
Hydroponics Quotes

There are 85 quotes

"The technology behind the Farms is called Hydroponics... plants grow faster and bring a higher yield."
"Hydroponic versus growing in soil, go with the ones in soil."
"...the facility had a large hydroponic garden and that apples were the one fruit in abundance Supply."
"So, next time we need to do hydros, we're both experts."
"The multi-layer hydroponic growing system offers users complete control over the growing environment, ensuring healthier and more robust products."
"Off-grid Hydroponics is easy it's putting nutrients into your container or anything they'll hold water drill some holes put your plants in there basically that's it."
"I want to just keep on growing. When you have hydroponics, all you do is just clean your pipes and turn back again."
"So I've just stuck with two media beds for the time being and a dual root Zone over the back."
"Why struggle with soil when you can thrive in semi-hydroponics?"
"Semi-hydroponics: the set-and-forget solution for busy plant parents."
"From struggling to thriving: my journey with semi-hydroponics."
"Semi-hydro: less work, more growth—it's that simple."
"I'm going to be taking you on an adventure through all of the different hydroponic system types and their best application for specific plant types."
"The reason that I love this system is because the plants do not need to have any form of media. It can literally just be bare roots on that film."
"The future for the hydroponics store is brighter than ever."
"In Hydroponics, space is maximized, production is optimized."
"Hydroponics: where every drop counts."
"Those little bell siphons are fantastic at regulating the flow in and out of the grow bed."
"A plant does not necessarily need soil to grow, a plant needs nutrition, water, and light. Soil is just really for anchoring."
"Hydroponic farming is farming without using soil."
"This hydroponic facility runs on the plant empowerment principle which is essentially pushing the plant to its genetic potential using the minimum amount of resources."
"If you enjoyed this video give me a thumbs up and share it with some friends happy hydroponic and I'll see you next time on who chose."
"Hydroponics essentially is growing plants inside of just water."
"I really like the fact that there's no soil involved."
"Both systems are hydroponic systems, which means that the plants draw nutrients directly from water and therefore don't need to use dirt."
"Happy gardening guys post any comments or questions below and I would love to hear some feedback on some of the successes you've had growing hydroponic seeds."
"Hydroponics is the growing of a plant without the use of soil."
"Hydroponic farming is basically growing crops without the use of soil."
"I think we can all agree that pH and the nutrition, whether it be the ions, whether you're measuring EC or PPM, that's important."
"Hydroponics makes dirt seem expensive in comparison to the yield and productivity you can achieve in a properly set up and managed soilless environment."
"Everything in here is hydroponic and automated."
"Hydroponics provide the optimum condition for plants to go through more life cycles more quickly."
"This nutrient film technique is actually the best method that I ever have researched because it's less laborious and it's also very easy to manage."
"Hello plant people, it's Nora the Leca Queen here. Thank you so much for joining me."
"I really, really, really, really love pond and semi-hydro, it makes my life a whole lot easier."
"You don't have to worry about overwatering your plant or getting root rot when growing plants indefinitely in water."
"Both the systems, the wick wedge hydroponic system and the beta bucket hydroponic system have been performing unbelievably."
"That is a bloody good looking hydroponic system."
"This kit includes everything you need to start growing your own greens at home hydroponically."
"Thanks for joining me today, happy hydroponic, and I'll see you next time on Hucho's."
"Welcome to the University of Florida's wonderful world of Hydroponics."
"I could not be more excited to show you guys my new deep water culture system."
"Growing plants in water is a really great beginner-friendly way to start producing food in a small space."
"This is the Hooch multi-bucket hydroponic system, a multi-purpose bucket which can be oriented in many different ways depending on the style of hydroponic system that the user wants."
"Interestingly, the media that they're in, it's a cocoa substrate, these are likely hydroponic strawberries anyway which is quite interesting."
"Hydroponics are becoming really, really good these days, so it's becoming really efficient to eat lots of fruits and vegetables and beans and peas."
"I've been using aqua flakes A and B by House & Garden for years."
"The concept of hydroponically growing hemp in huge closed loop systems on brownfield sites looks like it really could play a genuinely important role in contributing towards the carbon capture challenge."
"That's how you grow hydroponic micro tomatoes in a miniature Beto bucket tabletop system that you can 3D print and grow at home to feed your family."
"In hydroponics, up to 80% of water is saved compared to other conventional crops."
"It's definitely going to be a bit of a challenge for me to kind of get the hang of Hydroponics and growing in Pond."
"I love growing them and I find them very straightforward to grow and they really seem to take to the water very quickly."
"This is a vertical hydroponic system with 3D printable jiffy pot holders that you can implement in small spaces within an urban environment."
"I'm going to build my nan and pop a hydroponic system, not just any hydroponic system, the first vertical hydroponic system that I've built and I've designed a 3D print purely for this occasion."
"We've been doing some research on growing vegetable crops by various non-circulating hydroponic methods."
"The technology that makes this possible is called hydroponics."
"I recently wanted to turn my spare closet into an indoor hydroponic vegetable garden."
"This is for anyone into plants, biology, soil, soilless mediums, hydroponics."
"A bell siphon is a device that is used in Hydroponic and aquaponic systems to regulate the water and nutrient flow."
"If you're new to this channel, this is my YouTube channel where I talk about plants, plant publications, and hydroponics."
"I feel like I'm old enough to now be excited by picking hydroponic lettuce in the jungle."
"Welcome to our homestead; in today's video, we're going to show you something that's become a little addiction of mine: indoor hydroponics gardening."
"The technology has come so far now; you can have a whole hydroponic setup right on your kitchen counter."
"It's pretty awesome, so we picked up another one of these countertop systems... rather than just setting this up, why not take a video and show you guys how we set it up, how we get it started, how easy it is to do."
"It's really easy, it's a fun little hobby, and then you get some nice healthy fresh food whenever you want it."
"Lettuces are super super easy to grow if you're new to Hydroponics or growing indoors."
"The rules of semi hydro just happen to be extremely, extremely simple."
"If you get hydroponics right, it allows for some genuinely monstrous results."
"Hydroponics is super cool and through this project we will demonstrate many potential uses of the Arduino."
"You can grow strawberries and other plants without soil, it's called hydroponics."
"Growing plants with hydroponics on a large scale is really, really exciting."
"Hydroponics is going to blossom in Africa, I can tell you that."
"Our vision is to create an army of 600 Hydroponics technicians across Ogun State within the space of the next five years."
"These products are designed for your garden, for tomatoes, vegetables, flowers, your yard, house plants, anything that you grow in soil and also hydroponically."