
Promptness Quotes

There are 105 quotes

"Applying fast is one of the best ways that you can separate yourself and give yourself a competitive advantage."
"Sounds like Ryan is ready for me. I should head outside."
"We just talk about it, we don't allow it to get till the next day."
"Thank you for your anticipated cooperation and your prompt attention in this matter today."
"Prompt payment is always fantastic appreciation."
"Nobody likes to wait on a paycheck especially when you have bills to pay. It's a good thing that Chime exists."
"It's just about getting the food given with the letter of an hour."
"You need to be straight, you need to walk really quickly into the house because it's all organized."
"Call us early. We'd much rather 'hey, we found them, turn around, go home'."
"They don't waste any time before heading to the club."
"Justice delayed is Justice denied."
"Trying to get those out to you very soon."
"Reach out to me and we'll connect with you pretty soon."
"So, if you can just check your email real quick and just confirm."
"He was so sweet and nice, I called him, he came right away."
"It is better to arrive then than to wait until tomorrow."
"Ship the item out as quickly as possible."
"Let's get started right away on it."
"Calling 999 or 1:1 to an emergency promptly is very important."
"I know you haven't been paid lads, but if you're on under £1,000 a week, the money will be in your bank by the end of the day."
"The key switches were thrown very early."
"I'm so happy you jumped on that so fast."
"We removed it in a very short time span, I think within three months."
"When are you going to do it? As soon as possible."
"I can't believe I ordered this yesterday night and it's right here."
"I want you to let me know about it in just a minute."
"Emergency response would be all over the crash site within moments."
"It's like they're very I almost very some some things you got to be prompt on some things you got to be on top floor but a lot of corporate America is a bunch of fluff."
"That's something you want to do pretty immediately."
"She did the right thing because it could have potentially been worse if she had waited and then had to press it later not only worse for herself but worse for everybody else involved with the rescue too."
"You don't get caught up in too many choices, you just act quickly."
"So without further ado, let's get right into the video."
"So let's go ahead and just jump right into it."
"Let me show it to you right away, not even going to waste your time."
"Get started immediately with that as soon as you get your syllabus."
"Without taking much of your time, let's get started."
"Hands down the most prompt live we've ever had."
"Without any delay he left for the Carry team again."
"When you know God's will, God says, 'Do this, do it, don't put it off.'"
"When you've made a mistake, you're best off to admit it, fix it, and do it right away."
"Number one, you can start in a few minutes."
"Let's go ahead and do this real quick."
"You're in luck then. Meet you downstairs in 10."
"We did it. Call me back when you get a chance."
"I don't think I did bad with this room, given three days' notice to get it furnished."
"Let's get this show on the road and don't miss the bus."
"It's a great help that you come right away when I call. Thank you."
"This is your five-minute call, please make your way up to the stage."
"The dinner table has been set, so let's get right down to business."
"Without wasting any time, let's get to our stories of the day."
"Be prompt... it will help you sell the guitar faster."
"Get the news first, City Gazette."
"The federal rights ensure a prompt disposition of your application within 90 days."
"Have the best of luck and get back to me as soon as possible."
"Leonardo, you are here first. Hey, dang, he's quick with it."
"Alright, we will get that to you in 30 minutes or less, thank you and have a nice day."
"My name is all I have, and when that's on the line, I try to be prompt as possible."
"Thank you for joining me on such short notice."
"Let's get this done, I'll be back in a minute."
"I said sure baby, I came home for a shower, we'll be there in an hour."
"Responding promptly to customer inquiries and needs is crucial in delivering excellent customer service."
"Your God is so powerful and so prompt."
"I'm Steve, nice of you to come back at such short notice."
"The sooner you're finished your breakfast, the sooner we can get going."
"Be prompt, be decisive in your treatment of a cold."
"Say, hey, you fellas sure don't waste any time, do you?"
"Yes, you can call me as soon as you get there."
"Please complete the timesheet before the end of the business day."
"Some Eastern promise this entails, but be quick and stay on the rails."
"Thank you for getting back to me so quickly."
"Congratulations buddy, you took advantage of it, you didn't waste any time."
"I can be ready in 20. All right, fantastic, see you soon."
"You're the best, thank you, we'll be right over."
"Thank you, your order will be here shortly."
"I'm grateful that you all got here quickly."
"We're going to start because our time is precious."
"Better late than never, let's get into this."
"I'll plan on seeing the home quickly tomorrow right around 3 p.m. Talk to you soon."
"Honoring the dead is to hurry up in their burial."
"I guarantee I'll be in the car before you."
"Imagine having out wow, say 'Wow' real quick."
"How cute they are, we'll be there in just a sec, darlings."
"We may not be good, but we're prompt."
"Don't worry, I'll have it taken care of right away."
"I appreciate you especially on such short notice."
"If ever there's something available, you're going to be notified, and you have to be quick."
"We're all impressed by the promptness and prudence of your actions."
"Thank you, Gordon. Right away, Gordon. Express coming through!"
"I immediately got up; there was no snooze at all."
"We'll be late for work." "What are we waiting for?"
"Words cannot properly express my deep gratitude for your extremely prompt attention to my cry for help."
"Your order is going out right now."
"We could get this returned promptly."
"I'm getting vaccinated today, I can't believe I got an appointment so fast."
"If you have need of anything, ring this bell, and we shall meet you anon."
"I'm waiting for you, just get ready quickly."
"Judge, this is not a life decision, please do not take your time."
"Instant obedience to the initial promptings of God's spirit."
"Thank you for accepting an invitation on such short notice."
"There is an offer coming in, and it will come sooner than you think."