
Leftovers Quotes

There are 199 quotes

"Feels like an insane kid see ghost leftover, feels like a crazy KSG leftover."
"But we pack up the leftovers, we're taking them home."
"One of my biggest pet peeves are people that don't take advantage of leftovers."
"Controversial lunch alert. You know, some days you have a kale Caesar salad for lunch and other days you just might see crumpets."
"The anna jones sweet leek and leftovers crumble topped pie, something like that, sounds very fancy but it's basically leftover veg."
"Leftover cooked rice is better for fried rice dishes."
"Stuffing waffles, that is the best way to enjoy leftover stuffing."
"If you rub it right, it still tastes good the next day."
"This dish here often is left full of leftover vegetables... just as easy to stick it in one of those bags to put it in the fridge."
"When you warm the leftovers up trust me put it in the oven it's like next level of food pleasure."
"It's a great one to have leftovers of for the next day."
"Cold leftovers are pretty good. Best cold leftovers are the best."
"Why do meatloaf for one dinner when I could go ahead and do meatloaf for six dinners?"
"The best part of Thanksgiving are the leftovers."
"You can always over make curry because the leftover will always taste better."
"It's just so nice to have in the fridge, I actually have some leftover turkey because I got an extra turkey after Thanksgiving."
"The best thing about Christmas food is The Leftovers in my opinion."
"it's kind of you're just you like I said you're eating leftovers for the fifth time"
"What is better than that? We weren't able to finish all of our cakes, but we are able to take them to go."
"Leftover pizza is fine the next day, maybe even the day after that."
"There's so many ways to use leftover rice and leftovers in general."
"Chinese food is the king of leftovers. There's nothing better than Chinese leftovers."
"I'll take dessert for the road" - Planning to enjoy leftovers later, a common practice.
"I barely ate my entree, saving it for lunch. That's the joy of going out to eat."
"Yummy yummy yummy leftover food from the hospital."
"The leftovers always taste better the next day."
"Create a Zone in your fridge for your leftovers... otherwise, they're going to get pushed by something else to the back of the fridge."
"If you have leftover Carnitas or pork, this is a great recipe."
"These were a leftover whip from 2021."
"Be sure to come back to the next video because I'm going to show you what to make with thanksgiving leftovers which is quite possibly even better than the actual meal itself."
"These are just leftovers from where we fished in the evening and we're going to use them all up today."
"If you don't like to eat the same thing what can you make from those leftovers to create a whole new meal."
"Real home cooking so often starts with leftovers."
"The best part about Thanksgiving is the leftover situation."
"But anyway, I put some biscuits in the oven. Those were left over from a package that we had for Father's Day."
"I do err on the side of big. I like to have more food so that I have at least one meal of leftovers."
"I love making my leftover breakfast quiche."
"Welcome to the graveyard of leftover food."
"...the best part about making a meal that tastes even better like as it's been sitting or just like better as leftovers is that you have lunch and dinner for the next couple of days."
"When you have leftover beef and you have leftover corn potatoes green beans whatever vegetables you have, that's a great time to make vegetable beef soup."
"Finally, I've found a sublime way to use up Christmas pudding leftovers."
"...if you are wondering how much Turkey to buy the general rule of thumb is one pound per person I like to do one and a half pound per person because leftovers are the best part of Thanksgiving and any holiday so make sure you get extra"
"And that's my favorite part of all the days after Christmas is I take a whole bunch of leftovers and that's all I eat until it's all gone."
"These cabbage rolls are fantastic as leftovers."
"The best part about ordering way too much food is literally the fact that there are leftovers."
"Leftover meatloaf is also good, actually it's fantastic."
"Leftovers are the best because it means you don't have to cook again."
"Leftovers aren't leftovers, the literal best."
"I love Thanksgiving more for the leftovers than I do the actual dinner."
"I set aside one small portion because Ruthie really wanted to take some in her lunch tomorrow, but this is something that we rarely have leftovers of because everybody really really likes it."
"We do have some leftovers, so we have some ideas for what we can do with it."
"The Magic Bullet is ideal for turning leftovers like last night's chicken and vegetables into taste-tempting chicken salad for a six-second homemade lunch."
"Leftovers don't have to be boring and miserable; let's bring them back to life."
"Just picture this: roast chicken on a Sunday, and on Monday, you've got this kind of carcass sitting there in the fridge."
"Let's not rape our turkey of leftovers tomorrow."
"Make sure you preserve as much of the food that you have left over from the holidays as you possibly can."
"You take leftovers, that's fine. But you can't roll in with a [__] empty Tupperware."
"This is a nice way of using leftover mashed potato."
"The brisket's one of those things that, like, you eat the night of and you're like, that's so good. And then when you have leftovers, you're like, oh, it's even better."
"The leftovers, when you reheat them, are so good."
"Lunch leftovers are the best, y'all, the best."
"Stuffing for me is the best. It's the ultimate Thanksgiving leftover because it's just bread with seasoning in it."
"Use up leftovers and get creative with what you have already on hand."
"You have all the space you need for leftovers in your many fridges."
"Your trusty air fryer is the perfect vessel to reheat any leftover steak."
"Not only is this dinner going to be affordable, but there's gonna be enough leftovers."
"Five simple dishes, Allstar leftover rice."
"I love leftover meals where you can repurpose things."
"We usually have the ham on boxing day. We’ll have like a boxing day ham. That’s like a thing people do. There’s not like so much food that you have to eat the leftovers?"
"I love leftovers, so grateful for leftovers."
"Living alone, I don't always want to cook for myself every meal of every day, so having a bunch of leftovers is so good."
"Honestly my favorite thing is once the turkey's done then next day to make a turkey sandwich."
"We had so much left over that my family had to eat it for a week straight... so much food left over."
"We love the food we love the environment great place to go makes outstanding leftovers."
"Supper was delicious, it is actually all gone! There was nothing left except just a little bit for me to put in a container."
"Everything was perfectly portioned out so I had a great meal for dinner leftovers for lunch the next day."
"I love leftovers. The same thing with leftovers, if you just let it sit in the fridge for like a whole day, all that flavor... the next day the food tastes so much better."
"Leftovers are always better than the first time around."
"Love your leftovers, intentionally plan for leftovers."
"We are not wasting food, no. Anything that we don't eat, you're having for dinner tomorrow night."
"My dream lunch is leftovers, something from the night before."
"This is very, very easy to do and also very easy to keep with the leftover."
"I love minestrone soup because it really does make for some great leftovers for lunch the next day."
"Love using leftovers like I love coming up with ways to use them."
"So anytime you're just like kind of wondering what to do with what's left in your fridge, these are an excellent option."
"It has so much flavor, and we're gonna have leftovers from this, I'm sure."
"It's a delicious, delicious meal, goes far as well, and it's great to have the next day."
"Reheating some leftover fried chicken and mashed potatoes tonight, oh I love me some fried chicken."
"There's no limit to what you can do with Thanksgiving leftovers."
"The leftovers is the best part of Thanksgiving."
"A really nifty hack is to just have dinner leftovers for breakfast."
"Fried rice is an opportunity to use potentially leftover ingredients in your fridge."
"Now we've taken leftovers and kicked it up another notch."
"To me, fried rice is use whatever the leftovers, we just like some texture, and we're going to use up everything so that we don't waste."
"Perfect to make in advance, great for picnics, you can just take along to wherever you can take it for lunch leftovers, it is delicious."
"What are we gonna do with all of these inevitable Thanksgiving Leftovers!?"
"Your pizza is going to taste better leftovers when you reheat in an air fryer."
"It's better on the second day for leftovers, especially when you mix your own spices in it."
"I'm having leftover risotto we made from my second book."
"Pizza leftovers are the best, and the trick is you throw them on a skillet or an air fryer and you get them crispy."
"Food is always like homecooked meals are always so good as leftovers."
"You really start to appreciate leftovers as you get older."
"Let's rediscover the long-forgotten culinary art of baking your leftovers into a pie."
"Don't leave hot food out; you top it up, shut up, you put it in the fridge. It's beautiful the next day; you only reheat things once. There's rules, people."
"I'm super impressed that you're using leftovers, that is great."
"Leftover braised dishes are just as good, or arguably better, the next day."
"The leftovers also made some killer tacos the next day."
"This salad was absolutely delicious, and the kale actually holds up really well in the refrigerator, so it's also great for leftovers."
"We're taking home the leftovers, but we had to save room for dessert."
"Pizza and fried chicken taste better the next day cold."
"It tastes even better left over, it's amazing."
"The best thing that you can make all in one pot and then just have leftovers for several days."
"I believe in sustainability and low waste, so I keep everything that's left over."
"We don't want to waste it, so we take that leftover food home with us."
"You wouldn't think you can make anything so good from leftovers."
"If you have a bunch of leftover vegetables, throw it all in a casserole or a soup."
"You can make it ahead of time; you can make it on a Sunday night, eat it Sunday night, and have leftovers for Monday."
"Always make the most of your leftovers; remember, a good cook wastes nothing."
"There's nothing better than good leftovers, nothing."
"Food just tastes amazing the next day for some reason, especially pizza and pasta."
"There is just nothing like a casserole; tastes good, it works great for leftovers."
"I really am focusing on clearing out all of the leftovers. I like to make sure no food goes to waste."
"You can also feed a family with just this pizza or have leftovers for multiple meals."
"Leftovers are never a bad thing, especially with a Thanksgiving meal."
"One of the really fun things about pilau is that it is even better the next day and the next day."
"It's way too much food for the amount of people coming, but they can take some home."
"Do you guys know what the best part about the day after Thanksgiving is? Heck to the yes, we've got everything, guys."
"The leftovers are better than the original meal."
"I'm eating leftovers, I have a salad and some chicken from last night, which is like the best chicken ever."
"I love having so many leftovers that I can send them to work with husband."
"The best hot lunches, I think, are always leftovers."
"Guys, it is so filling that you don't even need... we could have probably shared one of these and had leftovers."
"Leftovers means perfection because it always tastes better the second day."
"This is definitely a winner, and we have a lot left over for after this video."
"I think leftovers are great, to the extent that I have Indian food for breakfast."
"Here's the good news with drip, you can absolutely save your leftovers."
"Chicken pot pie is also always so good warmed up, it's almost better, leftovers are almost better."
"Making something nice with turkey leftovers is not that big of a deal, but making something amazing with turkey leftover leftovers, that's the real challenge."
"What really makes a recipe using leftover holiday turkey great is that it should be very simple to make and not have a lot of ingredients."
"It's gonna taste just as good if not better the next day."
"Leftovers are so good, I almost just want to cook the Thanksgiving meal the day before."
"Loosen it from the tin, and then cut it into quarters, and then have this the next day for lunch."
"This is Ma's baked macaroni... it's so good, so addicting, and when you heat this up for leftovers, it is still so good and creamy."
"It's amazing what you can do with leftovers; this rice and chili has really done us well."
"The only thing I love more than eating pie with my actual holiday meal is eating it for breakfast the next day."
"So for lunch today, I'm going to throw mine into a wrap."
"Lasagna the next day is ten times better than lasagna served fresh and hot."
"It's better the next day, it's like spaghetti, it's better the next day."
"A four or five pound piece of meat will feed a whole family plus leftovers."
"One of the best things about Thanksgiving is the leftovers."
"This is last night's dinner in the sandwich, it's so good."
"It really is a perfect sandwich to make the day after Thanksgiving with all of your leftovers."
"Making Meat Monday, bit chaotic, we got there in the end, I think it's a good use of leftover turkey and ham, isn't it?"
"Thank goodness for leftovers, glad we had those mashed potatoes."
"I actually quite enjoyed it, and I have enough left over for my lunch tomorrow."
"We have Christmas leftovers for days; nobody cooks Christmas on a small scale, do they?"
"It's comforting and delicious and will also provide some leftovers for the rest of the week."
"Most Americans prefer leftovers more than the actual meal."
"If you're cooking at home, you usually have leftovers, so then that inspires you to eat at home again."
"I absolutely love this stuff, and to tell you the truth, it is actually even better the next day."
"I love making quiche because I then have leftovers for lunch the next day, and it's even better when it's been sat chilling in the fridge."
"It's a very good demonstration of the law of leftovers."
"It tastes even better the very next day."
"It saved us so much money and actually eating the leftovers because they got used right away."
"The best part about having your birthday is eating the leftovers the next day."
"It's perfect, absolutely perfect for all those little leftovers you have in your stash."
"Anything that you put in a slow cooker tastes good and it tastes even better the second and third time around."
"Another great thing about tonight's meal is that there was enough left over for us all three to enjoy it for lunch the next day."
"Just be creative with your leftovers."
"I often think chili's actually better left over the next day or the next couple of days."
"It's easy if I'm already gonna be making it for a meal to just double it up and then save the extras."
"I don't really get why people [__] on leftovers; I often find that the food sometimes tastes even better the second time around."
"If you've already made it and you have leftovers in the fridge, use it, eat it, don't let it go to waste."
"The best thing about stuff like this is that it tastes better the next day."
"There's nothing like a cold meatloaf sandwich the next morning, you hear me? Yes, on a piece of bread with a little bit of mayonnaise."
"I swear they're better after they marinate; I swear they're better as leftovers."