
Burglary Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Lock yourself somewhere. Bedrooms are usually the first rooms burglars check."
"About 60 percent of burglaries in the USA are made by someone you know."
"It's tough to be a burglar now, with these cameras everywhere."
"The burglars disabled the alarm and climbed onto the roof, expertly bypassing security measures."
"At the time it was our conclusion that this was the largest bank burglary in the history of the United States."
"Real I'm picturing like a Don knots type character and I wouldn't be surprised if it comes out that there was like a cheeky note left there like you have been visited by the the Mob Squad you would hope I it sounds like they had plenty of time to."
"Your job is simple. Let's hear it. Has left the city so you can get into the house, find a trinket, and get out. That's it."
"Our house was broken into last year, and after that, my grandfather installed an alarm with a motion sensor on our porch."
"If the house is the target, then that means you're dealing with a serial burglar who has gone psycho."
"You're under arrest for residential burglary."
"Somebody broke in when she was there and she got hurt or restrained, and I was sitting out in the car, sitting outside while she's scared."
"It was a senseless attack, and why nothing from the house was stolen."
"My house got broken into. The stuff they stole was my checks. Every time I got paid, money was taken out."
"Phil Christopher was a very successful burglar. He was very methodical, he was very skilled with what he did, he was self-educated, and he always was looking to better himself."
"Phil was the biggest and the best of the best, and he proved that to himself and unfortunately other criminals and law enforcement all over the world. This guy is so cool, he is so calm."
"They were some of the most successful burglars this country has ever known."
"The burglars were so methodical that they got in and out without being seen or heard."
"We're getting broken into CVS on 30th and Fowler."
"Panic surged through me as I realized that someone had broken into the museum and stolen the artifacts right out from under our noses."
"I once prevented a burglar from breaking into my house by hiding behind the door and barking like two different dogs."
"Unfortunately for CTS officers soon explained to him that leaving behind his debit card did not actually absolve him from the burglary he had just committed."
"Let's make this even more stylized, let's make this even more kinky, let's push the concept of a woman who dresses like a cat to carry out cat burglary to its logical breaking point."
"A robbery requires brute force, while burglary is pure calculation."
"The harder you make it for a burglar to enter, the less likely a break-in will occur."
"Nobody's going to steal a goddamn thing. They can't even get in your house."
"It was very, very confusing as to why these guys were trying to break into a house..."
"The burglar broke in and he started making the Omni slash sounds."
"Breaking news: Infamous burglars Edgar and Marne were caught today, all thanks to a family of very clever pets. Super pets, you might say, superheroes."
"He burglarized the Numero Uno on Jefferson Street it's stealing an estimated 600 to 700 thousand dollars from a safe and entering with a key that Torres had given him years before on the assumption that Torres would have forgotten nacho held on to it."
"Somebody broke in, held him captive, and nicked all his stuff."
"The police told me that the men appeared to be attempting to break into my house."
"A man attempts to break into someone's house as soon as he opens the door, the homeowner gets a notification on his phone."
"It confirmed some of the suspicions of the neighbors considering how good my nephews were at being cat burglars."
"...burglar gently waking me you live like this."
"They apparently took only those articles they came for and they ignored anything else of value."
"...someone broke in the house and actually my boyfriend and I didn't even realize anything was happening."
"It's just a feeling you have, being taken. I mean, yeah, exactly, like somebody came into your house and robbed you of everything you have."
"More than 95% of all burglaries are committed by petty thieves and drug addicts."
"So let's just suppose the worst has happened: you have been burgled."
"A burglary simply means trespassing or breaking into premises to commit an offense like stealing."
"Every 15 seconds a home burglary occurs in the United States."
"Burglars don't like to be in the spotlight; that's why having outdoor lighting is to your advantage."
"Burglars don't just pick a house randomly and rob it; they'll often monitor the home before they take action."
"It scares me even more when I consider the fact that nothing was stolen."
"A skilled professional in the methods of burglary, his name was Frank Shelby, his age 51."
"To be burgled is bad enough, to lose a collection of jewelry worth a million is worse, to be held at knife point is absolutely terrifying."
"The world's worst burglary attempt."
"When your house gets broken into, you feel violated, you don't feel safe anymore in that space."