
Mood Swings Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"Mood was here this morning, now my mood is literally higher than the ceiling."
"I wake up thinking I'm going to have a good day, but it always turns out to be a bad day."
"Return elicits a feeling of sanguiness at other times a dire desire to punch someone nearby in the face."
"Every high is followed by a sort of like crash down afterwards and it's extremely difficult to emotionally to handle this sort of like up and down."
"I think today is one of the good days. We all have good days now and then, right?"
"Serenity: On an upward swing, means calm and happy."
"I waffle David I go pessimistic and optimistic back and forth."
"Wow, boy, I feel great. Nothing could spoil—oh well."
"I got all the way ready and I was like 'oh, I can't whatever today' and it was a phone call."
"Sometimes you're not being moody, you're being moved."
"sometimes you feel like a bae, sometimes you don't."
"He snaps very quickly, goes from really happy to really angry in two seconds."
"Girls on their period are scary they go from I love you to get the duck away you ducking duck face in like two seconds and I can't handle that transition."
"I'm in a good mood, but the beast in me."
"I used to have to take pills to control my mood swings because a lot of autism people they fidget with their hands a lot or they play with their ears or they cover their ears, so I have to take meds to keep that there."
"One minute we could be smiling and then the next 10 minutes you hate yourself, you hate the world, you want to kill people, wow, yeah."
"Men also have bad days and times when they are not in a good mood and want to feel supported instead of dealing with an angry grumpy woman."
"European weather is very bipolar, has mood swings. Like one minute it's spring, the next minute it's summer, the minute after it is winter."
"There's also a huge difference between the normal ups and downs of moods that we all experience as human beings versus an actual mental illness that causes extremely disruptive behavior and impairs our ability to function in the most basic ways."
"This is where a lot of people struggle with PMS mood swings, just feeling low energy and also a lot of cravings."
"I am just such a good mood I was sobbing earlier not gonna lie I had a little breakdown and then just good things started happening."
"If you're happy, but you're frequently used to going from being happy to feeling despondent, depressed, or angry within a minute."
"You can be you can have everything feel right and then within a matter of a few minutes everything feels wrong."
"I have mood swings sometimes, feeling quite high, other times quite low."
"I think the best part about feeling like this is knowing that in a couple hours like around like 7 P.M 8 P.M I'm going to feel like [ __ ]."
"I'm concerned about Sandra, she's having mood swings."
"Some days I have good days, some days I have bad days."
"Sour candy, so sweet till I get a little angry."
"Everybody has those days, everybody gets that way."
"This morning was so bad and now it's like really good."
"For as long as I can remember, I was frighteningly, although often wonderfully, beholden to moods."
"I alternate personally between low energy and very high energy."
"It's like being a Sour Patch Kid: first you're sour, then you're sweet."
"It's mad how much your mood can change from one hour to the next, two hours to the next."
"I've been experiencing a lot of up and down moods ever since getting off of my birth control."
"Sometimes you make me blue, sometimes I feel good, at times I feel used."
"Some days I'm really nice, and some days I'm just like, don't look at me, don't talk to me, I want nothing to do with the world."
"I confess I have sort of mood changes on this because there are times when I feel everything is going to be fine."
"It's so hard to flip from being so happy to like sad and then go to happy again."
"One minute you're sad, the next thing you know, you're skipping through daisies."
"I feel good, and I feel bad. You know, I look kind of rad."
"Those blood sugar spikes and crashes influence our behaviors and can make us feel irritable, they can increase cravings."
"Happiness is entirely legitimate; mood invites the ensuing depression."
"Your personality is so bendable, changeable; in one moment you are angry, in another you laugh."
"Bipolar disorder involves mood states that vacillate between depression and mania."
"One day sunlight, the next day storms, or in other words, a teenager."
"People with a bipolar disorder have manic and depressive phases that last over weeks or months."
"Sometimes I'm just not feeling myself, and that's just how it is."
"Bipolar disorders are brain disorders that cause changes in a person's mood, energy, and ability to function."
"You have those days and you're like, 'I'm on top of the world,' and now today I'm like, 'Well, a nap sounds pretty great.'"
"Sometimes I feel happy, and other times I feel sad."