
Impulse Quotes

There are 313 quotes

"I am gonna blow some of that money on these scalped ones as a way of sort of giving back as well."
"Never forget that to give is a natural impulse that comes as a result of loving something."
"I got an advertisement for like $2 ham, so I actually went ahead and bought it, and it was delicious."
"Sale or limited, sometimes I just see sale or limited and I'm like I got to get it."
"We are not logical creatures; we have moments of logic and rational thought, but most often we're driven by impulse."
"I just couldn't control myself, I've never done anything like this before."
"I'm not even out of the dried fruit aisle, and I already have like five things in my cart."
"You ever just have like you feel like you're just being led to do something?"
"I walked past it and I just stopped dead and I just had this overwhelming feeling that you have to get this for her."
"I blame it on the adrenaline and pain because normally I wouldn't get involved."
"My heart, my soul," she said to me, "but I see you, when I hear you, I can't control myself; I obey a superior force, forgive me, my friend, forgive me."
"To deny our own impulses is to deny the very thing that makes us human."
"I'm just gonna damn this bottle and forget about my phone, not really that's disgusting."
"I bust out my bank account and I go on a shopping spree."
"Your dick doesn't have a brain. When you think with your dick, nothing good happens."
"You'll only spend it and you'll hate yourself in the morning."
"I can't leave... I'd feel stupid if I didn't buy it. I mean, no one might look, we'd just get up in the morning and it'd be gone."
"Suddenly, my resistance broke and I ran from the great hall up to my room."
"I think everyone would be curious. Doesn't mean that you're necessarily going to enjoy it. It's like driving down the road and being like, 'what if I drove off the bridge or into a car or something?' It's like that weird monkey brain in you."
"If you're thinking about buying it and you can afford it, buy it."
"How do you go to Target and end up spending so much money than you were planning on?"
"Individuals with food addictions may experience intense cravings and an overwhelming urge to consume certain foods."
"If you've wanted these boots, maybe just get them. Just get them."
"I don't need this, I have no room in my house, I have no room to put these but I just wanted it."
"Practice intentional shopping. Ask yourself: Was this a planned purchase or is it just an impulse buy?"
"I think I want to order this right now."
"Kyra kills him impulsively, instantly forgetting the murder."
"Change your thinking from short-term impulse decisions right now to long-term thinking in your decision making."
"Sometimes you seem to shut this thing off, let that impulse in here lead you."
"I got so excited, I was like, oh my gosh, I'm gonna buy this."
"Sometimes I just want to go off, you know, I just want to do a little wrestle."
"I didn't even know that. I didn't even remember the situation because I called immediately off impulse when I saw my name attached to..."
"I play it without knowing what it will do. All right, f*ck it."
"Shopping for sport is no longer a hobby to me. When you are shopping as a hobby without a goal in mind, that is the epitome of how you make an impulse purchase. I'm not doing that anymore."
"They felt instantaneously attracted to you in that moment."
"They're really fantasizing about you in a very impulsive and physical way."
"I bought this house furnished as a drunk Christmas present to myself."
"Nobody commands it but you. You may feel like it's an irresistible urge because your body is used to it, you know, all that adrenaline and cortisol gets to flowing in your brain and you believe you have to relieve that pressure."
"That's it, I just have to kiss her."
"What on Earth possesses someone who's just bid 500 pounds to put their hand back up and go 'nah I'll give you a grand for it'?"
"So anyway, that's the reason I went to the Asian supermarket. And while I was there, there was some sour candy. That's the full story of why I'm eating sour candy."
"In everyone's lives, our lives are dominated by emotions. Our default setting as human beings is to act out on our impulses and emotions, yet this is the root cause of so much pain in our lives."
"You just try to eat as fast as you can, right before your brain catches up with your stomach."
"I'm throwing the television set right out the window, I've had enough of television!"
"You really can't help yourself, can you?"
"If your implicit learnings are launching these behavioral impulses that make you want to do something that really doesn't fit anymore, learning how to just choose not to is really powerful!"
"Upon hearing this, kamatsu wants to jump out of the plane and escape."
"I feel like I could stab her. I don't care."
"If something's cute, you have to get it."
"I wouldn't be able to help myself dude."
"Spiritual babies will act on their impulses, but mature Christians can control themselves."
"Honestly, I think I'm just going to get it because why not? It looks really pretty and it smells amazing."
"Sometimes Freedom means deciding what not to do rather than just whatever the hell your impulses scream for."
"Let me cut up my dad. Why did you let me do this? Y'all know I do it. I'll cut up if you let me, if you let me."
"I almost cry. I walked directly across the street and ordered one."
"...I was just like these are cool let's get them."
"One and every five people can't resist their fridge."
"This right here was too cute, I had to get it."
"Part of me is thinking like hey free gun."
"If you understand the deeper impulse, then all of a sudden, the possibilities become endless."
"I feel like I want to cut into this loaf of bread like right now."
"If you see a bunch of signs that say 'real good jerky,' you stop and you buy some real good jerky."
"You're living not just from your wits, not just from your physical hustle, you're living, being pulled by an impulse that wants to express itself."
"But eventually he is completely pushed to the brink by sudden circumstances, witnessing something truly terrible, acting on impulse and pent-up emotions, finally awakens."
"We need to create a barrier between ourselves and that impulse shopping."
"I couldn't help myself I was like yeah well what if I like what if I want to get the T-shirt what if I want to get the K neck so I got both."
"I'm drawn to these guys, this is one of those things calling me saying buy me buy me"
"Not every hope and dream needs to become an impulse and then behavior."
"It was like my body told me to just run."
"Spontaneous purchases all around."
"Man cannot live with a religion which resists his own natural impulse to unfold the potentials of his own nature."
"I just I felt close to you so my body just kind of acted on its own without me thinking."
"Did I need this? No. Did I want this? Absolutely."
"It was supposed to be for cutting hair, but there were brief moments when she had the urge to just cut or stab Itami on the neck."
"I want to just throw it all away right now."
"Part of me just wants to throw this thing into a wall."
"The thing you can justify and defend acting on looks nothing like what caused you to want to do it in the first place."
"As soon as I saw it, I knew immediately I was going to buy it."
"It's a powerful drive within you."
"Sometimes people just want to spend money on things that they like instead of practical logical decisions."
"He suddenly found himself saying, in spite of all his attempts to stop himself, 'I suddenly imagined that I saw my employer throwing himself in front of my car.'"
"Acting on a sudden urge to purchase something can lead to regret."
"Sometimes you just feel very compelled to do something and it's almost impossible not to act on it."
"The tape and the chart is just begging me, and I can't even help myself."
"When you walk out of a shop without buying anything."
"FOMO is a part of our human condition."
"Self-destruction is the obvious conclusion, but I have no reason to kill myself. But you have the impulse."
"I reached out for the television."
"When I seen that I could not get to him, so I grabbed them Jordans out of their closet."
"I had the craving to scoop dirt into my mouth last time and the smell of the train station rails like the grease on it I just wanted to scoop it into my mouth and eat it, like I wanted it."
"Literally spent way too much money on things I don't need but that's actually the Story of My Life."
"I mean I planted you know, it was planned okay it was in like yeah yeah but you know in the moment you get in heat right quick but as soon as I came I was disgusted with yourself with myself."
"Full send because you're not gonna do this again or you're not gonna do this much, so just get what you want, cry about your bank card later."
"I think, like me, a lot of people just saw the bottle and thought I want it. I need it."
"I don't have an end goal. I just see a procedure that I like and it's like buying an ornament from the store. You know what I mean? Like, 'Oh, I want it,' and I add it."
"There's this instant pool, instant feeling like I want this, I want this."
"I just want to push that button. I just want to push that button."
"I walked out of that store very upset with a bunch of snacks."
"I want to go get in the water right now."
"I guess just wait for Friday Saturday Sunday because that's when I literally blow my money."
"Why did you kiss me? Beats me. Just call it a sudden impulse."
"I remember that... Sunday lunchtime. Monday morning, I went out and I got a bass."
"I just blacked out and all this stuff jumped in my cart."
"...buying something the act of doing it temporarily makes me feel better."
"I have the strongest urge to put on Pixar's Cars right now."
"What would happen if I acted on this desire and just left the logic behind?"
"Look at this ring. I saw it, and I'm like, nah, I gotta get it."
"If someone had put a marshmallow in front of her as a child, she would have eaten it straight away."
"This is something that can happen in the Heat of the Moment."
"I just felt this thing, I was like, I just have to."
"Never buy anything on the spur of the moment because that's not a good way to make decisions."
"In the airport they have this little kiosk that has different like headphones and stuff and I low-key want some headphones."
"I kept seeing these cookies over and over again on my TikTok and I was like, 'It's a sign, I have to order some cookies and eat them.'"
"... they just cannot help themselves."
"Because I can, because I was feeling like it, and I did."
"I should have elbowed that little bastard in the nose."
"I didn't want to, because man I did not need another line to buy. Nostalgia is a hell of a drug, it'll make you do some silly things."
"It's like, 'Well, I mean 20 years, that's going to pay off, you know what I mean? But when you spend money, I mean, unless you're paying bills or whatever, you spend money in that moment, it just feels good to buy something, I guess. I don't know."
"I love this because this is when we mistake impulse for intuition."
"Trader Joe's, like Target, you kind of black out when you go in there, and when you come out, you'll be like, 'What did I just do?'"
"I ran for whatever crazy reason all I could think of was jump in the Hudson River and swim to New Jersey and get away from this."
"The essential impulse in my heart is, look I'm not a super genius, I work my, I do my best, I'm striving for truth."
"Not because she really fancied him, but just for the hell of it, that's all."
"Nobody saw me, but I just... It was, she was so fine, I had to."
"I just thought this was so pretty, I couldn't leave it behind."
"I might have been hungry. All this other stuff was probably just already in my cart."
"But I wish I had because at that moment I drank the margarita, then I had, and it was gone."
"I went to Sally's, I cracked out, I got some hair dye."
"For those of you who have asked, 'Should I buy it?' If you love it and you can't live without it and you walk away from it, you're still thinking about it, sure, buy it."
"Man is not made up of just reason but also impulse, impulse meaning desires, emotions, and unpredictable moods."
"We need to fight the urge to do irrational things just to prove that fact."
"I could do that, let's see, he might want it. Do it, do not buy the float!"
"This is so a lot. I'm gonna buy it."
"Every once in a while when I walk into Target and I will stop in this shoe section 'cause things will catch my eye..."
"I need a drink or else I'm like, 'I should be tweeting, I should be Instagramming, I should be potting.'"
"Before she could stop herself, she wrapped her arms around him."
"This lust that operates in us is a powerful force."
"That was fun giving in to the strange impulse."
"If somebody hits you, you gonna hit them back."
"...I suppose like Thinking With My Dick while I'm actually thinking with my brain actually doing something about it instead you know so I think that's why people might think like their concentration is a lot better and stuff like that"
"It's like the same kind of impulse as somebody who wants a lion as a pet but then you have it and you're like, 'Just don't eat me.'"
"I just gravitated towards it and I was like I'm going to get it. I'm very, very excited."
"In 2009, a 31-year-old fisherman named Mohammed Anwar decided he wanted some fruit."
"Amazon Prime enables impulse shopping, disincentivizes you to shop around, and wrecks people's ability to manage their money responsibly."
"I want shame, I want to buy the toy and walk out of the place looking down."
"It is the happy marriage of two elements impulse and ideation which if holy divorced would reduce man to a brute or a maniac."
"Every creature, large and small, has that itch."
"You just don't trust yourself, you don't like the idea that you can swipe this and just buy shit that's not paid for."
"Everyone has a plan until you see a 512 that you can't resist and you're just like [__] dude I got to do it."
"I guess I'll take three, why not? Let's just keep it going."
"You have no idea how hard it is to resist that temptation to just plant my foot to the floor and see what happens."
"The very best impulse purchase I've ever made."
"What if I just bought everything?"
"...everything that I've been thinking about buying I should buy because the world clearly wanted me to, anyways that's a joke but here's a haul."
"A lonely impulse of delight drove me to this tumult in the clouds."
"I don't think you have to have a logical reason to buy a camera."
"I mean, this is my childhood. Like, I literally bought a motorcycle because I wanted to fist pump."
"Every time I see something green, I just buy."
"Damn, I lowkey wanna do a drive-by, I ain't gonna even hold you."
"Sometimes you might look at something unnecessary and say, 'Oh, that looks cool, I want that.'"
"I snatched in the darkness and my fingers caught a bottle of burgundy."
"This wasn't a good day to pick it up, but I just had to pick it up, bro."
"The myelin sheath is a lipid, so it does not allow charged ions or the impulse to pass through, acting like insulation."
"Why am I in here? I don't need another snack I just had one like five minutes ago."
"I saw it in store and I was like that is coming home with me."
"I'm just a big fan of, you know, be you. Be authentic. Don't hold back. Act on impulse."
"You got to stop that initial impulse to do the easy thing."
"I knew I just had to splash some cash to try them out."
"I'm just gonna go ahead and start going on my wall here of all of my carted stuff."
"We want to focus on impulse when we're sprinting."
"The Bible says that all societies feel after God. It's an internal impulse built in."
"if you like something maybe go ahead and jump on it"
"... the pattern of giving in to impulses is dangerous because no one impulse looks like it's gonna destroy your future. But what you're really doing is making your life about self-gratification rather than about self-actualization."
"You know when it says a dollar, you just buy it, right?"
"What a cool thing but I did not order it and I kind of want to."
"The ability to resist temptation and control your impulses."
"I don't know why I bought this, I just thought it was so cute, like Donald's face looks adorable."
"I thought this was a good deal, totally forgot that I also bought this which is another pair of ears, it is Thumper and I just thought it was so unique to Tokyo Disneyland."
"I feel like I need to go stop and get me some food right now... I'm not gonna wait. I'm gonna go to Starbucks right now."
"Furious Jack responded by pointing at three Rolls-Royces, he bought all of them and dropped a total of 1.3 million dollars on the spot."
"These are the kinds of products I would buy without even blinking."
"...like somebody drove it off the showroom floor pulled it into their garage and parked it under a tarp for decades I just couldn't help myself."
"That impulse to do good is behind an awful lot of this."
"Sometimes I just want to be random and unplanned."
"It's an explosion of anger, followed by you know... all of a sudden, remorse because it's like, 'Oh gosh, what have I done?'"
"I don't really know why I grabbed this table. I don't really need it for anything but I just freaking love it."
"We didn't know consequences back then, we're just like, 'I want this.'"
"When I see it and I love it, I go away and then I go all the way around and then end up buying it."
"Dollar Tree had the cutest napkins this year and when I seen these ones I knew I had to have them."
"It's funny, originally I went into the store going in for two, three things left with 20."
"So if I find them in a smaller medium I'm taking them home."
"I just want to go to my friend's garage and buy a pound of weed right now."
"Realize it's an impulse within you when you see a 'need' in somebody. It's an impulse for you to act."
"I'm a lot better at not impulsively buying anymore like I used to."
"this is what happens when men think with their little head"
"If you find something on ASOS, I tell you all the time, just get it, just get it, just get it."
"It really is like a drug to me, man. I see something like this, it's like I gotta have it. I need this, I need this now."
"I'm a simple woman. If I see this watermelon, I buy it."
"I saw this crystal grid and you guys, I screamed, I just knew I had to have it."
"I've only gone and bought another Land Rover Defender, haven't I? Oh, what have I done?"