
Organ Donation Quotes

There are 166 quotes

"Organ donation is just charity, offering from your own resources to bless and help somebody else."
"Should organ donations be mandated? I think the answer to that should be yes."
"To give somebody else a second chance at life."
"We've decided that through our son Dwayne, unfortunately the last one to pass away, that we're going to donate his organs to saving of a child, which is what we want because if you say we have a child that's... that makes us happy."
"Imagine if you offered to donate a kidney to someone and that person was like uh no thank you i'm gonna see if there's a more developed kidney."
"Is receiving organs from an organ harvesting not moral since organs was removed when the donor was still alive?"
"It's really important to reiterate just how meaningful organ donation in particular can be."
"Two families bonded by a special gift met face to face."
"Donating organs saves lives and giving your body to science can save and enhance them too."
"What we currently do with those gifts is broken, far too many people are dying waiting for organs that could be coming but aren't."
"Becoming a donor is what it's all about and if we can find somebody to become a donor for Levi I mean it could just will save his life."
"I am petrified of needles... but yep I am going to sign up and see if I can become a donor."
"Organ donation is a precious act of saving a life but forced organ harvesting is commercialized murder and without doubt amongst the worst of crimes."
"Roughly 100,000 Americans are currently awaiting a kidney donation every day ten of our fellow citizens die waiting many many people are dying while they wait."
"But there is no evidence of that, and doctors say that the more people who sign up as organ donors, the better."
"We think that that is going to be a wonderful legacy to her, to save someone else's life."
"I am the leading advocate for organ donation."
"These medical staff stopped what they were doing to line the walls of a hospital in Idaho joining the family and friends in a powerful show of respect for an organ donor."
"Being on the organ donation register is just one of the most amazing gifts you could ever give someone."
"I am proud to be on the organ donation register."
"The more we hung out, the more I was just like, 'Oh my gosh, this is it, I'm a donor.'"
"It was just a miracle that these two separate donors came up at the same time."
"Not many things you can do in life are as impactful as giving someone a kidney."
"Never too late to become a donor. Be a long-term donor."
"Last Tuesday, I anonymously donated my right kidney to a stranger."
"If you needed a kidney and we were a match, I would highly consider it."
"Morally speaking, it doesn't matter what you do to an organ once it's removed from the individual, but when it's still part of that person and is keeping them alive, then it matters very much what you do to it."
"And a last note, in doing this story, virtually every one of the physicians to whom we spoke on both sides of the debate agrees they support organ donation and it saves lives."
"I remember just waking up seeing my sister and just the reality was like, these lungs aren't mine, I'm breathing easier because someone else had lived."
"If you die and you're in reasonably good health, you can help 70 people."
"I wasn't sure if I was going to tell you this or my wife was an organ donor and she saved a lot of lives including hers."
"Chris's heart, liver, lungs, pancreas, kidneys, and eyes will save five lives."
"His savior had been a 19-year-old boy."
"A British woman who knew her baby girl would only live for a few hours after birth chose to carry the child to term so she could donate the infant's organs to save other lives."
"Making organ donations easier and safer than ever."
"This is a table full of death. Or perhaps more accurately, of lives potentially saved."
"Medical professionals will always try to save your life. Your organs only become valuable for harvesting once your brain activity stops, and medical teams won't stop fighting for you until there's no hope left."
"Fortunately Michael found a donor within 24 hours from an accident victim in another state."
"I had to have a liver transplant, thanks to Katie Gilroy who signed her donor card when she was 16 years old."
"Donating an organ to someone who needs it to survive is quite literally giving the gift of life."
"Black male organs, black female organs are some of the most prized organs in the world because we're the original people. So our organs damn near work with everybody. What is the one thing you need to live that you can't buy? Heart, kidney, liver, spleen."
"Parents lost their seven-month-old son but chose to donate his heart for a transplant patient."
"There are no words to describe the emotions of a mother hearing her baby's heart inside the chest of the girl who received the transplant."
"They found recipients for five of her organs."
"Organ donation is a beautiful thing, but it also messes with your brain."
"There is still a huge gap between the number of people who need a life-saving organ transplant and the number of organ donations each year."
"I know people can live with one kidney but every surgery comes with risks and pregnancy does become higher risk. Am I the [__] for not giving an organ to someone that's contributed nothing but a sperm to my life?"
"You don't owe an organ to anyone. No one owes an organ to someone else, especially when that person hasn't contributed anything to your life."
"This isn't an easy ask. I was privileged in health to give a kidney to my sister's husband. But I didn't do it for someone who abandoned me and called me a gold digger."
"So it's really neat to see what this whole journey brings to to life and you know I think that's why I'm so open with my story is because if this can help to encourage others to be organ donors and and we'll keep on talking about this"
"and about almost 20 people die a day waiting and what's really difficult is you know not we all believe in organ donation right 95 of Americans believe in organ donation they think it's a good thing but only 58 actually check that box to be an organ donor"
"If you get a kidney from a friend or family member, that kidney can last for 20 years or more."
"Organ donation and transplantation saves and transforms tons of lives every year."
"Be an organ it does at least whatever they find left of you can go on to benefit someone else because it's not like you're gonna need it."
"Her decision to donate her heart and kidneys inspired others."
"It's perverse not to donate your organs after your death."
"I think you should have to say you don't want your organs donated after death."
"In the field of heart transplantation, what happens is when you get a phone call that somebody has died and they want to be an organ donor."
"I think it's important that people learn this. The need of organs has far surpassed the understanding of organ donation, so, our awareness."
"Being an organ donor is okay, it's not against God's will."
"If I can give our Paul one of my kidneys to give him a better quality of life, I don't care what happens to me."
"There's no greater gift than organ donation... it shifts that permanence of death into this vital existence and purpose."
"One person who dies has the potential to save eight lives."
"We do want to change the culture in organ donation to save more lives."
"If you're not an organ donor, please consider becoming an organ donor."
"It's actually kind of similar to organ donating except when you get a new organ from someone it doesn't give the ability to like fly."
"Organ donors save lives. Did you know that just one organ donor can save the lives of eight people?"
"Four lives were at stake; three people were to receive organs, and one person was to give her final gift."
"I told him I was a match and was there to donate."
"It's important to have medical ethics because if you have a purely utilitarian perspective of what does the most good, that leads you to slicing up a healthy person to give five organs to different people."
"Living donation is a beautiful gift."
"Don't take your organs to heaven, heaven knows we need them here."
"You're not building organs; you're building hope."
"My brother was able to save like five lives with his lungs, his heart."
"If you needed a real-life kidney, I'd give you a kidney."
"Both of those two gentlemen helped save the lives and change the lives of 11 other individuals; they were both organ donors, and that is just a tremendous, tremendous gesture."
"Five lives saved by your brother because he was an organ donor."
"If you've already signed up as an organ donor with Driven to Save Lives, you could do even more to help save lives."
"Please become an organ donor... you just never know."
"I believe you need a kidney; I'll give you one."
"A single person can potentially save up to eight people's lives through organ donation."
"Organ donation is a true gift of life."
"Transplantation works; organ donation saves lives; organ donors bestow gifts of life that give deep meaning and purpose to their own lives and memories."
"You can all be the miracle of organ donation."
"Every single organ in her body can be given to save the lives of others."
"There is a lot of empathy towards what I'm going through. It's not really what I want. I just want people to sign up on the organ donor register."
"Organ donation is just the most wonderful thing in the world."
"Jung Sook then tells In Ho that during their more than 20 years of marriage, she had hated In Ho in some ways, but now she feels very grateful that In Ho is willing to donate his liver for her."
"Your mother needs a kidney, of course I would give her my kidney."
"You don't need your organs in heaven, so leave them here for somebody that does."
"Are Christians to be organ donors? Can Christians be organ donors? Yes."
"Give as many organs as you possibly can, because you don't need them anymore, other people do."
"Imagine your loved ones no longer having to wait on a donor list for vital organs."
"I'm signed up as an organ donor when I pass away, whatever organs of mine would still be useful to somebody else, I so badly want to donate them."
"You can save up to eight lives through an organ donation."
"Look, it's River's hand giving life to somebody else's hand."
"A kidney donor must have a compatible blood type with the recipient."
"Before his death, Aaron had become an organ donor, and after his death, five people received his organs and their lives were saved because of Aaron."
"Her organs were donated and saved the lives of eight people."
"Everyone at the games was a gold medal winner, all of us there only because somebody in the depth of their grief made the decision to donate their beloved organs so that we could be alive."
"I think we have seen a very substantial increase in organ donation, and that's been done without moving to a system of Presumed consent."
"We take people who are sick from their liver disease and try to find organs for them."
"Living donation and the potential for living donation should always be considered as part of your treatment algorithm."
"Those organs aren't Nicholas's anymore; they belong to those other people, but that gift is living, and that generosity that was truly Nicholas's is still giving."
"You can give the gift of life and help someone who depends on you by becoming an organ donor."
"April is national organ donation month, so if you haven't signed up please do so; it's a great gift."
"Donate Life America, sign up and be an organ donor."
"Organ donation is an ethical dilemma not just about whether organs should be donated, but also who they should be donated to."
"Even though [the child] was just a little baby, he was able to save four other children through the donation of his organs."
"If you put organ donor on your license, they let you die? Doctors and nurses aren't checking wallets to decide whether to save someone."
"Giving up your heart when you die... it's extraordinarily virtuous that you gave that heart to that person."
"Her parents made the decision to donate her organs as a way of ensuring that something positive would result from the terrible tragedy."
"There's always a reason to donate an organ, more is because you love someone."
"This man lost his 16-year-old son in a car wreck. He decided to donate his son's organs, including his heart."
"There are no age limitations or health restrictions to sign up to be an organ and tissue donor."
"Yes, we will be 3D printing organs and one day efficiently enough where we won't need donors."
"By donating organs, you save life, you give life, and that is also after your death, and you are maintaining your legacy. This is like being God."
"Even though she left us way too soon, Hazel will live on as an organ donor who was able to bless three other families."
"Living donor kidneys last longer, an average of 12 to 15 years, compared to 8 to 10 years for a deceased donor kidney."
"Finding the donor was the miracle."
"More than 103,000 people are currently on the organ transplant wait list. And 17 people die every day while waiting."
"I've been an organ donor for a long time now. I think that is so important."
"I found a calling working for a non-profit working in organ donation for 10 years."
"It's easy to be an organ donor; sign the back of your driver's license and tell your family."
"It's now easier than it ever has been to register to become an organ donor."
"He talked about defaults and how you can use defaults to increase organ donation by 90 percent."