
Nature Therapy Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Physicians and medical professionals in four provinces can prescribe annual passes to the country's national parks as a means of alleviating conditions in patients that could benefit from some fresh air, care, and relaxation."
"If you're having a day where you're not feeling great, just take some time to go outside and see this world."
"Going for a walk in the woods helps me unwind."
"Nature healing programs are real. It allows you to recenter in another way of living; and especially being around animals, whether it's equine therapy, or being with wolves."
"Nature and specifically fly fishing can be incredibly healing on your journey."
"Being near the water is amazing for me and I'm sure it will be amazing for you guys to see me there."
"There is a way through this, it's by being in nature, it's by grounding yourself in activities that really support you and stabilize you."
"Exploring the woods is one of the best ways I can think of to decompress and wind down from a rough week."
"Get out, move – high blood pressure? Go out for a walk, sit in nature, read a book. It really works."
"Time in the woods helps most of the time, quality trumps quantity any time of the day."
"Get out into the sun, basically. This is what's going to ground you."
"I feel like grief, the best thing you can do is head straight to nature."
"Forest bathing: the medicine of simply being in the forest."
"When everything seems as if it's weighing heavily down on you, go outside, go for a walk, get some fresh air."
"So those of you that are feeling off balance because I do feel this almost off balance energy just a little bit of it um allow yourself to ground your energy shake things off get outside walk in nature."
"Return to your meditation, go to slow walks in nature, do anything that brings you peace."
"There's nothing like a walk on the beach to soothe your soul."
"Going on a walk man it is wild to me how powerful that can be as silly as it may sound."
"The scent of the forest calms the mind."
"Nature is a therapy that has no known side effects."
"It's nature therapy, away from screens and computers."
"Get away from your screen and go out in nature. It's hard to have anxiety when you consider your place in the grand scheme of life."
"Get out in the ocean if you're not near an ocean, get in a lake if you're not near a lake, get in the bathtub, I promise it will make your day better."
"Just being outside in the grass, in the trees, in the sunlight, that's a healing mechanism."
"A one hour walk in nature two times per week can help reduce activation of the amygdala."
"Get out in nature and have a nice walk, I swear it's like soul food."
"I sensed this amazing feeling each time I go there; the forest melts away my problems and gives me a content feeling."
"Just the simple act of going for a walk is so healing, especially right now."
"You go out there and watch critters, deer, whatever you enjoy, and try to go back in a worse mood than you left. You can't do it, it's impossible."
"It is extraordinary what a little bit of foliage does to the soul."
"When you get yourself outside and just go look at something pretty or go hike... it counteracts it, it works."
"Therapeutic engagement with nature and green spaces can have a positive effect on subjective happiness, satisfaction, relaxation levels, and overall emotional well-being."
"It's been proven that if you use nature completely to stop thinking, it helps you recharge, it helps give you a clearer head."
"Nothing calms the body and the mind like immersing yourself in nature."
"Nature switches off your mind and literally physiologically changes you, reducing levels of the stress hormone cortisol."
"Shinrin-yoku takes us all the way home to our true selves."
"Forest bathing is simply being in nature, connecting with it through our sense of sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch."
"Forest bathing can reduce blood pressure and have a preventive effect on hypertension."
"2 nights and 3 days of forest bathing can boost your immune function and this effect can last 30 days."
"The outdoors should be prescribed by doctors for most things prior to giving any sort of drug, especially to do with mental health."
"If you spend five minutes a day in nature, it will do you wonderfully."
"Everyone's just there to enjoy the therapeutic benefits of the ocean, and it's not about this contest of who's the tannest and who's the fittest."
"Doctors are increasingly prescribing nature walks for mental health."
"The forest bathing reduces the scores for anxiety, depression, anger, fatigue, and confusion, and it increases the score for vigor."
"Forest bathing... it's people that really need it and can benefit."
"Spending time in nature, breathing in those happy enzymes that trees release through their leaves, looking at the green and how it calms you down."
"Take a ride, take a swim, and all your worries go away."