
Nonchalance Quotes

There are 355 quotes

"Cool guys don't look at explosions, they turn around and they walk away. Cool guys, explosions don't look at them, they walk away, they're ready."
"I've been known to get upset like, 'Oh, I would have killed that thing.' It doesn't matter."
"I have so much money right now that I'm just throwing around with it. 35 mil I'll take it man I'll take it because I don't have no need for camarader."
"I was wrong, and I don't care, not a big deal."
"Magic School Bus don't care, Magic School Bus don't give a [ __ ]!"
"Real chads are the ones that'll do something stupid and play it off as if they're doing something hip and cool."
"Regret nothing, I'm playing checkers all right."
"If you don't take it too seriously, what will happen? What has to be done, will be done."
"Life was never meant to be taken serious. This [expletive] ain't serious."
"Do you think the next time that Dave goes car shopping he's really gonna worry about the fact that the 911 is 0.3 of a second slower to 60? I don't think that he is."
"Success will happen for you much more regularly once it's not a big deal."
"I can't imagine being mad about something like... like if my friend texted me..."
"I'm not even going to try... it's all in a day's work."
"Don't take it personally. Just clean it up and walk on."
"Ain't nobody worried about that. Ain't no pressure, that's why it's so easy for me to just... just... nobody worried about that, yeah, man."
"Kate Winslet keeps her Oscar in the bathroom."
"It's just there and you and you never had possession of it and it's just no harm no foul, exactly."
"Congratulations, that's a victory, who cares how you get it?"
"I'm laid back, not givin' two (beeps) about nothin'."
"You want plasma fruit? I don't have any but who cares, no big Deal."
"She's got this kind of 'been there, done that' attitude."
"It's like not serious... it's like not that serious."
"Losing wasn't a possibility winning wouldn't be a big deal either so congrats on an awesome performance."
"The thing I love about Dave is that he doesn't give a [ __ ] right."
"I only have this one right here yeah I know I'm naked yes I know all my stuff is down the beach yeah I know we're kind of scattered with all our teams but I don't really care this has been a victory this has been a win."
"The secret of being cool is never demanding that people look at you; you just have to hang out."
"Too bad," Jean remarked casually, "I had 20 million riding on this match."
"People think it's so cool when you're just like, 'Yeah, I did porn, and like whatever, it's not a big deal.'"
"Nothing's a big deal man, everything's cool."
"get this on the ground quickly and that's double-a who casually picks it up and says I'm not doing anything with this."
"You guys are just like, 'I don't really care, I'm just gonna do me.'"
"It was just natural, like we didn't think anything of it."
"Not great for me but a bit of fun nonetheless."
"I don't see if I got some other [ __ ] in here that's how you do it you just walk around with the whole yeah"
"No, I'm sorry, Bruce. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a city to destroy. He's just like so chill about it. That's so awesome."
"Your nonchalance makes you so much more attractive; people are like why do you not care?"
"I didn't realize you could see him too; I just didn't want to worry you, but it's only Death; he's here for me— not you."
"Honestly, it's just not that serious to me."
"I remember thinking... it was almost like no problem, it's all good."
"I was adopted by the richest man in the city. All right dude you don't have to sound so bored about it"
"Dude even the mass on this de it's like cool I'm going to go kill a Boer now."
"I'm the only person here who doesn't have to impress you at any time."
"I'm just going to do whatever the [ __ ] I want to do and if I look bad I literally don't care."
"I ain't gonna lie I probably wasn't even going to wear it here. I don't really be giving a [__] about being the best dressed [__] in America at 10 in the morning."
"This person acts as if they don't have a care in the world about this connection. They treat it too nonchalantly. This person disregards your feelings, wants, and needs regarding this connection and does not take things seriously."
"So, I went out with somebody else. What about it?"
"Can we just talk? This kid has her mind set in the right place. Like, she's like, danger that could like be imminent death to me, nah, soup. Give me some of that though, like I need soup right now."
"Colin asked me, my roommate, why I was so happy when I was preparing ramen afterward. I said, 'Just got back from a date, no big deal.'"
"I try to be nice, yeah, whatever son."
"I could probably pull up to the club what are they gonna say."
"24 hours in Dallas and then I'll be back on Wednesday like nothing ever happened."
"It ain't no big, you know, who's tripping on that, you know? It is what it is, man, that's how I feel."
"But God damn, like you said, I could give a [__], ain't about nothing."
"Taylor Swift is not invested in anyone or anything. This girl don't give a [ __ ]."
"Running 20 minutes late, singing 'Margaritaville' and minding my own early manner."
"So we're sitting here like a couple of regular fellows. I mean, you do what you do, I do what I gotta do."
"Y'all really want me to be, it ain't that deep."
"It's just kind of one of those things you're like why wouldn't you."
"I'm cool. I'm about to smoke and whatever, bro. I didn't go. We'll kick it or if I'm still up and giving a [expletive], they'll start calling me when they get out of there. There's no problem going to fall in my lap."
"That was litty dude, they're literally in their last semester in their seventh year at Hogwarts like they're almost done they don't give a [ __ ]. Weasley baby."
"I was just keeping it cool with everybody."
"Sometimes the baby just turns. Very, you know, nonchalant about this situation that now I'm in."
"Vibrator? Yeah, like okay, like whatever, who knows? If who among us doesn't have a highlight reel?"
"It's cool because I can sleep the whole way in the car, I ain't even trippin'."
"It's just rehearsal, I don't give a crap."
"I don't think anyone cares, but if you wanted it, there it is."
"You're a don't give a [ __ ] attitude."
"He's a cool customer. He's just chewing on some apples. Yeah, game two, no biggie."
"We're officially vlogging. I just got home from yeah you I wasn't even banking on fly coming yeah I just got home they not even fighting with they don't give a [ __ ] I really don't care what you do."
"We're just gonna [__] with them, it's just such a scene."
"This might not be official but who cares."
"That's straight to you. Nothing but a thing now."
"It's just raining baby, no big deal."
"Ultimately, you're sweating balls anyway, so who gives a [__]?"
"Look at them go, they're just walking across like no problem."
"Oh, this old thing? I could easily get another."
"He was like in the fire, chilling. Sorry, though."
"I smile because I literally don't be doing [__] bro... at the end of the day, if it's really a problem somebody reach out."
"Love when that happens. Yeah, okay."
"I just love how he's butt naked and nobody cares."
"It is what it is, girl. I don't care."
"Nothing, it's the way to live, man."
"But the thing is, I'm aware. I'm like, I don't need to change this person. If this doesn't work out, I still had butter cake at Masters. It was fun. I don't give a [__]."
"It was one of those 'I figured you'd do it' kind of things but it was no big drama since we could just brush our teeth and help ourselves to sketchy mints the owners had left for us."
"Fish is fine. He's just chilling."
"It doesn't bother me, I don't care about backpacks."
"Yeah but no it's chill, I mean they see crazy stuff."
"Oh, that sounds crazy. I'm just going to play."
"Phil didn't seem to care; he was probably okay with the husband exchanges too."
"Yeah, dude, let me tell you, nothing is better than a waiter on their way out not giving a [ __ ]."
"It seemed so easy, so nonchalant."
"I don't even play with guns, I don't give a [expletive] about that type of [expletive] bro, feel me?"
"If I preach to 2, 30, 2, 30, 2, 30... You're not going to worry about it."
"Harry Styles did buzz off his hair... It is what it is."
"I don't give a [__] if I get it or not, it doesn't matter to me."
"That's the way she says it, really like that, nonchalant."
"Oh, sweetest sweater. Arlo gives zero F's."
"Dope for him. Honestly, whatever. It's Drake."
"Mick Jagger when asked if the Rolling Stones would ever break up replied nah but if we did we wouldn't be so about it."
"That's the most nonchalant, like incredible play I've ever seen anybody make."
"Oh it's dead like easy dying just his faces got some scratches all right his suits nice and clean I'm game shouldn't we be like doing medical stuff."
"...28 million dollars no big deal just an easy 28 million dollars no big deal."
"Who cares? That's the right answer."
"It's no big deal the canned ham's still here y'all didn't take it."
"I thought I was looking for it, chill."
"What's the big deal? Oh my God, don't tell me you guys did bad things many times over."
"She's like, 'Eh, I could take it or leave it.'"
"...I don't know how safe this is. Well, worst comes to worst, it just hits him in the head, whatever."
"The best part about this is he runs the whole deal but you cannot find two people who care less than Judge Crum and Jay Regier. Boy, do they not care. They are giving zero F's."
"I got a response to this and I mean this really seriously, I don't care."
"He'd always shrugged off the worry."
"Just shoot your shot and move on. Doesn't matter."
"I'll fill it up full of motor oil and then it'll stop leaking so no big deal."
"Oh, man, that's too close to that one too, but I don't care."
"I'm not that uptight about it honestly."
"I mean yeah it's weird but like it's really not that weird I mean yeah it's a little weird sure it's a little weird but like but yeah but it's not that big of a deal you can literally just take a shower afterwards."
"I've said this before and I will say it again: I'm not bothered."
"I'm a gay man, but I just don't care."
"What have you drunk? Like a pint of whiskey. Big deal."
"He made a pouty face and shrugged his shoulders."
"Is it cool if I roll in late like a cool guy?"
"Their level of coolness is like I need to let you know that I'm aware of who you are but I'm not going to say anything."
"Deadpool don't care, he just puts the costume on, goes out, does his work."
"He's just a pothead again I guess he smokes a ton of cookies... we don't care we're just firing back at this point."
"I know I get my period every month bro, like ain't special."
"She rushed alone to the goblin, cut off its head with one swing, and smiled cutely like it was nothing."
"I just told the boy it wasn't anything I just felt like doing it."
"Oh, I can't get shot for trying anyway."
"I probably fake a AIT and everything shoot make why not you want me to act okay."
"I didn't get excited or I didn't think 'oh my god'."
"Do the A-bomb, it's not a big deal, right? Regular bomb. You ain't gonna worry about nothin'."
"Yeah, I got a herpe baby. What about it?"
"Okay, guys, he must be a legend though, a revolutionary. Dragon, like how Zoro's just not shocked. Nothing bothers him. He's just like, 'Yeah, I mean, look at Luffy. I'm not surprised.'"
"Are you on Hinge?" "No, I've got a living girlfriend. But you know, there's some freaks out there, dude, who just don't give a [__]."
"I just wouldn't sweat it, it's probably nothing to worry about."
"...this is something that I never ever ever do I never leave Pages blank um but I really didn't care I was like you know what it's whatever people do it all the time..."
"You got anything to say? Okay, whatever."
"As long as we can still hang out, who cares?"
"Jack Churchill, also known as 'Mad Jack,' was so nonchalant about getting shot through the neck that when someone pointed out he was bleeding, he just casually mentioned, 'Machine gun.'"
"People looking for a unicorn, honestly yeah, it's whatever, yeah, it's all good."
"I played that off cool, like he thinks I'm just like a cool chill girl."
"...usually every week i'll probably have one tray where i'll get like a drop of hair or something weird in there and i'll just sand it like i did before spray another coat and just ship it the next day not that big a deal."
"It doesn't bother me. It looks like it just came out of the garage."
"I don't care. I mean if you were like please don't pee in the shower I wouldn't but I would probably push back a little bit where I was like it's the shower but you don't care."
"I'm genuinely not mad. I think it's funny."
"It's good to just be nihilistic and like, 'Oh, I'll do this thing.'"
"She's happy, I'd say, yeah, whatever, get on with it."
"Thought you stopped smoking. Figured it wouldn't kill me."
"That's life, but at the same time, it's refreshing because it's like, dude, [ __ ] whatever, follow me, I don't care."
"My gun just floats around. You got feet?"
"This could be complicated. Oh my god, who cares?"
"...but it blows people's mind when I just pay for something or I just tell them I want it."
"The complete nonchalance that Goku shows when instant transmitting with the transporter is just too perfect."
"I think it'll just be like, yeah, everyone's whatever you got going on."
"I am not precious about that stuff."
"If you want to see that happen, contribute, and, uh, and you know, or don't. I don't give a [ __ ]."
"I'll give it a nice eh to defend."
"I never needed all that [ __ ] before."
"It wasn't a shock yeah all right okay."
"I'm in every situation, big deal."
"I don't really care about [ __ ], yeah, I'll be feeling like that sometimes."
"Nobody is just we joke about it but how nonchalant Calvin is the face I mean he's just so clutch."
"so I'm not sweating a drug test I'm not even really thinking about it"
"A part of me was like, 'Oh,' and then another part was like, 'F*ck them kids.'"
"It's really nothing not that deep."
"Who cares, who's counting? Not me."
"He didn't even seem like it was a bad idea when I heard about him like well yeah if I was looking that's over."
"Whatever, let's get back to the, you know, not a big deal."
"Studying for the driver's test? Nah, just drive!"
"Now I'm like, 'Hey!' So it's like exhilarating. Now I don't give a (bleep), because it's just out there."
"No, not at all. Doesn't bother me at all."
"You know, I almost decapitated my dog, and I just go, right, shrugged it off, shrugged it off."
"30 majors that year, not a big deal."
"I take nothing serious. Nothing in life I take serious."
"Y'all gonna hate me... but I don't care."
"I love how she's just like openly wiping it off truly no cares."
"I'm totally hijacking this, but it's fine."
"I don't care. I'd have gone another 100 quid."
"But I just wasn't worried about that, and that's fine."
"There's a very powerful energy to not giving a shit."
"Gabrielle's like I'll wear whatever."
"Sometimes you stab yourself in the leg with it and you act like nothing happened."
"What can I say man, it's a talent."
"cool cat CL Kyle Klein doesn't care"
"Asterix just dusted off his hands and went on his way whistling."
"Live doesn't mean anything that broke. I just go on cruise control and like not have to give a [ __ ] and like you know I mean."
"You can hold touch every shoe, I do not care, damn, 10 bands, yeah."
"George just kind of wrote and then didn't think about it."
"Enter a mysterious shadow society of assassins, where everyone is way too casual about dead bodies."
"Ariana Grande, you know one thing I love about Ariana, she don't give an f."
"They're utterly irrelevant, like 'we don't give a [__]' attitude."
"There's not really an extravagant wound channel or anything."
"Someone can always write, someone can always say anything they want to say and uh, it's I'm I'm not worried."
"I'm not trying to force it. I'm gonna put it out, if you find it, discover it, you do. If you don't, you'll catch up later."
"I've died before, right? Sure, about 30 years ago in the Bahamas. But I'm told it's very much like riding a bicycle."
"Both of them can be portaged with relative ease without much of a big deal."
"He's just so cute and the way he, like, doesn't care about anything, he'll just say it."
"A nonchalant person is someone who's not affected by anything. They're just cool, calm, and collected."
"It wasn't that big of a deal, just a kiss."
"The style of studied nonchalance is the psychological triumph of grace over order." - G. Bruce Boyer