
Horizon Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"It all starts with the horizon, as objects recede from you, they begin to look smaller and slowly disappear in a very unique way."
"The horizon is simply the vanishing line of perspective from your point of view, not the alleged curvature of the earth."
"The horizon is always at eye level, no matter how high you go."
"It is often said that if the earth were flat, we could see all over it. But since we find the horizon to be exactly straight and level all over the earth, it is a proof that the earth is not a globe."
"I almost gave up, but I can finally see something on the horizon up there... wait, could it be? Yep, it's karma."
"... as they fly toward the Horizon, Hiccup locks the prosthetic on the tail of Toothless ..."
"They feel this pull that there's something different beyond the horizon."
"At the edge of the horizon, adventure calls."
"With his determination renewed, Vans looked towards the horizon and prepared to face the challenges ahead."
"There is a wish to heal any suffering that has happened in order to look onto brand new horizons."
"When this shows up, you will know exactly what to do. It's a whole new horizon for you."
"The key point is, have patience, have a very long horizon time, and have patience."
"The sea sparkles beneath you, a brilliant blue that merges with the horizon."
"It expanded my horizons for what I thought was even possible."
"...there's Papa Westray there that you can see just on the horizon there."
"The hard plane cropped over the horizon."
"That's why when it comes to our 401(k)s or our IRAs or other long-term investments, we're not so concerned about those ups and downs from a financial practical standpoint because we have such a long time horizon."
"The distant Horizon was ringed with fire."
"Our eye line, our eye level, which will also, in this case, be the same as their horizon line, will remain constant at a four-foot elevation."
"Sometimes you gotta hit the trail, so when the clouds come drifting in over the Prairie, the sun goes down, you wonder yourself what's beyond there on the horizon."
"The horizon is the place where things are infinitely stretched."
"Once you've gotten to the horizon, it's about continuing to simplify."
"Why did Horizon leave the hollow down?"
"This concept nurtures not only our understanding of the cosmos but also our curiosity about what lies beyond the cosmic horizon."
"An endless horizon beckoning us to come and explore."
"The sailboat is a point on the horizon that goes out to sea and it's great freedom."
"It's almost like the color of the horizon."
"You're walking towards that horizon and there is hope over that horizon."
"Horizon, it's like you know it's this place where the present moment just wells up and you know all the mysteries are present in that place. It's where life sees itself."
"An awe-inspiring infinity pool with stunning views of the horizon."
"A symbol of expectations of what might lie on the horizon."
"...it's all about time Horizon in this space."
"At the north pole, your horizon is the place directly below the axis of the earth's rotation so nothing can rise or set."
"Positive outcome is on the horizon regarding this particular situation."
"Sydney Metro West: a new horizon for the city's transit."
"For most, bidding farewell to the day with a view of the Caribbean horizon would be relaxing."
"Beyond the pale horizons lie winter and night, awaiting these."
"It's just light enough just by the horizon there."
"It's not just a limitation because it actually opens the horizon in terms of being able to really uncover some really interesting stuff."
"The Horizon disappears, and you can't tell which is water and which is sky."
"You notice the horizon, you gotta pay attention."
"It's a beautiful morning, light starting to peak from over the horizon."
"He marks out the horizon on the face of the waters for a boundary between light and darkness."
"I never got used to the way the horizon there could just erase itself and leave you marooned, adrift in an incomplete dreamscape that was like a sketch for the world you knew."
"He had 600 Wings... he filled up the entire Horizon."
"The power of the Horizon was so great that it would be a wonderful thing to explore."
"Capturing the unforgettable moment of gazing out toward the horizon, artist Alex Israel created an exclusive image for Louis Vuitton's Pacific Chill."
"It's a seamless piece of geometry all the way to the horizon, you can really make this go as far as you want."
"It's really wonderful to see it over the horizon."
"The world rolls under a long thrust of his heel; over the cage floor, the horizons come."
"The horizon of the black hole is not a singular place."
"Just dazzling white flat dazzling white as far as the eye can see to the horizon and beyond."
"Living in the Horizon for two months has been very special and exceeded our expectations."
"Nothing is ordinary, not even when it is ordinary now; something's breaking always on the skyline."
"Gorgeous, you're kind of looking into the horizon."
"There's a new beginning on the horizon for you."
"Only an island has the sea intimacy and the level friendly gaze of a really wise horizon."
"All I've needed here are parallel lines, which are simply lines that meet on the horizon."
"Look at that beautiful eastern horizon there."
"The horizon line is very, very far away, like 20 miles away; it's where the sky meets the earth."
"Once you get over the horizon, you now see things that people who did not get over the horizon have not seen."
"The savanna is an open grassland where you can see sometimes all the way to the horizon."
"This blue sea stretches out until it meets the sky and blurs in between."
"On this particular night, the western horizon was lit up again and again in spectacular fashion."
"Directly across from a person's eye level is a horizontal line parallel to the ground plane that is called the eye level, also commonly referred to as the horizon line."
"There's nothing on the horizon except for wilderness, and it makes the sky much bigger."
"On the edge of the horizon, I see the grandeur of the capital city."
"Take a step backwards and see the broader horizon."
"God wants to expand your horizon."
"My affection for you is as endless as the horizon, stretching far beyond the limits of understanding."
"That sun is quickly approaching the horizon on our west and set side."
"Keep scanning the horizons, for that is where the new arrives, that is where the new day always first appears, that is where the new dawn always breaks."
"It also is a tree, and if you can see, I put the background as a rising sun, so you can see it as a horizon."
"I could see almost half of the earth; I could see the curved line of the earth's horizon where it met the sky."
"I want to bring news not from the margins, but instead offer us a piece of the horizon."
"Looking wistfully at the horizon."