
Vivid Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"Their picture is like a vivid portrait Frozen in Time showing this intriguing moment in history."
"It's like someone's just puking a rainbow on the screen, it's just insane how many colors are going on."
"I felt it go all the way down into my stomach."
"The bright and warm colors of the emotions she experiences make it all seem unreal."
"It evokes such a vivid picture of like being on vacation, being on the beach, being by the water, being in a flowy sundress."
"She was so white she glowed in the dark."
"The Night Circus...paints a vivid picture of the circus of its enchanting performances."
"The memory of his flight, a narrow escape, was vivid in Kane's mind."
"It's like an anime come to life in a lot of ways."
"The universe that he created in this, the universe of Tulsa, is so vividly rendered that people think Tulsa is a real place."
"The details were vivid, the emotions raw. It wasn't just a story, it felt real, too real."
"The color scheme is going to be crazy."
"I've been having this thing where the last few days now I've been having really vivid dreams and then doing that thing where I wake up because I think I missed something and I panic."
"This Vision is going to be out of this world, how Vivid, how sharp, how powerful this vision is going to be."
"I remembered very clearly the guy who had a creepy baby attached to his stomach, and honestly if I closed my eyes I could still see this image of him. It just was so memorable, you know."
"It was so very vivid in my head. I close my eyes, and I still see the craft."
"This has such an incredibly rich historical setting to it. It just feels so vivid when you're reading it."
"He figures it out. And then there is this blast of gold powder that explodes through the valley, and it is like, I will - when I tell you, great sound effects, it's like a ring, it's like it has like a little ring in it. I'll never forget how I felt in that moment."
"This has a really good sex scene that reminds you what a good sex scene looks like."
"It was bizarre reading the accounts of other people who had encountered the creature. They all talked about his glowing red eyes, which I can still vividly see in my mind to this day."
"The first thing that came through was almost like an explosion of color and magic and light, almost like a really colorful firework."
"I remember all of the events vividly like it happened yesterday too."
"It's like if sex, a movie sex scene, had like the steamiest sex scene you've ever seen in your life had a scent, it would be this."
"I do have pretty wild dreams on occasion, but they're just... very colorful."
"It just feels so full with life and well realized."
"I was extremely startled to see the kid sitting on the ground surrounded by dead chickens next to him, smearing their blood all over his face like war paint."
"These settings are vibrant, detailed, and full of intriguing designs and architecture which make them feel alive and different from the other settings of this show."
"His battle scenes are just so cinematic, vivid, and intense."
"It's so visceral; I mean, I feel every little crack in the pavement coming right into my hands."
"Memories are sharper, colors are brighter, events are more important, and a life can be changed forever in the course of a sunny afternoon."
"King has an incredibly immersive writing style. I really felt like I was there."
"They're juicy as a Cabernet grape popping under the soles of a news reporter's foot."
"Like a unicorn threw up after eating a pile of candy."
"Their blade wove a lattice of silver light, eviscerating everything that approached their edged web."
"I can still see his face when I close my eyes, and it haunts me."
"It's a lot of fun, I feel like it's very vivid when you're reading it."
"There's a whole nother world that's more vivid and colored in and that there's so much possibility in that world."
"His eyes were a startling baby blue, as bright and clear as a sun-blasted sky."
"It's so funny, and then she kind of comes back a little while later, like soaking wet, like literally dripping on the floor."
"It was like a true pumpkin harvest in your mouth."
"I dream full-on movie like dreams; I'm a very vivid dreamer."
"He was all lit up like a yellow flame, being engulfed in bright lightning."
"Damn, those are legit yellow, like lemon yellow."
"Good morning, last night was scarlet."
"The lights were swinging up brilliantly in the shop windows."
"Her dreams seem to be totally real."
"You can practically taste it with your eyes."
"Everything feels very real, like if I'm really hugging that person, I can feel the texture of the clothes, the smell of her hair, and so on."
"Change the profile to vivid to really make the image pop with color and contrast."
"We stepped into a part of the island which was way more vivid, like we were taking hallucinogenic drugs."
"It's really vivid, it's really comfortable, and that's what I was really going for."
"That's where it looked amazing, like you felt like you were watching the comics come to life."
"It screams autumn, fall, whatever you call it."
"I vividly remember having a dream of me walking through San Francisco, but it was clearly a different era."
"It was such a vivid and strange dream."
"The writing is so sensory driven, you can smell and taste and feel everything she writes about."
"The brightness called brilliant, blinding, and Valentine."
"It takes my breath away, cutting through my thin clothes like an icy scythe."