
Memorable Day Quotes

There are 92 quotes

"The most important day I remember in all my life is the one on which my teacher came to me."
"This is one of those days that you were going to remember for the rest of your life."
"Absolutely fantastic. You were in the studio Sunday Paul just tell us how much did you enjoy that day."
"One of the best days I've ever had in my life."
"What a day it has been guys, absolutely awesome drive."
"It wasn't a dream... It was a brilliant day."
"Oh baby, this is why I said day 28 was a good day. I got myself a Squirtle."
"It was a really magical day where we just did a bunch of bits."
"This has been one of the most fascinating days that I can remember in a long, long time."
"All in all, a fantastic day and with that being said, we were off. It was an amazing day."
"That was a red-letter day for me."
"The day I met Barry, that was the best day of my life."
"Unbelievable and what a great day."
"Could you ask for a better Disney day right there? Unbelievable."
"The best day i've had in at least six months"
"Remember this day, the start of a new life, your real life."
"That completes day one in Salzburg, one of the great days of your life."
"Pride day was definitely one of the best days of my life."
"It was one of the greatest days of my life, far as a professional dirt bike racer."
"Fantastic day, one of the best days, one of the most tiring days, but one of the best days I've had in a long time."
"Thank you very much for watching, thanks to these guys for an awesome day."
"It was the most beautiful day of my life."
"It has been a fantastic day and we would like to thank the owners for the hospitality."
"I shall never forget the day I first heard of that house."
"I've had a really, really good day, probably one of my best days here in Bali so far."
"What a day, what a day, what a day, what a day."
"This was such a great day, such a great sunrise."
"I just don't want this day to end, I really don't."
"What a day it's been, of course, the highlight was definitely getting on the Jungle Queen."
"Tell me about the day, you're right, must've been wonderful, best day."
"It was one of those special days of life."
"Everything about it was fantastic, it was a great day."
"It's been a great day, I think it's a day we're going to remember for a long, long, long time."
"What an absolute day it's been, incredible."
"That was a hell of a day. Maybe the best day."
"Here's to a hell of a day in Nashville, Tennessee."
"You're just so happy, like it's one of the best days you've had in a while."
"Yesterday was absolutely amazing. It was just so like... I don't know, I literally felt like it was my birthday."
"This never-to-be-forgotten day will always leave the most gratifying and heart-stirring memories behind."
"It's been truly an amazing day with you."
"It was an amazing day, to be honest, he's so funny and he's so sweet."
"Love you madly; today was amazing."
"It's one of the best days she's ever had with me."
"What an incredible day, guys. I am blown away by how epic today has been."
"Day 15 at sea, and he's had the best day of his life today."
"What a day, what a trip, what a river."
"It's a blessing, something I'll never forget; it's one of the best days of my life."
"It's been pretty much the best day of my life so far."
"You changed my life that lovely day."
"I think it went amazing. I think it was one of the best days of my whole life."
"So that you remember this day as the best day of your life."
"It was the most interesting day in my life."
"Absolutely, what a day, what a day."
"Yesterday was such a fabulous day."
"I pray the weather is perfect and you make a day that no one will ever forget."
"We had a brilliant day yesterday, didn't we Charlotte? It was fantastic."
"We've had a glorious day, a mystical... we go way back."
"All in all, what an incredible day, we got Alex his first summer and his first winter steelhead."
"That was a very special day, no question about that."
"This day will forever be remembered."
"This must be a day you will never forget."
"I genuinely had such an amazing day today with my grandma and my mom."
"It was a long, awesome, epic day."
"We had an amazing day yesterday with them skies."
"It was an amazing day; it really showed you know."
"It's like the day Elvis died; everybody's got that little story to tell."
"It's so nice, it was the best day."
"We have the best day today, couldn't have asked for a better day."
"I love you. I'll never forget about today."
"It's been the most enjoyable day."
"A day to remember, but when you take brilliant poker players and lock them in a room with full wallets and a deck of cards, well, we were asking for trouble."
"What an incredible day, folks, that was stunning, absolutely stunning."
"Let's remember this day, it's going down in history."
"What a day, what a day, I got no complaints, this was a phenomenal day."
"This might be the best day of my life, you know that?"
"This was such an insane day, it was a very magical day."
"This day is gonna stick with me forever."
"What a freaking day, it was awesome."
"This is where we hold them, this is where we fight, remember this day, fam, for it will be yours for all time."
"Well, that was a magical day; wow, we're back in Orlando, and it was just so memorable and so wonderful."
"What an incredible day we had together here at the Palms."
"One hell of a day, brother, we made it."
"The last Friday the 13th was one I'll never forget."
"Wow, what a wonderful day we're having today, like I feel so super pumped, like I'm like wow, I can't believe all of this happened in one day so far."
"It was probably the best day of my life."
"What a day, this is a day that this young man will not forget."