
Binary Quotes

There are 161 quotes

"A typical computer works in a language of ones and zeros - binary. It's well suited for certain types of calculations and processes."
"There does have to be an answer. A proposition is either true or false."
"Logical data type will only return either 1 or 0."
"Propaganda simplifies complex issues into a binary good versus evil."
"If I tell you this is going to be either true or false, so it's going to be one of those boolean types."
"In his paper, Shannon showed that a single binary digit, one of these ones or zeros, is a fundamental unit of information."
"Computers treat information as binary: on or off, true or false, one or zero."
"65535, Power of Two baby, power of two."
"A bit is literally just a binary number a zero or a one."
"Computers also just take inputs in the form of 0s and 1s, and then they transform them in some way."
"...compatibility is binary: it runs or it doesn't run."
"But there's a reason it sells that way, and it's not just because we are reinforcing a binary. The binary is not bad. You don't topple it."
"It’s time to move beyond the victim-survivor binary."
"Sex is binary. It is male and female."
"'In its essence, knitting is binary, made of two main types of stitches - knit and purled stitches, and this binary stitch system translates easily into code.'"
"A statement is either true or false."
"White people didn't invent the gender binary. That's simply not true."
"...it just simply outputs, look, that hello string rule that you just specified, it will match against this binary."
"And why is it 256? Step rule of counting again. There's actually eight bits to represent the red channel."
"It's all ones and zeros, except that no it isn't."
"...computers can only understand ones and zeros, but that's not very useful to us."
"For humans, binary is very tough to remember, so we convert every 8 bits into bytes."
"So I thought I'd program my own binary print routine, that's what I did."
"Sex is binary in the biological sense."
"A classical computer can represent the values one and zero."
"Zero tells you that they're the same, one tells you that they're different."
"So, we've got 8 bits. 8 bits, right? We've got ones and zeros."
"With three bits, how many variations can we get? Well, in simple binary, that only gives us eight variations."
"Computers are made up of ones and zeros. Now usually we like to group these together into more manageable chunks - either 8-bit as a byte or sometimes even 16 or 32 bits."
"The clutch acts just like a switch; there's no slipping, it's either on or it's off."
"A chance to not see the universe in binary terms, beyond zeros and ones."
"You can represent any number, no matter how big the number is, with nothing more than a series of zeros and ones."
"Everything in any computer is binary; binary is a base two number system, two states, zero and one, digital on or off, yes or no, true or false."
"It's like being pregnant; you're not kind of pregnant, and you're not really really pregnant. You are or you aren't."
"This is sometimes referred to as the law of the excluded middle."
"The law of excluded middle says either a given shade is red or it isn't."
"If the circuit is off or open, I'm going to say zero, and if the circuit is closed, I'm going to say one."
"From just representing these on or off values, we can start to build up to some very simple logic."
"There are only two types of people in the world: those who understand binary and those who don't."
"A switch is a simple entity that has two states: off or on."
"What are we trying to do as programmers? We're trying to create a binary image that is going to run on our processor."
"A qubit can be represented binarily as a one and a zero at the same time."
"All you have to do is deliver the binary, put it somewhere, and run it with a config file and that's it."
"The very core of a computing chip is essentially a switch, an on/off switch... so if 'on' is one and 'off' is zero, that's all you need, and that is the amazing part of it."
"Machines only understand the language of 0 and 1."
"The wonders of binary could go on, but this story about binary ends here."
"Software is just another language, comprised of zeros and ones."
"Magic is this sort of off-on switch; either it's magic or it's crap."
"These strict categorizations of sex and gender... do you not think that maybe this idea that sex is absolutely binary and it's absolutely based on chromosomes is maybe harmful?"
"This weird number of 32,768 is actually 2 to the power of 15."
"The binary number system is essentially the same as a decimal number system that you're used to except that each digit can only be 0 or 1."
"In binary, each value is scaled by 2 to the power of its position."
"The stops are binary; they're either on or they're off, there's no in between."
"Boolean's are pretty simple to understand, it's a true/false value."
"There are only 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary and those who don't."
"In binary, 73 is a palindrome, 1001001, which backwards is 1001001."
"A boolean expression evaluates to whether something is true or false."
"The boolean type is a data type that evaluates to either true or false."
"IT works in binary, on/off, yes or no, it works or it does not work."
"Two's complement is a much more effective approach."
"Representation of floating point numbers in binary uses a mantissa and an exponent."
"Binary to denary conversion is a straightforward process."
"Everything fundamentally is zeros and ones in a computer."
"Remember to divide by eight because there are eight bits in a byte."
"If it goes above 8-bit, it's an overflow error because the numbers overflowed."
"Binary shifts are easy, it's literally shifting."
"In digital circuits, all real world entities, that is the ‘Data’, will be converted to binary numbers."
"True binary, of course, is zeros and ones."
"In a concept learning task, we have instances x, and x can come from R to the power d, or if the features are Boolean, x can come from zero 1 to the power d."
"The entire computer system works with these two numbers: zero and one."
"It's so much bigger than just ones and zeros."
"The output is high if the input is an odd number."
"The output is high if the input is even."
"The law of excluded middle states that everything is either A or non-A."
"Biological sexuality is ancient, it's hundreds of millions of years old, and it's binary."
"Every single bit of data that the computer is storing is ultimately just ones and zeros."
"Instead of powers of 10, we're using powers of 2."
"You can think of a 0 as a light bulb being off and a one as being a light bulb being on."
"It's either a one or a zero, will it be number one?"
"Graphics cards work binary, so we're going to create a new Float32Array from our coordinates."
"In the world of computing today, we're just dealing with binary, two distinct values: it's either going to be black, or it's going to be white."
"A flip-flop actually stores a binary piece of information; you can either store high or store low, kind of like a little memory address in a computer but it only holds one bit."
"A boolean variable is a variable that holds a value of either true or false."
"Binary logistic regression is carried out in those cases where you have a dependent variable that is dichotomous."
"Digital signals have only two states: 0 or 1."
"The beautiful thing about the AND, OR, and IF is they have these logical tests and they can only come out true or false."
"Digital signals can be either on or off, one of two values: 0 or 1."
"The trick to do anything between binary to decimal and decimal to binary is to understand the conversion table."
"Binary: don't measure yourself by the quality, measure yourself by whether you did it or not."
"It's either you're entertaining or you're not."
"Logical operators... they return the value of either true or false."
"At the end of the day, no matter what media we use to represent information, it all reduces to zeros and ones."
"A boolean expression is a logical statement that is either true or false."
"You can't add noise to a digital signal; it's either a 1 or a 0, it can't be anything else."
"But computers, of course, only understand binary zeros and ones."
"It corresponds to rearranging the order of the bits in the binary representation of the indices."
"Our computers work on zeros and ones, meaning that zero represents false and then one represents true."
"Hexadecimal number system is a compact way to represent binary numbers."
"Every single digital computer in the world operates based on a very simple concept: it only knows two things, on and off."
"If we have billions and billions of switches, what we just have is billions and billions of zeros and ones."
"Everything on a computer is based on zeros and ones."
"The secret and the magic of binary numbers."
"If I can take zeros and ones and make numbers, I can then make letters, colors, pictures, and videos."
"Binary is just as valid of a number system as decimal is."
"A statement can be true or false, not both."
"Anything above \( T \) gets turned into one, anything that's below \( T \) gets turned to zero."
"Silicon can either grab onto an electron or let go of it, forming a one or a zero, which is the basis of binary code in computers."
"If there be eight bits, then the maximum value that I can store is when all these eight bits are ones."
"The data is actually not stored in the JSON format; the format here is called BSON, which is binary JSON."
"Cubits can be in states both zero and one, but at the moment that we measure the cubit's value, it has to snap to either one of these values, either zero or one."
"With three select bits, I can have numbers from 000 up to 111."
"The world inside the microcontroller is binary in nature, so the microcontroller understands only the machine language program written in terms of zeros and ones."
"The binary nature of weaving is historically interesting to computer people."
"Each bit is only on or off, one or zero, true or false, and that's what makes them here so simple."
"Plus does feel like or, and multiply does feel like and if you live in a zero-one world."
"Computers use binary, where numbers can only be 0 or 1."
"Light bulbs represent two possible states: either the bulb is switched on or off."
"In this problem set, we want to encode text as a sequence of binary numbers."
"Each decimal is represented by its bits."
"Zero means the light bulb is off, and one means that the light bulb is on."
"We need to keep dividing the number by 2."
"We can actually use the modulo operator to return the remainder value until we get our binary."
"In Boole's algebra, the only numbers were 0 and 1, which represented the ideas of false and true, respectively."
"We can take advantage of Booleans, which are expressions that evaluate to either true or false."
"Computers understand binary, which is ones and zeros."
"You can represent any number in the whole world with binary numbers."
"As soon as you have that ability to turn something on, like a 1, or turn something off, like a 0, you can clearly count as high as you want."
"The IEEE floats are basically a scientific notation number in base 2."
"A gray code is defined to be a sequence of binary numbers where each successive number differs by exactly 1 bit."
"At the end of the day, they only understand zeros and ones."
"Computers, indeed, only understand 0's and 1's, the so-called binary system."
"When we're working with computers, things are in two states: either on or off."
"Just like we have a base 10 Decimal System, we have binary which works in a similar fashion."