
Repulsion Quotes

There are 84 quotes

"It's starting to look even more gross, disgusting, oh yeah."
"Opposites don't attract in nature, opposites repel each other."
"It is absolutely repulsive to me that people like this could be part of our community." - Evie Lupine
"Energy is committed to harmonizing. Like magnets, they're going to come together or they're going to repel."
"Why is it that when you want someone... they feel that energy and it literally repels them away like a magnet?"
"Repel what you don't want, magnetize what you do want."
"The more someone is attached to somebody else, the more they are sending them energy, the more that they then feel repelled."
"Stagnancy is as repulsive as momentum is attractive."
"Like charges repel, opposite charges attract."
"Attraction and repulsion exist right at the very heart of matter."
"Know that certain people are going to be repelled by your light."
"Branding is attracting and repelling."
"When you commit to being magnetic you also commit to being repellent like off bug spray."
"This whole thing is so disgusting, I couldn't even believe it when I was watching it."
"A display of power will only push them away."
"Opposites attract, like charges repel."
"It's the other eye. That's the guy's eye that he stole. That's disgusting, ew gross."
"It's like yo, I'm so different from the masses. I stink like [__] like people vomit around me. I'm like that's not good weird."
"...you will attract the right people and repel the rest."
"I won't say whether or not I believed what I was reading, but I will admit that there was an air, a suggestion about those cold, deliberate directions for traffic with alien evil, which made me shiver with repulsion."
"Art is a form of expression and sometimes its goal is to repulse."
"Enemies double over in nausea at the hideous stench of Nurgle's plague legions."
"It's repugnant to our deepest spiritual instincts."
"Who it repels is as important if not more important than who it attracts."
"Just the thought of eating one again almost made Conor puke. That rubbery flesh, the putrid taste, and the smell, oh, that was the worst of it. Gagged, disgusting."
"They're repulsed by dealing with the karmic females or karmic males."
"But I instantly felt like, yeah, like an energy that was like, get away from me."
"Melancholy attracts, while bad humor repels."
"Oh, that's disgusting. That is sickening."
"It's disgusting. It's despicable."
"What I can say is when I read this book, I felt repulsed in such a unique way. It made me feel things that I can honestly say no other book has ever made me feel, and truly it made my skin crawl a handful of times."
"My heart grew sick on account of the dampness of the catacombs. I hate them."
"The peculiar smell of decayed fungus arose to my nostrils."
"I mean that's the grossest sound I've ever heard."
"Gravity can not only be attractive but can also be repulsive."
"...it really makes me physically want to throw up."
"Horrified, repulsed, I sat down at a table far away from the irrumating horror to give my trampoline knees a break."
"I'm about to gag just thinking about it."
"You're repelled by the image of a cow."
"An absolute battery they took, that many sets of six, and repelled them. It wasn't funny. In fact, it was incredible."
"Yo, you ain't ever smelled something so bad in your life than when a dude smuggles out that brake pad, boot heel, cow tongue meat, rock mystery meat loaf and he's heating that up in the microwave."
"One wrong move and you're out, I'm just repulsed."
"Every inch of their being was repellent to the creatures that scuttled and crawled in the darkest corners of mankind's imagination."
"Your work is both a magnet and a filter to draw people in and keep some people out."
"Oh it's just, oh it's disgusting, this is disgusting, vile vile vile vile."
"if anything gets too close to a vulture's nest it'll respond by vomiting half digested sewer smelling foulness"
"Attraction is about what pulls you towards somebody what pushes you away."
"We wanted a villain you absolutely physically repelled by."
"The image of the hooking up makes you want to puke."
"You may be repulsing the very type of men you need to ward off."
"When sin no longer becomes disgusting, when we no longer look at sin as a great enemy to our soul, it begins to open up the door to the spirit of perversion."
"Sometimes the more grotesque something is, the harder it is to resist."
"False vacuum implies gravitational repulsion."
"You are no longer afraid of what you might repel or push away from you as you radiate that authentic frequency."
"Nothing repels the narcissist more than healthy people."
"It's not magic; it's science because the magnet creates a magnetic field when it goes through the tube, the magnetic field repels the magnet upwards."
"Electricity attracts when it acts between charges of different signs, but acting between charges that are the same, it repels."
"But they also repel and attract simultaneously, it's amazing."
"The bond angle is going to be 107 degrees based on the fact that it's down from the two and a half extra repulsion from the phosphorus."
"Valence shell electron pair repulsion... is a really fancy way of saying that electrons or pairs of electrons want to push away from each other."
"Because the atoms in your backside are negatively charged, and the electrons whizzing round the perimeter of the nucleus of the atoms in the chair, are also negatively charged, which means like magnets, like charges repel."
"Electrons are negative; they don't want to hang out too close to other electrons if they can avoid it."
"The only way for this to maximize its repulsion... is just going to have the tetrahedral shape."
"The idea is that we have particles that are attracted and repulsed from each other based on forces."
"Two North Poles will repel... the same is true with South Poles, they are repelled as well, and the opposites attract."
"The abhorrent must repel and anger us; it must repulse us."
"When you put lone pairs on the central atom, it's going to lower the bond angles usually by just a little bit."
"And if you invoked the Zikr of your lord in the Quran alone, they turn their backs, in repulsion".
"Dark energy... a force that repels other things."
"Opposite charges attract and like charges repel."
"The nucleus of the gold sheet is positively charged, and alpha particles experience a repulsive force."
"The thing that stands in the way of two lighter nuclei fusing together to release this binding energy is the fact that they are both positively charged and hence repel each other."
"I am magnetic to what I want and I repel what I do not want."
"The universe reads desperation as repellent."
"The truth is like a fire; it's going to attract you and it's going to repel you at the same time."
"I'm a magnet to what I want and I repel what I don't want."