
Eye Color Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"Color contact lenses provide an easy way to change up your looks."
"Light-colored eyes can make the eyes stand out more and are seen as more interesting appealing vibrant."
"The molten hues of brown eyes are not mere specks of color; they are cosmic pools of Earth's fierce and protective spirit."
"Blue eyes with their celestial hues are the very embodiment of mystical portals to realms beyond our earthly confines."
"Emeralds of the human form, green eyes are a rarity, a marvel carved from the very palette of Gaia herself."
"Hazel eyes are the arresting canvas where Earth's variegated palette meets the enigma of the cosmos."
"I love the way that Purple's look with my eye color it just makes them pop so much."
"Now for the eye color itself let's just make it sort of a greenish a greenish gray color and you'll notice it's fairly desaturated and it still looks quite quite bright quite brilliant."
"People with light-colored eyes, blue or green, are better at tolerating pain than those with dark eyes."
"Comparing eye colors and understanding their nuances aids in self-awareness."
"Unusually colored eyes, for example, are certain to make you take a second glance in someone's direction."
"I've never actually seen a real human being with lavender eyes."
"People with brown eyes are considered trustworthy; researchers found that people with brown eyes were considered as intelligent and kind, moreover, people tend to trust them more."
"I think for the tone of her skin, eye color, everything looks beautiful."
"I love the brown shade. I think it just makes a brown eye pop."
"Anything you put on blue eyes, it just like wow, you know, it just anything that stands up against a blue eye color is just it's like really beautiful."
"Blue mascara is really fun if you have brown eyes I think it's fun for any eye color but especially I feel like brown eyes blue makes it pop."
"Kanye West wore blue eye contacts through an event the other day. Big man, what is going on?"
"The rest of him... I didn't really get a look at him before, but his eyes were definitely the same. Gray-blue eyes, almost silvery."
"You have warm eyes if they have some colors like gold, yellow, red, or brown in them."
"If you have green eyes, only two percent of the world's population also have green eyes."
"Mac Woodwinked, if you've got blue eyes, just get it. Don't ask any questions, just get it."
"It's not impossible that two light-eyed parents can have a dark-eyed child, but it's rare."
"Cats with more melanin will have more hazel or orange eyes, maybe even brown."
"Those with blue or green eyes actually lack melanin."
"The vast majority of people have brown eyes, about 79% of the world population."
"What I really like is their bright yellow eyes."
"If you have blue eyes, copper hair makes your eyes pop."
"If you have green eyes, you'd make an amazing redhead."
"You only need one parent to have blue eyes in order for the babies to have blue eyes as well."
"Did you know that only 2% of the population has green eyes?"
"Mal, I never really noticed how green your eyes are."
"All babies are born with blue eyes."
"I just think it's a really pretty look and I think it's very complimentary of blue or green eyes."
"I love the green in here, they have just a little bit of green in those eyes."
"It enhances the color of your eyes and also gives a nice contrast with your hair."
"I think she looks gorgeous. I love the eye color; it's beautiful."
"I love brown eyes, I think they're so gorgeous."
"Light-colored eyes can give your look some serious pop and make you appear more intriguing and lively."
"Blue eyes are caused by a change in the regulation of a gene called OCA2."
"If you have brown or any brown in your eyes, that's what it can turn darker because it brings more melanin to the iris."
"Sabrina has vibrant emerald green eyes which pop against all the warm tones on the rest of her aesthetics."
"It's very interesting that it's got such kind of bluish tone eyes as opposed to the normal amber."
"I really love when you find things that make the lightness of your brown eyes pop."
"My eye color just looks like it's popping with these shades."
"This brown liner is just perfect, it makes my green eyes pop."
"If you've got blue or green eyes, this will look incredible because it's really going to enhance the blues and greens."
"I love the way that cool tones make your eyes look more mysterious, whereas warm tones kind of give a more inviting look to the eyes."
"I love these colors on everyone and anyone; brown eyes, blue eyes, hazel eyes, green eyes."
"These particular shades for that particular eye color would make that eye color pop."
"Blue is a great way to make brown eyes pop."
"Purple is really complimentary towards brown eyes, blue eyes, green eyes; it just contrasts so beautifully with all eye colors."