
Looking Forward Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"As you do keto more and more, you won't like things as super sweet as you once did."
"I just appreciate sharing this past year with all of you and I look forward to creating another year of content ahead."
"This has been amazing and I look forward to a wonderful year 2023."
"A huge thanks to all of you and as we look forward to the rest of the year starting with our 43.2"
"People are looking for something to look forward to right now."
"I'm deleting my reviews of Cyberpunk 2077 both parts and yeah, I'm not looking back."
"There's so much to look forward to... we are blessed."
"I'm looking forward to it, man. I'm really looking forward to it."
"We are the godness, we have the blueprint for God power within all of us."
"Sounds awesome, I'm gonna enjoy that one quite a bit."
"This ain't it, there's more on the other side."
"It's no trouble at all, I've been looking forward to this."
"So once she gets settled I think she's looking forward to getting settled yeah she'll be able to like get back to her routine of things and all of that so I think she's excited about that yeah."
"I just don't want you all to feel sad about the end of anything because really we just have stuff to look forward to, you know?"
"Lovely first stream back, looking forward to many, many more."
"There's something you have to look forward to."
"Looking for the Lord, right? Isn't that one of our duties? Is to look up, for your redemption draws nigh."
"I'm just excited for what the season brings, I'm very looking forward to it."
"I've been looking forward to this all week."
"The best part is always about to come."
"Dorian smiled and found himself for the first time in a while looking forward to tomorrow."
"Rocket ships don't come equipped with rearview mirrors, you know what I mean? We move on."
"Awesome! So that's something to look forward to, definitely."
"Surprises have always been something that I can look forward to. I love being able to look forward to things."
"That's what I've been looking forward to more than anything."
"Every show we do at this point is big; every time we do a show, it's something to look forward to."
"I'm already looking forward to it."
"I appreciate you so much for spending your time with me, and I look forward to seeing you in the next one."
"She kept her mindset positive and even though she was going through chemo, she was also looking forward to the future."
"I'm excited; it's a good way to end the day."
"I was blessed and highly favored this year, but at the same time, girl, 2023, get the hell on."
"Sorrow looks back. Worry looks all around. But hope looks up."
"This is something that we're all really looking forward to."
"It's gonna be okay because summer is right around the corner and there's so many things to look forward to."
"It would be so nice just to start afresh, and that's what we're really looking forward to, I think."
"I'm feeling much better and excited for the week ahead now."
"I'm looking forward to getting out of the city."
"Thank you for how awesome '23 has been, and I look forward to all the fun we'll have together in '24."
"I'm looking forward to a year that is just full of all the things that make you feel good."
"I'm really, really, really looking forward to it."
"This has been an exceedingly rough situation for a lot of us, but I'm looking forward to just having it behind us and moving forward."
"I'm focused day by day, I don't care what happened yesterday, I'm just looking forward to right now."
"Don't look back, Ruby. We have so much to be thankful for."
"Keep looking up, keep looking up."
"I am so incredibly excited; I have been looking forward to this since September."
"Always have events that we could look forward to."
"We don't want you to not like winter; we want you to see all of the beauty of winter but we also want you to look forward to spring coming."
"Thank you so much for hanging out with me in this video, I hope you had fun and I cannot wait to see you in my next video."
"I'm looking forward to it, excited about it."
"I'm looking forward to doing it properly again and sharing it with you."
"I'm really looking forward to wearing this."
"I look forward to our little arts and crafts project."
"I'm looking forward to wearing it throughout the rest of the summer."
"Pre-season to the Suncorp Super Netball for 2023, can't wait."
"2022 was an amazing year, and 2023 is going to be an even better year."
"I'm excited looking forward to Big Brother 23. I'm hopeful, I'm optimistic."
"I'm already looking forward to the next knit along."
"I'm very grateful for that and I'm looking forward to a new year of content."
"I always think it's so nice to have little things to look forward to."
"It's definitely something to look forward to and it is definitely one of the best memories that I have made at Queens."
"I'm really excited for this, I'm really looking forward to it."
"Keep on going, just take your time, take it easy, and don't look back."
"I'm being invited to all sorts of places by all sorts of people and I'm so looking forward to it."
"Let's be honest, we all need something to look forward to this year."
"The worst is behind you, and always stay looking up to the light, no matter what is happening around you."
"I'm really excited. I've been looking forward to this."
"It's pretty refreshing to know that Mondays will have something that all of us can really look forward to."
"I'm actually just really looking forward to it."
"Look forward to that, and I will see you guys in my next vlog."
"I'm very, very excited. I'm looking forward to it."