
Soil Science Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"New DNA extraction method allows genomes from soil."
"Engineers discovered a way to steer the tower while changing the soil composition beneath."
"Soil is capable of removing as much carbon dioxide as the entire global transportation sector is putting in."
"Regenerative agriculture looks at how soil functions and attempts to engage with the science behind it in a given context."
"Plants like corn and potatoes could grow in soils that were useless for Old World crops."
"Every farmer knows the composition of the soil of every field they own, what that value holds, and what it would be best suited for."
"I'm not supposed to use the word magic, but if there's a magical component of soil, to me, it's the soil organic matter."
"If people come from a traditional ag background, that's not the kind of person you're looking for. You need to look for somebody who's had a biological ecological training in soil microbes, watersheds, biological function."
"...applications of iron it seems when the plants have high or have adequate levels of iron in the reduced form reduced iron they become very resistant to slugs which I find pretty intriguing."
"Why would you call it dirt? Because if you've taken a soil science class, you've probably realized that the thing you are never ever ever supposed to call soil is dirt."
"Soil helps plants grow on Earth and in outer space."
"CEC stands for cation exchange capacity."
"Biochar has varying levels of surface area and varying levels of porosity, which actually has a huge effect on how it performs from a chemical level all the way to a physical level in the soil."
"I present to you the soil scientist's opinion on something that is essentially claimed to be a miracle product."
"We need a lot more understanding of what's going on in soil but we need to recognize the role that fungi play in carbon sequestration."
"They produce a unique sticky compound called glomalin, it's essentially like a super sticky super glue protein for the soil."
"We do not want to have soils which are completely aerobic... but what we do want is we want soils that can breathe very freely."
"It's the key to building soil aggregates, the key to nutrient cycling, the key to profitability."
"The basic understanding is that soil evolves over time from bacterial dominance to fungal dominance."
"The active organic matter provides food for the soil life; the stable organic matter tends to provide habitat."
"The forest soil holds water because of the carbon in it, and it also holds its nutrients."
"I bet he'd like us to call it 'humic hope'."
"Soil is a super organism; it's a whole constellation of life down there."
"What if a solution to climate change was found in the ground beneath our feet?"
"Understanding redox and managing redox is perhaps even more important than managing soil pH."
"A plant is the only thing that can build soil."
"Humic substances have an incredible capacity for homeostasis; they can increase the absorption of some nutrients and decrease the absorption of others."
"There's five different kinds of soil; if you were to pick up a handful of soil, there would be more microorganisms in that handful than there are people on the planet."
"Cation exchange capacity... is how good a particle or a substrate is at withholding and releasing nutrients."
"Soil science is so intriguing because there will never be a point where I come and say, 'Oh, I can't learn anymore.'"
"When we have plant species diversity, we will always see a greater diversity in soil microbial species."
"These ancient mound builders... were skilled engineers that understood the properties of the soils they were using."
"Root rot isn't actually your roots rotting right away; it's actually our bacterial colonies, fungal colonies dying off due to lack of oxygen in our soil pores."
"LECA is like a soil scientist's dream; it's like a literal brain treat."
"Soil is at the interface of four very important realms of the planet: the atmosphere, the lithosphere, the hydrosphere, and the biosphere."
"Ecosystems study... includes looking at soil components, the different types of soil, how you can measure the water holding capacity of different soils."
"Soils are not static, they're changing all the time."
"The fine textured soils act more like a sponge; they grab that water and they hold onto it."
"The mixture of the soil separates sand, silt, and clay is what we actually call soil texture."
"This hazardous soil condition is called liquefaction."
"We've come to understand that certain types of soils tend to behave in certain ways."
"Garden soil is not an inert growing medium; it is a collection of billions and trillions of microorganisms, bacteria, and fungi working in perfect harmony together to decompose organic matter and feed your plants."
"With a different soil chemistry, you get what you call more advanced endemism."
"The ability of a soil to retain water contributes of course to agricultural productivity."
"As long as that akadama is intact, I've got oxygen re-established, I've got the ability for water to move through that system, and now I'm going to be able to continue growing with health."
"Soils high in cation exchange capacity are high in clay or high in organic matter."
"Soil aggregates are groups of soil particles that bind to each other more strongly than to adjacent particles."
"Thank goodness for clay soils, because if it wasn't for clay soils, most of us geotechnical engineers would probably be out of a job."
"The hydraulic conductivity is the characteristic that actually describes how easily liquid moves through the soil."
"The only thing that differentiates soil from dirt is the presence of life."
"Transported soils are soils that have been moved away from their place of origin; they've gone out into the world and wanted to make their own way."
"It's a fascinating mixture of microbes and soil and everything that goes in it and how plants respond to each one."
"I became a soil scientist; it wrote me in."
"The humus is the true fertility of any soil."
"Atterberg limits are super useful for geotechnical engineers because they correlate very closely to useful engineering properties of the soil."
"Understanding what the plants need and how they get it from the soil and how much is available is really important."
"It takes a lot more sulfur to acidify soil than it does lime to un-acidify soil."
"The cation exchange capacity is an important characteristic of soils."
"The cation exchange capacity has been traditionally defined as the number of milli equivalents of exchangeable cations held by a hundred grams of soil."
"Chemical properties of soil are very important for plant nutrition."
"With its ability to sample soil without significantly disturbing its structure, Stuber marks a significant advance in soil research and analysis."
"There's bacteria in this soil; when you build the soil, when the soil is right, the right plants will grow."
"We're looking at the impact of soil type rotations and tillage practices on carbon and general soil resilience."