
Multidisciplinary Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"He Amplified every aspect of culture he touched."
"We're talking about not only a profound understanding of architecture and engineering but astronomy as well."
"The challenge is not just a technical one or a political one, it's a spiritual one."
"He wasn't just a poet though he was a teacher novelist critic and all-around champion of literature."
"Statistics is a big thing... You have to know a little bit of everything."
"Dmitri was a master of both science and the humanities, even at his absurdly young age."
"This class is unique... fields such as physics, chemistry, cryptography... You learn three things for the most part."
"There's overwhelming evidence in multiple fields, in multiple areas."
"People using an understanding of how the world works whether that's on a physical material level or a social level you know or a spiritual level you know psychological understanding sociological"
"I'm so lucky now to have a multi-hyphenate career."
"It's really a studio I can do a little bit of everything."
"By having these skill sets within one person, they can bring a unique lens to a problem that previously may have only had two ways of looking at it."
"Architecture has been the one discipline that combines the mind, the eye, and the body unlike any other."
"Dipping their toes in many unexpected disciplines."
"A watchmaker is an artist who is also a scientist, he's also an engineer, he's also an architect."
"Most people I interact with are practitioners of one discipline. You don't claim to be the world's expert in any of these things, but you like to borrow from all of them."
"Leonardo was working at the court in Milan and his employment gave him the time and money to pursue his very wide interest both in the arts and sciences, so it was a very important time for his work."
"Inviting a multi-disciplinary discourse among different stakeholders."
"The MD MPH program will empower you to address global health problems with multidisciplinary approaches."
"The influence that Hegel had is not just an influence in philosophy. It's an influence in theology, in history, in politics, in economics even. In law."
"Therapeutic strategies use the most recent knowledge in all fields: neurodevelopment, genetics, pharmacology, neuroscience, educational sciences."
"Security is really much more than code."
"...you have to have an integrative, multi-dimensional kind of approach if we're ever going to make progress in solving these problems."
"He was not just a historian, he was a scientist."
"It's really a multidisciplinary approach that gives the best outcome."
"It's a poetry of sadness and longing, as you would expect, but Michelangelo had the distinction of being an artist, a sculptor, and a poet."
"If you're a versatile shooter out there, you shoot a bit of everything, or even on the same day you shoot different types of work within the same day, it's nice to have that option."
"We have really established ourselves as a multi-disciplinary lab."
"I really do believe I recovered not due to the tinnitus retraining therapy alone but through the multi-faceted treatment plan provided by my neuro-otologist, audiologist, and rehab psychologist."
"His work was highly influential in engineering, mathematics, physics, and philosophy."
"Science today is largely a multidisciplinary effort."
"Palliative is not hospice; palliative is a multidisciplinary team to focus on improving patients' pain level and improving their daily activities."
"The proper study of humanity requires the insights of many disciplines."
"The beauty of the NPL site was that it was a multidisciplinary site."
"They were proficient in mathematics, medicine, engineering, and agriculture."
"They were proficient in philosophy, astronomy, geometry, mathematics, and navigation."
"The treatment of brain metastases is not a single discipline approach; it's multidisciplinary."
"I was able to do business and science and engineering all at once, and it seemed perfect."
"Ergonomics is a study of combining multiple different disciplines like physiology, anatomy, engineering, and psychology to create a work environment that's more suited to people's needs based on our bodies and our working styles."
"Studying parallel disciplines, if you're an actor, it might be good to know something about stagecraft and about filming and microphones and that kind of thing."
"Art Nouveau is a period style that influences architecture, fine and applied arts, and literature at the same time."
"It's a good example of academia as I like it best, which is open, progressive, multidisciplinary."
"It's really a lifelong learning, it's cultural, it's biological, it's scientific."
"I'm an archaeologist, historian, mythologist, and linguist."
"His natural genius crossed so many disciplines that he epitomized the term Renaissance man."
"We're looking at multiple disciplines and it really has been something I've enjoyed about the Cleveland Clinic."
"They wanted to create an event that was the epitome, that brought all the disciplines together."
"I am as much an artist as I am a creator, as I am a doctor, as I am a humanist."
"John von Neumann was a Hungarian-American mathematician, physicist, computer scientist, engineer, and polymath."
"Embedding the logics of naturalization in the computational design process enables designers to engage in a multidisciplinary approach."
"This course is a case study, a model, an exemplar, for how it's possible to look at a problem from multiple perspectives."
"Puppet building uses so many tools from so many different disciplines; it's like the one art form that kind of touches on everything."
"It combines a lot of different things: finance, law, and then psychology."
"Public health is truly a multidisciplinary, but I prefer calling interdisciplinary field."
"Strategy is about economics, diplomacy, military, and information operations."
"A well-thought-out technical solution requires a multidisciplinary input, collaboration, and agreement."
"Care should be multidisciplinary, and in general it needs to be."
"Craftsmanship in VFX is not only digital but also touches on overlapping disciplines."
"Our proposed representation does tick all the boxes in terms of the multidisciplinary insights we gained today."
"Students must complete an advanced program in politics, religion, philosophy, and combat."
"It's health from a multidisciplinary standpoint."
"I'm really understanding this art and craft; it seriously is arts, engineering, and crafts all coming together."
"Writing has made me a better actor and vice versa."
"The FFT is just scratching the tip of the surface but it's a really phenomenal algorithm useful in so many fields."
"We need to solve complex problems by taking a multidisciplinary approach."
"Understanding the nature of inference, in particular, understanding causation, correlation, and understanding these issues from a multidisciplinary viewpoint."
"She studied biology, nutrition, and psychology at university."
"Electronics is such a multiple disciplinary field, you know. There's no one engineer that designs a smartphone."
"Being an architect would allow me to continue being myself by working not just in the fields of art and mathematics, but in others that I am also interested in, such as history, geography, and anthropology among others."
"Optimization has many applications in business, science, machine learning, and engineering."
"Having a team, a multidisciplinary team, is going to give you far better results."
"Work on projects in different domains to get exposure to all the different subdomains in robotics and AI."
"We get the best results with a multi-disciplinary approach to management."
"Tufts engineers are encouraged to develop into multi-faceted human beings who will consider the economic, social, and political implications of the work they go on to do."
"You're going to need to know a little bit about marketing and sales and the product itself, and you're also going to need to be pretty good at leadership."
"The Creator economy, art, storytelling, programming, engineering, that becomes a bigger pie that more people can do."
"Every component has to be carefully considered and evaluated, leading to the first trinity of tank design: social, industrial, and political."
"This is not just a technology problem... it's also a problem in society, policy, architecture, law, insurance, and business."
"The important thing about fibromyalgia is that management needs to be multidisciplinary."
"The best way to manage this is the proactive multidisciplinary approach to management."
"It’s not time for finger pointing, it’s time for figuring out how we break down barriers, harness our resources and work more effectively in multi – disciplinary approaches."
"This is very much a multidisciplinary team effort trying to keep these patients alive."
"This is a great congress, a great opportunity with multi-disciplinary lectures and presentations all intended to move us forward ever closer to our full potential."
"The late Freden R. Hund Vasa was an architect, a graphic artist, a painter, and a philosopher; he was one of the most original individuals of his time."