
Psychological Barriers Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"People have a much harder time saying yes to their desires."
"Belief... if you don't believe you can be successful, you legit can't."
"The cage of white supremacy is where they convince you that you can't do it so you don't even try."
"Sometimes your brain won't really let you enjoy it... even achieving such a great level of success."
"My Dr. Hank helps you get low-cost ED meds and overcome the psychological and emotional barriers to getting ED treatment."
"Awakening means breaking down subconscious walls."
"There is a policeman inside of our heads and it must be destroyed."
"We know that when times get rough those barriers get thin and it is easier for Monica to get in to the brain good luck getting it took this brain just like completely separating from it just gave me this like power that I didn't know I had."
"Recognize that one no longer has to identify with certain thinking patterns that psychologically creates mental mountains."
"The trap is that you were talking about yourself in a way that actually holds you back, that impedes healing and growth. The tactic is..."
"They stay stuck not because of what God believed about them, they stay stuck because of what they believed about themselves."
"People who haven't let go... it's really hard for them to enter these states with someone else."
"The ego has the ability to hold back the feelings and deny, but once we get to 20, the ego has to feel the feelings all the time."
"The solution is always there. It's just that we're holding on to whatever it is we're holding on to."
"Acceptance is one of the key, perhaps blocks or hurdles for some of us."
"The hardest part of doing anything is actually just getting started."
"The fear of rejection is one of those things that truly keeps us from doing amazing things."
"Self-imposed curses can create deep-seated beliefs that hold you back."
"What's going on in my brain that's stopping me from doing that jump? Fear is otherwise known as the fight or flight response."
"There has to be a distance that the player has to the item that they know that they can actually go and obtain it because if that distance is too far then nobody is going to take the journey to begin with."
"Most of the limits a player has are self-imposed."
"The simple act of driving a car deliberately into a tree at 50 miles an hour without breaking is something many people would find very difficult to do."
"Sometimes the hardest part is to get out of our own heads and just make a decision."
"The first year in terms of the psychological barriers, the fears, doubts, the insecurities, the technological barriers, it will go away."
"Escape velocity is ultimately where you start to break those key psychological barriers."
"Fear of the unknown keeps many in a painful state."
"Opening up to other people doesn't help, and once your mind learns that, it can be really hard to open up."
"The number one barrier to your future is your past."
"The worse it gets, the more difficult it gets to ask for help."
"Defendedness is not a boundary; it's an obstacle. It's a wall we put up, thinking we're blocking out triggers, but what we block out is connection."
"We cannot liberate a slave who holds on to his chains."
"Somebody wants you to surrender the idea of you having tools, resources, being strong, being powerful, being confident, and manifesting some type of new reality."
"The biggest problem facing people is the fear or the inertia... I'll just say inertia."
"Trapped in their past, stopping them from moving forward."
"Fear of poverty is a state of mind that paralyzes reason, destroys imagination, and kills self-reliance."
"Fear of success can hold you back as much as fear of failure."
"Sometimes people ruin their own progress and success by no other reason other than themselves."
"A lot of it comes down to we're tricking ourselves into thinking that getting bigger is as simple as just getting stronger on these big powerlifting lifts."
"Mind Block is just a mental barrier that keeps you from achieving your dreams."
"Even the door is wide open, but sometimes the real bars holding you back can't be seen."
"Excluding distractions, fears, doubts, and indecision becomes our identity, our self-image."
"The first step is to dissolve your own shames and guilts and reasons why you don't deserve."
"The reason why people are so afraid to invest is because they never started. Once you start it's easy because you get the fear of the loss out of the way or you get the game."
"Unfortunately, transcending the pain body is extremely challenging since its very nature is to put you into a state of unconsciousness."
"Bitcoin breaking fifty thousand dollars is breaking mental barriers."
"Our only chains are those in our minds."
"Most people cannot heal because they won't give themselves permission to feel."
"You are not deficient, and that feeling of deficiency inhibits you from change and learning and the ease that is your endowment."
"We have psychological limitations, there's manipulation out in the marketplace."
"It's all in the mind; you say you can't do something, then you can't do something."
"The barriers and the limitations that in so many ways stymie us are, to a very significant extent, self-imposed."
"Man can further his own evolution by breaking psychological limitations."