
Courses Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"If you like Latin, you need to sign up for the new St. Thomas Institute."
"These courses aren't scams but 99% of the time they're just shallow cash grabs."
"They actually combine this with outrun 2 so that comes to 30 courses."
"Skillshare will help keep you learning and thriving with twenty five thousand different classes."
"If you want to stay up with all things AI, this platform Skill Leap AI is basically an AI platform for all kinds of different AI courses."
"There's a lot of people who are trying to sell like expensive five or $10,000 courses on how to run an agency; you don't have to spend money to learn how to do that."
"Honestly, I take a lot of courses. I have time carved out every week that I dedicate to learning new skills. That involves multiple sources, of course, but one of the main ones is Skillshare."
"It's really something special to watch to see old courses like this that hold up so well."
"So courses and now I should be able to just create this function as a utility."
"We all learn differently but i think we can all agree that the best way to truly learn and retain something is by doing it with brilliant interactive courses."
"Check the description below for the advanced courses that I teach."
"The thing I love about what you're sharing is that you do have these courses that take people step by step through these things."
"This is a full course, and we're going to learn everything step by step."
"I want to share just a little special announcement about courses I created."
"Speed reading courses must have a comprehension element to them."
"The Cosmic Academy of Astrology offers comprehensive courses for mastering astrology."
"...the knowledge that you gain in this lesson will be applied to many many many courses down the road."
"Whether you're trying out a new hobby working on your own business or simply learning to improve a particular skill you can find courses on animation creative writing business and marketing productivity web design photography the list goes on."
"I hope this was helpful. I really hope that you guys go and take these courses because they're brilliant and you are going to get so much value out of them."
"...we honestly work super hard on them to the point where calling them plans almost feels like a disservice. They're more like an online woodworking course or a video book."
"When I started YouTube, I took Graham's YouTube course and his real estate course and it helped me tremendously. I cannot tell you how worth it was to buy those courses and watch them and learn from them."
"All my courses will be 30-40% off. I do this only once per year for two weeks."
"On my website is where you can find all my courses, what I'm up to, blogs, and my email list."
"The big thing that I want to focus you in on of course is that on-demand sale. That on-demand learning is those courses we keep up to date, we re-record them when necessary, I highly recommend you take a look at it."
"...many golf courses... endless supply... super fun and sometimes challenging."
"Starting by selling one or several $200 courses is the fastest way to get there."
"Linear algebra course for me? I know I need to make a linear algebra course, and I need to make a discrete math course. People keep asking me, and I still haven't."
"Teachers matter. So ask those good questions when you sign up for a course."
"I think the number of courses that we have in such a small area is pretty incredible."
"If you would like to learn more about Xero, please check out the links to our Xero courses in the description below."
"The code 'CERTWEB50' is good for three days, allowing you to save 50% off any course on our website."
"The player in Storyline is mobile responsive, so your courses will work no matter what devices your learners might be viewing them on."
"You need to give them a way to see the courses that they've purchased."
"Cheesecake and he's pretty much got cheese on every course."
"Enjoy 50% off on our courses until the end of December."
"Top 1K people joining the group would be given great discounted courses."
"Direct purchase works best with lower price point and information-driven courses."
"I created these courses to help you go further faster in achieving your life goals."
"I've got courses on linear algebra, complex analysis, and proof writing among several others."
"...the big thing with courses is that usually the data they give you is nicely curated and perfect for you to use in a project but real life data is actually really messy."
"A lot of course to take us safely away from the combat area."
"I definitely learned a lot from your courses."
"Patreons will be getting a heavily discounted trial version before the course is publicly available."
"Courses and communities are great because you own the product."
"Quick little plug, we actually have virtual courses coming soon."
"...if you're struggling... I've got actually two separate courses... one is called resume Rocket Fuel... it teaches you how to write a resume quickly and easily."
"Skillshare can help. They've got a curated course on personal projects to build your portfolio and get the gigs you want."
"This course in Benidorm was so impressive."
"Our courses for this month are about overcoming and transcending loneliness."
"It's an embarrassment of riches of golf courses."
"It's not just a showcase for the best players in the game, it's also a showcase for the best golf courses that the United States has to offer."
"That's what I love about this season's courses, the variety."
"With specialty dining, you'll choose a three, four, or even eight-course meal from a prefixed menu."
"We offer courses to improve your unicycle skills."
"There's a ton of different ways to do that; if you guys are interested in learning any of these different ways to do this, make sure you check out the courses we have available."
"I've learned so much with my kids using these courses."
"Courses can be incredible if you find the right ones; they can be life-changing."
"Don't just take my word for it, have a read of what our past students had to say about my courses."
"We feature a wide range of courses for people who are just starting out or for people who just want to learn something new."
"Get our best-selling courses on Udemy and Skillshare."
"Head over to Rebelway and check out their courses; it's very professional training."
"The next 100 talk has thrown up some fantastic golf courses, some fantastic challenges."
"We are currently in the bathroom after having, I think we're three courses down, yes, three courses down, and we are feeling amazing."
"She's becoming a force on these type of courses."
"We've got four full-on courses that you can take any of the content from the courses."
"If you're looking to learn about animation, they've got plenty of courses on that as well as design, photography, illustration, film."
"I'm still learning, and the best way to learn is to come out and take a course taken by professionals."
"Simulation now includes 30,000 plus courses from Rapsodo."
"What we're thinking about in these situations and why, that's what we want to bring to all of you with these courses."
"Now we've got our site set up and we've added an image and it's quite attractive, we're going to look at how we can add what Moodle calls courses, which are the spaces or the pages where teachers teach and learners learn."
"Brilliant's courses are a really good way to keep me engaged."
"You can find all of our official Unity courses as well as our newly sponsored Maxon courses."
"I would love to do mini little literature courses, just like on a focused topic or even an author or something like that."
"The beginner's course is what most people do first."