for a country-like lifestyle that's not too far from city amenities."
"Welcome to Chartwell, nestling in the gently rolling hills of the Kent countryside."
"Move to the countryside, they said. It'll be nice and relaxing."
"I moved to the countryside of Sweden, discovered what it means to be free."
"Thanks for coming along, hope you enjoyed our little journey just driving around over the countryside visiting different locations."
"Going to the countryside will just give us exactly what we want; it's just a new adventure."
"I wanted to capture almost this like fairy tale countryside feeling."
"I hope you don't miss the countryside vlog too much. It will be back, I promise."
"I don't get to show you enough of the beautiful countryside in Perthshire, but I can give you a little sneaky peek."
"It's a place from which you look out across the hedgerows and to life beyond the urban sprawl; there's just nothing quite like it."
"During a full moon, you can actually hear its sinister howling coming from the nearby countryside out in the woods."
"I grew up in a town in the middle of nowhere, and I love the countryside myself, so for me, this is sort of like a staycation."
"Rewilding isn't just about the wild areas and reintroducing wild species; it's also about people in towns being able to walk into a vibrant countryside to be inspired."
"What a day it is here in the Kent countryside, in the United Kingdom, one of the classic old school race circuits."
"The trees and flowers of old England, the general countryside of Shropshire, but the greener sides an ancient ruggedness."
"You drive off the main road about two miles down a single country lane and you're just like in a different part of the world."
"I know what I'm doing benefits the countryside."
"These country roads in the countryside of Cambodia are so beautiful and so lush."
"We're both inspired by each other, so we moved to the country."
"The French countryside is very individual; it's what you think France is going to be like."
"I'm so lucky to live where I do, so well within easy reach of London, yet I've got all these bits of countryside and interesting things around."
"It's an absolute blast to ride on back roads, country lanes."
"From dreamworthy to swoon-worthy and even get your feet dirty on the farm vibes."
"He left his home town in the countryside not long ago to become an adventurer."
"Love with every bite, fun time here in the countryside."
"I'm close enough to the country that I'm like five, ten minutes away from being on nice curvy slow roads with grass fields on either side."
"I enjoy it a lot more when I'm out in the country just zipping along country roads going at whatever speed I feel like going."
"It's all what you want out of country life."
"Welcome to West Mand, one of the most beautiful countrysides in Jamaica."
"It is nice to be back, looking at all the rolling hills of the countryside and just decompressing."
"I'm in the middle of nowhere, pure countryside. I think that's what I needed."
"For some of the stuff I enjoyed the most is getting out to that countryside, you know it's close to home for me."
"Jamaica is so fresh, you don't even understand, look at the reflection, the best Countryside ever."
"I love escaping city life and living vicariously through all of you in the French countryside."
"The silent countryside appeared even more eerie as the shadows of twisted bare trees danced in the breeze."
"The entire county known as the South Hams is a scenic gateway for holidaymakers and homebuyers all looking for their slice of coast and countryside."
"I can't believe I am standing here and listening to the breezes and the cowbells in the distance."
"It's a place in the countryside where time seems to pass slowly."
"We are getting some great locations in the countryside now for our clients."
"I love it here so much, it's like really fresh air, I feel like I'm in the countryside."
"We're doing a solar install at this beautiful property in the British Countryside."
"This thing just vanishes in the countryside really, it's great."
"It's a smell of the countryside, isn't it? And as my dad used to say, 'Breathe in, lad, it's good for you!'"
"I am leaning more the older I get towards more cozy, kind of English countryside, more like traditional feeling rooms."
"Ask anyone in Britain what they aspire to, and nine times out of ten, they'll reply a place in the country."
"I'm really looking forward to learning how to tell those stories of my countryside life through photographs this year."
"Really blessed rolling hills of green on the outskirts of Wales."
"What a great time of the year to be out in the countryside."
"Starting with the life of the Cuban countryside, we will have the opportunity to make a fair comparison between the city lifestyle of Havana and the life that families who live far from the big city have."
"Life in the countryside here seems very interesting to me because of allowing oneself to plant some things, have some food, be self-sustaining in some way."
"I loved my childhood. I grew up in the country, a vibrant village with a lot of activity."
"So nice to be back in the countryside, people are friendly, coffee's cheap, really happy to be here."
"The festival itself is situated in Pilton, which is in the county of Somerset in the southwestern English Countryside."
"I love the countryside, I love being out here."
"The Glade smelt of fox, turf, and rabbit, the sweet musk that lingers in dry valleys where the dew is heavy and the water flows a few feet underground."