
Shark Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"Why does it always have to be a shark? That's how you know this [ __ ] is serious."
"The prehistoric megalodon was the massive great great great grandfather of the sharks that lurk among beaches today."
"'The Deepening!' A giant mechanical shark causes chaos on the town!"
"Tiger shark is considered the most dangerous shark species for humans."
"The frilled shark's mouth is just as terrifying as a great white. It has 25 rows of backward-facing trident-shaped teeth."
"The biggest great white shark ever caught was almost 40 feet long."
"Jaws isn’t just the scariest film ever made about a shark--it’s perhaps one of the straight up scariest films ever."
"Between 1989 and 2011, strange eggs were discovered in Australian waters, but it wasn't until recently that the mystery was solved: these eggs had unique T-shaped ridges not seen on any other shark eggs in Australia before."
"We've got a shark. One single shark. We've got the only shark in the world that likes a chlorinated pool."
"It's very simple, it's kind of like Jaws about a small boat in a big shark."
"Gaz: 'Smooth hound, is it a shark?'"
"When you're about to get eaten by a shark but then you see Bae watching."
"That's cool I killed the shark. Okay Time Out Hold Up okayy gentlemen s oh gosh oh no behind you this guy's got bombs."
"Dusky sharks are impressive. They average 8T in length but can reach lengths of up to 14 ft and weigh over 700 lb."
"It's crazy, literally. You don't even see the shark for like half the movie. It's insane."
"A big coastal shark known for having a vicious temper if caught or harassed, yet also known as one of the most docile and gentle sharks if treated with respect: the lemon shark."
"That's a great white shark tooth and probably, if it's inch and a half wide like that, that shark's going to be about 13 feet long."
"The expedition team will launch a search by air and sea in an effort to locate and capture video proof of the species of giant shark."
"There's a big shark right down here do you see him?"
"We've been eating sharks this trip, notes from a newbie shark fisher right here."
"Jason Statham has a big spear, and you bet your ass he's going to [ __ ] that shark with it."
"Another rather oddly shaped shark family is the stethacanthus family."
"Bruce being the main shark is a great white shark fun fact his name Bruce comes from Jaws."
"A shark is definitely a fish, definitely a fish."
"The best way to describe the great white shark is to equate it to an F-16 fighter jet."
"Shocking footage of an 11ft long great white shark whose body was positively riddled with scars."
"Sometimes I do get to be a teaching shark."
"Navy divers on a mine hunt have a close encounter. Shark was bigger than mine!"
"Shark conservation? I'll put it in Epic."
"He is a nice shark, not a mindless eating machine."
"Look at that shark right there; that thing is insane."
"Bull sharks have the strongest bite relative to their body size of any shark species."
"The great white shark is an ancient killing machine that has hardly evolved in millions of years."
"Megalodon, the most famous prehistoric shark, as well as the most dangerous and aggressive shark of all time."
"Albino sharks like this are incredibly rare, with scientists estimating that they occur only in one out of every 10,000 sharks."
"I am a dwarf lantern shark, and I know I'm little, but I am still a shark."
"The biggest great white shark anyone has ever seen."
"She measures a staggering 20 feet long."
"Diver gives monstrous great white shark a high 5."
"This shark grabs onto its prey with suction lips and then cuts out a cookie-shaped piece of flesh."
"Megalodon was clearly a massive predatory shark the likes of which has never been seen before or after its time."
"In the end, Jaws is merely a mortal shark and dies from his injuries just before getting the chance to take a bite out of Brody."
"The shark has become a symbol for power, focus, ingenuity, accomplishment, success."
"I love the way that shark is just bursting out of the water."
"I am no historian... but what I am, however, is a shark scientist."
"It's pretty hard to make a movie with a villainous shark without making at least one reference to Jaws."
"Monster Majestic shark, yeah something you'll never forget, right? Once in a lifetime."
"You're more likely to get struck by lightning than even by like a shark."
"It's supposed to be extinct. Megalodon, ancestor of the great white shark, with a 10-foot wide bite."
"I'ma crack the surface, kind of like a shark fin."
"The sheer strength of the massive shark and thoroughly enjoyed their unique close-up experience with this beautiful beast."
"It was the biggest shark ever to swim the oceans of the world, reaching lengths of 60 feet or more."
"It's just a shark out in the ocean. It's not doing anything wrong. It's supposed to eat things."
"The Shark Stratos cordless is a notable step up from previous Shark cordless vacuums."
"This was the best day of my life when I pulled out from the big shadow fish is a massive shark."
"The thing about a shark... it's got lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eyes. When he comes at you, doesn't seem to be living... until he bites you, and those black eyes roll over white, and then... ah then you hear that terrible high-pitched screamin'."
"The largest white shark I've ever seen was about 19 feet long and 3,000 pounds."
"The great white lives up to its name."
"So all in all, I would recommend this Shark vacuum cleaner."
"Introducing the all-new, totally revolutionary Shark Press and Refresh garment care system."
"She's more like a shark, quick-thinking, sharp, and incredibly intelligent."
"They can breach out of the water even faster than their great white cousins."
"What a beautiful, beautiful shark, yo, gummy away it goes, and look at that swim, it is so good to see such a beautiful fish go back healthy."
"Probably my favorite shark in the world."
"She glanced up and appeared alarmed to see the fin of a shark moving above the water."
"Lurking in the waters was a great white shark nearly twice the length of her."
"The idea of this game is there is a shark fish in the game, so shark fish is going to move with the mouse pointer."
"Megalodon was an ancient shark that may have been 12 meters long or even more."
"The Greenland shark... these things live forever."
"A gentleman shark is cool on land and at sea."