
Annotation Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"I think we should include it in our Bibles with footnotes and hopefully a careful and helpful explanation for why there is some question about it."
"How satisfying this book looks now that it's like fully annotated."
"Annotate on the screen... highlight, annotate, erase... save web note for future reference..."
"Annotation tools: writing and annotating directly on the chart."
"We need to annotate this with @RestController and define the request mapping."
"I love having an actual book in my hand, reading it, writing on it, taking notes on it, and coming back years later and looking at those notes."
"Annotating is one of my favorite ways to interact with a book, aside from just reading it."
"... annotating allows me to interact with the text and the characters just on a different level ..."
"I don't only annotate things I love in a book, but I will also tab the things that I don't particularly agree with if it applies to a book."
"There is nothing quite like finishing a door story, especially when you've been annotating. I mean, look at this, it is a thing of beauty."
"Is there more to annotating books than I realized?"
"You can annotate your books without actually annotating them."
"There is not enough time in this lifetime for me to read all the books that I want to read and then also reread all of my favorites...annotating at the end of the day in its basic form is just shortening and condensing information."
"...this book killed me...it was such an emotional roller coaster...there were some really tragic things that happened, some really powerful moments between characters, some really great plot developments...you will definitely find something to say and something to annotate."
"Annotating is super fun. And if you'd like to explore with it or experiment with it, I would recommend these sort of methods."
"Annotating helps me be more aware and more present when I'm reading my books."
"Books are to be enjoyed and experienced; annotation brings you into a direct conversation with the author."
"Once you've annotated a book fully, you'll be convinced that it's the right way to read."
"The reason we annotate is because rereading is an important part of reading."
"You own a book when you start marking the book."
"If you don't know if you're gonna like a book and you're nervous about marking it up, I actually read the like ebook version and I use the highlighting tools that they have inside of the book and then if I end up loving it I will copy those into a physical copy."
"Rock allows optional type annotations."
"...I wanted to annotate Crescent City so bad, but every time I was reminded that it was like 25 for that book, I didn't really feel like annotating."
"Get a Bible that you can live in, that you can highlight, you can write in."
"You can use annotation to document your thoughts and understanding of the data as you familiarize yourself with it."
"Essentially all of these have been discovered and are beginning to be annotated onto the human genome just since the time that the human genome was sequenced."
"The tools you'll want: your highlighter, your post-it tabs, your micron pens, your notebook. Write in your books, mark them up, circle words you don't understand, put question marks in there, put exclamation marks in there."
"...you see I have circled in red something that reads Berg Zion."
"Somebody has written side notes in the text. This becomes not only a story but a story that somebody else has annotated."
"For well-annotated genomes like the human genome, researchers may choose to base their RNA-seq analysis on the existing annotation and reference available."
"One of the most powerful features in Fourscore is the ability to mark up your digital sheet music just as though it was on paper."
"Annotating is one of the most fun aspects of reading for me."
"I'm going to use a hashtag annotation, a pound sign there to annotate that out."
"Smart annotation is a great feature by Pages."
"Look at all these annotations by me and various other people that can do the same thing."
"Extremely useful to have an annotation tool inside of a meeting."
"The design system is a textbook plus the notes in the margin."
"If you do things that benefit from hand-drawn diagrams or just other kinds of annotations, then having a pen could be super helpful."
"So now that we have excluded all the variants that failed the filters, the next part of the video is to annotate the variants."
"This code annotation feature that's available with Quarto 1.3 onwards allows you to annotate lines, each line of code."
"Rereading and annotating is so nice; it honestly made my rereading experience so much better."
"The genome doesn't come ready-made with those little cute labels that we had on it—enhancer, gene body, and so forth."
"So somehow, if we want to understand the grammar of the genome and its function, we're going to need to be able to annotate it, hopefully with computational help."
"You know a book was good when I annotated it, period."
"Annotating kind of helps me enjoy the book better."
"Annotating is a very personal and unique thing."
"Auto annotate is a very powerful AI-based tool."
"The annotative property in AutoCAD was introduced in 2008, so it's been around for a while."
"We think that the annotation tooling is very important."
"Remember, whenever we are testing the controller layers, we will add the annotation to that class with Web MVC Test annotation."
"I love being able to highlight documents when I'm reading them."
"This book is full of my favorite quotes and just so many things that I want to annotate and have down and have little tabs."
"I love to annotate my sketchbook; it helps me to remember what I was thinking at the time."
"This is just a simple example; imagine some of the things that you can do just with fields to create maintenance-free annotations."
"I love annotating books; I write all over them from front to back, from beginning to end."
"The most important thing you can do is to learn how to annotate correctly."
"Using this method to annotate is one of the most life-changing hacks that I've ever used."
"This process of annotation really helped me to feel engaged with the text and help me to block out any other distractions."
"Nice to be able to see those reducer information there, so they're all annotated."
"Books are going to be annotated differently depending on what genre it is."
"The books that are annotated are ten times more special to me."
"Annotating is an extremely personal experience, so whatever that means to you, that is the most important part of it."
"Good readers read with a pen or read with a pencil; they annotate as they read."
"Collaborative annotation... you can create an issue by clicking right there."
"So really, the goal here is to produce a drawing and not have to do any post annotation on it."
"So to summarize, in Fig Tree, you can do a lot more richer annotations and changing in terms of style to make your tree look more interesting and to better pass on the information that you want to highlight in your phylogenies."
"Footnotes are, you know, when you're reading a book, it will say one and then you look on the bottom of the page and it explains to you in more detail."
"Annotate your functional interface with @FunctionalInterface annotation."
"This at the rate symbol denotes that this is the annotation."
"I'm currently on my second round of rereading and annotating it."
"They use machine learning in two ways: one, they perform image recognition... secondly, they use machine learning whenever someone uploads photos of artwork to then annotate them."
"You can see that now we have these two annotations that we just added."
"I'm advocating this book while I read it because I can't not read a Sarah J. Maas book and not annotate it."
"We're automatically annotating the whole data model with synonyms."
"I love the idea of a book that's annotated, that has been made my own and has all my thoughts in there."
"I love doing it. It's really fun to go back and read what you wrote."