
Waterfalls Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"There are several waterfalls cascading down the sides of the fairly dormant volcano-filled mountains."
"Can you imagine standing underneath Honeycomb Gorge with a waterfall pouring back down there? Oh my goodness."
"Everyone likes a good waterfall, I think that's a rule in life."
"Water-rise. No, this footage isn't being played backwards, that's a waterfall flowing upwards."
"The beauty of the Plitvice Lakes lies in its 16 interconnected lakes and series of waterfalls."
"Moonbows occur more frequently in locations with waterfalls which create layers of mist in the air."
"Kawasan Falls, also known as Gatorade... the bluest of waters flowing into this little area."
"Definitely viewed as one of the most peculiar natural phenomenons from around the world is that of the waterfalls of red located in the Antarctic Tundra."
"The Zambezi River is born out of the myumbo woodlands in Zambia, it is a river that on its journey flows through three major waterfalls."
"Grenada has some really spectacular waterfalls."
"These waterfalls are really cool because you can get up very close to them."
"The Mist Trail is one of the more popular routes, in part because of the stunning views you get along the way, especially at the majestic Vernal Falls and Nevada Falls."
"Here we are at the base of the Twin Falls. One of the most incredible spots I've ever seen."
"...that's what creates the waterfalls, this is so cool wow, this is gorgeous."
"All falls migrate at different rates depending on the amount and force of the water flowing over them they pluck at."
"Looking Glass Falls is not really a hike. You can literally just park your car on the side of the road and walk down the sidewalk."
"Two awesome waterfalls on this hike."
"Wow, you can see right down into the valley here, and there's lots of these little waterfalls all making their way down."
"The Nile flows over plains and down rapids until it thunders over the edge of Murchison Falls."
"I love this landscape; there's little waterfalls dotted around."
"It was an amazing sight getting to see all these bright campfires down below from way above on top of the waterfalls."
"This waterfall is a hidden gem best seen at its most mesmerizing."
"Let's face it, who doesn't love a good waterfall?"
"Southern Appalachia has some of the most impressive waterfalls on the East Coast."
"How about waterfalls? How about fantastic, beautiful, amazing waterfalls?"
"This is one of the most beautiful waterfalls I've ever seen."
"Hamilton is home to a lot of different waterfalls and nature parks. In fact, Hamilton is actually considered the waterfall capital of the world."
"The glorious waterfalls in the Gorge. They are primarily the result of Ice Age cutting by the Columbia River against an uplifting Cascade Range."
"It's one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the entire province of Bohol."
"Kawasan Falls is perhaps the most popular, with its stunning turquoise water and lush surroundings."
"Nothing beats the magical noise of 72 waterfalls pouring down the 1,000 ft rock walls of this valley."
"Comprised of 16 lakes and over 90 waterfalls, the Plitvice Lake site is huge."
"The Iguazu Falls give new meaning to the words majestic and awe-inspiring."
"Get soaked by the Gocta Falls, one of the highest in the world at an astounding height of 771 meters, a sight to behold."
"These are some of the best waterfalls I have seen in all of Indonesia."
"Plitvice Lakes National Park in Croatia has 16 clear and colorful lakes all connected by waterfalls."
"It was like raining waterfalls everywhere. Absolutely unbelievable."
"Victoria Falls... is one of the largest and most well-known waterfalls on the planet."
"Here's the waterfall guys, it's such a nice waterfall."
"You can actually swim here by the waterfall."
"Lauterbrunnen is often referred to as the valley of 72 waterfalls."
"If you've ever been in here before, you'll know that straight away you hear the waterfalls, you see the waterfalls."
"The sweet spot is somewhere around a quarter, a third, a half, maybe even one second, really depending on that waterfall."
"The sound of the waterfalls a constant rush of water against stone, like white noise for falling asleep."
"The road is still in operation, so you do have to drive under the waterfall to get past it, which is also kind of cool."
"Lagoa do Vento and Cascada de Risco make up a double-tiered waterfall. You can actually hike to the middle of them, which is really cool."
"It's not just waterfalls, it's a journey through the heart of Mauritius' wilderness."
"I find a real comfort, a real peace, in going out into landscape areas, waterfalls specifically."
"Virginia Falls, or Nailicho Dene for 'big fallen water', is one of the world's great waterfalls."
"Here, three billion cubic feet of water careen over the edge of a sheer drop of 316 feet, twice the height of Niagara Falls, into Nahanni's fourth canyon."
"It looks like an epic movie set with infinite waterfalls flowing from every direction and the clear lakes all around."
"Absolutely amazing, there's like waterfall at the waterfall."
"It looks amazing, I forgot how big these Falls were."
"Over 50,000 tropical plants... so classic. Look, there's waterfalls everywhere."
"The park which spans over 575 hectares of forest is known for its many hiking trails and handful of beaches as well as the falls themselves."
"The waterfall is seasonal and only occurs when the snowpack begins to melt."
"Sri Lanka is the land of waterfalls, that there are waterfalls everywhere."
"Embark on scenic hikes through lush forests, witness picturesque waterfalls, and marvel at the mighty Vatsman, Germany's third-highest peak."
"What a beautiful set of waterfalls, look at this swimming hole."
"I've never seen waterfalls literally freeze in."
"We discover the most incredible waterfalls right off the side of the road."
"There are absolutely gorgeous waterfalls on this trail."
"This is my favorite waterfall of the trip, 100%."
"Niagara Falls is actually three different Cascades."
"Sri Lanka has the highest waterfall density in the world."
"The trio of waterfalls are renowned worldwide for their outstanding natural beauty."
"The waterfalls were amazing, they were so pretty."
"It's got waterfalls everywhere, and it's just gorgeous."