
Best Interest Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"We're always working in the best interest of the community."
"We believe in educated choices that put your best interest first."
"Let her think she's winning. That's the secret."
"She's doing the best thing... I don't blame her."
"You have to redefine for yourself what it means to think of what's in your best interest."
"It's absolutely in the child's best interest."
"They push you and they want what's best for you."
"My working definition of evil is anytime someone tries to control another person in a way that's not in their best interest."
"And if the children are not legally free for adoption you believe that remaining in that home would still be in their best interest absolutely."
"I'm not trying to be selfish, Kellen. I'm trying to do what's best for everyone."
"God wants what's best for you. He knows what's best for you."
"They just really want to do what's best for you and the child."
"He made the best decision for him and his family."
"God will only give you what's best for you."
"That is what is in the best interests of your children."
"Permanency planning is really looking at the best situation for that child."
"Meeting the client where they are and doing what's in the best interest of the client."
"You're just doing what's best for your daughter, and that's what matters."
"Love your neighbor as yourself... it is the love that seeks someone's best interest."
"The way that you show that you love somebody is by doing the thing that's best for them."
"There is no right answer... every parent with their best interest at heart wants to do what is right for their children."
"We made the decision with the best intention."
"What's in the best interest of the child?"
"What's best for Maya, that's right."
"I believe that as his mother, I know what is best for him."
"I will work with you in his best interest."
"The judge will then decide what is in the best interest of the child."
"Anyone who has your genuine best interest in mind should have no problem with you taking time to make sure this is safe for you."
"Generally speaking, parents know what's best for their kids."
"The best support the child can get is from us, the parents."
"I don't want to fight for her in the custody suit. I think what is best for Mary is that she be with her natural mother permanently."
"You're doing what's best for her."
"God knows what's best for you in this season."
"I do the real. I tell you things you don't want to hear in your best interest."
"Parents have the best interest of their children at heart and are willing to sacrifice anything for them."
"Once I decided to have the baby, I did what I thought was best."
"Any decision should always be taken in the best interests of the person."
"Principle 5 of the Mental Capacity Act requires us to look for less restrictive ways of meeting someone's best interests."
"Surround yourself by people who love you, care about you, want the best for you."
"Patient autonomy allows both patients to choose a treatment that they feel is in their best interest."
"He goes for the option which is best for the house."
"I truly do think it is in Demetrius's best interest to be with both of his parents."
"We're physical beings in a physical universe and the laws of that universe dictate what is or is not in our best interest."
"If morality is about anything, I would think it would have to be about what's in our best interest."
"If a situation comes up where care workers, CPS, and the state believe it is in the child's best interest to be adopted, then yes, we are open to that too."
"If he really cares about you and he's really in your best interest and has really good intentions for you, he's not gonna put you in a position to take your freedom away."
"I want to make sure that the court has this in mind to be able to make a decision that will please allow the better interest of the children to provide the care that they need."
"I decided it was probably best to quit."
"I just want to do what's best for my child."
"We're trying to do what's best for our kids, what we think is best for kids."
"You have to just make the best choice for you and your family."
"It's in my best interest to do the best that I can for my patients."
"Allah created us and He knows what's best for us, and willingly accepting what Allah commands us because it's in our best interest."
"I love my son, and I want what is best for him."
"Every decision that we have to make is going to be about what's best for the players."
"I love you and I know you'll do what's best for Annabeth."
"Everything I've done is with the best interest of AEW in mind."
"His best interest is to just, as I mentioned, just to remain with me."
"We're here today focused on the best interests of the child."
"I want to do what's best for my kids."
"If she is her mother, she should think about what is best for her."
"People should put their pride to the side and do what's best for their children."
"We want what's best for the child."
"All I want is what's best for Aiden, whatever that may be."
"Reunification should only be considered when it is truly in the child's best interest."
"What is best for me is what I will choose."
"God knows you by name better than you know yourself and has your best interest at heart always."
"I hope that the court is acting in her best interest."
"I'm very what's best for my child."
"We're trying to work towards what's the best option for us as a whole."
"Love is an intentional choice to do what's best for them."
"What was in the best interest of the country: do we normalize situations and get some semblance of order and continuity, or do we remain tethered to something that was no longer real?"
"He does love us and also wants what's best for us."
"I don't want you to choose me; I want you to choose you and what's best for you."
"I'm all about what's in your best interest, not what's in your least interest or worst interest."
"It's about two people who look out for each other's best interest."
"Real love can mean tough love, doing what's best for your beloved even if they hate you for it."
"Leaving things behind is not meant to be a form of pain but what's in our best interest."
"He's about emotion, he's about caring about people, he's about what's in their best interest."
"But God always wants what is best for you."