
Confidant Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Finally, he found someone who actually genuinely loved and accepted him, and someone that he could talk to and confide in."
"You were my sanctuary, you're this person's home, you're the only person that they can confide in."
"You just knew being her friend meant that you'd have a trusted confidant for life."
"Every girl or guy needs someone as a confidant to speak to in that capacity and to really open up to."
"She managed to be my source of happiness, strength, and ultimate confidant."
"Eventually, I texted a friend, now ex-friend, about my problem."
"We all need to have at least one confidant who has a good ear and will give us our turn when we ask for it."
"I just feel like with all the success I got going on, I had to talk to you because you can understand it, you know what I'm saying? It's like we don't have a lot of people we could personally lean on and get into our personal shit."
"So easy with cat Noir I can tell him everything I never had the courage to tell Adrian."
"God has not called us to be wimps, he's told you and he's told me if you have the Holy Ghost on you, you're going to tell the whole world."
"You need to have a confidant that you go, I need to process with."
"I really just say like I'm so grateful that people feel secure to talk to me about these things."
"A work husband is someone you can confide in about everything."
"Someone who's very trustworthy, someone who you can tell all your secrets to."
"It's a really sweet thing to be someone that people trust and want to confide in."
"They tell their hairstylist everything; we're kind of their therapist."
"Mary's best friend had been her diary; she told it everything."
"Everybody needs that one person that you can tell any and everything to."
"I'm the glue of my little group of friends and in my family, when people have problems, they talk to me."
"You're the first person I tell when things are good or bad."
"He used to be someone I'd confide things to that I wasn't comfortable telling anyone else."
"My dad's my best friend, more than my friends. I tell him everything that's happened to me."
"You're the first person I trust to talk to about this."
"I just needed somebody that I could talk to, I could confide in, I could really tell how I was feeling."
"I need someone to know, someone to talk to. I can't live in secret."
"You need somebody in your corner sometimes that you can go to and tell them what's on your mind."
"There's nothing better than having someone that you can blow off steam with or you can vent to."
"Journaling is like my best friend; I can tell it my secrets, my dreams, my hopes, my fears."
"You're always there to listen, I mean I can tell you anything."
"Speak to the person that you feel that you can trust or will understand."
"You need that one person in your life that you feel comfortable telling your life story to."
"This is the man in whom I confide; this is the second man in my realm."
"He's my best friend, my closest friend, he's the one I tell everything."
"...being female, I know we talk about our lives to our hairdressers and manicurists; we use them as sounding boards."
"Everybody should have somebody they can confide in."
"To have that one person that you can confide in has saved me a lot of times."
"Because I feel you're the one person I can trust."
"You're the guy she complains about other guys with."
"I told my mom everything, even about boys when I was in high school."
"Lily is my companion, my confidant, she's the child that I've never had."
"You have to find someone that you can really trust, find that best friend, find that person in your family, that person you've always looked up to, who really you can trust to open up to and share your heart."
"You are the only one who I can tell my problems to."
"I'm that friend that everybody comes to talk to, to like, you know, just to balance them."
"I'm here, I'm going to be your confidant."
"Never be sorry to put stuff on me or anyone else that you confide in."