
OOP Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Dynamic polymorphism occurs during runtime when the program is being executed."
"Static polymorphism occurs during compile time rather than runtime."
"The main benefit of dynamic polymorphism is that it allows you to write methods in the superclass without having to include ifs and elses to account for exactly which subclass is being used."
"The purpose of abstract classes is to encapsulate common functionality."
"Be baddies, write bad code, and then figure out how you can apply OOP to it."
"This book has some of the most profound insights about and the most practical insights about OOP than anybody has done in the last many years."
"The self parameter refers to the current class object and accesses the class variables."
"This is classic inheritance in object-oriented programming."
"Object-oriented features in PHP have gone from strength to strength and it holds its own against other object-oriented languages."
"It's there to help you and it will make life much easier once you've grasped it."
"One of the great things about object-oriented programming is that you can combine all these things and make them interact with each other."
"Object-oriented programming allows us to think at a higher level of abstraction."
"Prefer composition to inheritance when writing object-oriented code."
"The O stands for the Open-Closed Principle. It states: 'Objects should be open to extension, but closed for modification.'"
"It's useful to know because many programming languages use OOP."
"Object oriented programming is basically organizing our code into objects."
"In object oriented programming, we organize all of this code into an object."
"Once you understand this concept, it'll blow your mind."
"Object oriented programming tries to represent the real world."
"All you need to do is have a polymorphic function in your base class."
"Whilst Pascal is primarily a functional programming language, it does now actually support OOP."
"Encapsulation is the process of combining a data member and a method into one single unit or class."
"Inheritance is a mechanism by which a child object acquires all the properties of the parent class."
"Abstraction is the process of showing only essential features of an object to the outside world while hiding the other irrelevant information."
"Polymorphism is frequently expressed in the object-oriented programming paradigm as one interface, multiple functions."
"By using encapsulation, you can find troubleshooting to be easier."
"By using polymorphism, you can add flexibility to your code."
"The fundamental purpose of OOP: data and functionality right there next to it."
"This is polymorphism, and this is why object-oriented programming is very powerful."
"Object-oriented programming and functional programming have different ways of viewing the world."
"Python is an object-oriented programming language."
"Let's learn about object-oriented programming first."
"TypeScript supports object-oriented programming principles like classes, interfaces, and inheritance."
"OOP is not the use of any specific language, but rather a way of software design based on the three fundamental concepts of: Encapsulation, Inheritance, and Polymorphism."
"Abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism are the four basic pillars of object-oriented programming."
"Object-oriented programming gives you a different way of thinking about how you're modeling your world."
"Polymorphism is a uniquely object-oriented concept that has no direct analog in a traditional procedural language like C."
Object-oriented programming is all about separating the interface – the "What can be done" from the implementation – the "How it is done".
"Polymorphism is just a feature in object-oriented programming languages that allows objects to be treated similarly."
"An object is a basic unit of Object Oriented Programming and can be defined as an instance of a class."
"Inheritance can be defined as a process in which a child class inherits all the properties and behavior of its parent class."
"Polymorphism is the ability to give different meanings to the same function."
"Encapsulation means binding code and data together into a single unit."
"Abstraction specifies hiding the internal details for simplicity and showing the functionality to the user."
"Dependency injection is not really a testing technique; it is an object-oriented design technique."
"Object-oriented programming is about having data structures in memory, generally called objects."