
Audio Engineering Quotes

There are 521 quotes

"But it's just funny that Apple goes after and attacks these incredibly complex concepts like computational audio and spatial audio."
"The Pro EQ plug-in now has linear phase filters, input and output meters, and a spectrum analyzer with four views."
"Streaming has taken away level control but has given us back headroom, transient response, and freedom." - Alan Silverman
"You know, why I did that with the audio to piss the people off who won't shut up about the audio. Turn your volume down."
"You can take two oscillators that are on the same pitch and slightly detune them in cents."
"What happened to the society and how was it so advanced?"
"The parallel busses... feeding the de-stressor... maintaining... some of the transient energy."
"A fast release time means the compressor's gonna get out of the way very quickly."
"If you're one of those who likes faffing with knobs when you're mixing, this is not the worst thing that's happened all day."
"This curve allows us to set multiple different thresholds and lots of different ratios to give us very complex compression and limiting curves."
"In custom car audio, we use crossovers to limit the bandwidth of musical frequencies that can reach our speakers. This allows us to avoid having smaller speakers playing bass and easily being damaged..."
"The most important speakers you're going to want to be really, really careful about with your crossovers are tweeters."
"Create a stereo slap back delay for your vocals and melodies."
"My goal when I'm mastering is to actually make it sound better... while increasing the loudness."
"What compressors allow us to do is to mess around with dynamic range and rein it in."
"Compression helps keep constant presence on something and enhances low-level detail." - Bob Power
"This is really going to be a light, even everything out compression."
"This is really a way to create space for your highs."
"More of a subtractive way to increase the clarity of your vocal."
"Happy birthday Vern, our audio engineer, our lord of levels, our board member, our music enthusiast, and most importantly, our friend."
"Try experimenting with compression, saturation, harmonic excitement, but don't feel that you have to use it."
"The most important setting on the limiter is to make sure that you don't have the ceiling any higher than minus 1 DB."
"Not all tracks should be at the level you're given. There is a sweet spot."
"Digital sweet spot: peak no higher than 75% of the way up the meter."
"Pitch Center is basically the same thing but in pitch."
"Let's take a listen to the finalized mixed vocal with automation included and notice how the vocal sounds balanced, full, and has an overall polished and enjoyable sound."
"Automation is quite easily probably one of the most important tools in mixing."
"essentially what you need to do is you need to find a place of comfort where you know how things sound and you can replicate that"
"One of the most important things in any production setup is the software you'll use to pull all your sounds together."
"I think this is a great choice for audio engineers, mixers, especially for long mixing sessions."
"Remember - we want a reliable frequency response when mixing."
"Compression is an incredibly useful tool that's used in pretty much all aspects of the audio world."
"You have to treat your music as full range, and the .1 is a little extra that, if it's not there, it's not like it doesn't actually translate anymore."
"The less sounds you have, the louder you can make everything."
"All the famous models of compressors you've seen throughout history they have a character to them and a lot of the plugins even the transparent plugins there's a particular character to them even if that character is that it's transparent."
"Learning that relationship between the gains of a shelf filter and its respective pass filter here at the low pass filter is one of the best skills that you can learn in EQing."
"Ping pong delay determines delay time for left and right sides."
"This is a truly brilliant example of mixing."
"Compression is to control the dynamics of sounds."
"It's all about authenticity and trying to replicate everything we can from an audio point of view about the real world sport."
"Sometimes just load up a transient processor and it can save you a lot of hard work."
"It's pretty easy to just follow the signal chain and figure out where you are to edit the parameters of a specific module you just press it."
"The sound master...sort through hundreds of components before settling on what they think is best for a specific product."
"We just want to make sure that if we hear things like resonant Peaks muddiness all that stuff, we EQ notes over those areas."
"A reverb can also be used to add a tail to a very short sound, like a very short drum sound, to make it a bit longer."
"So it's not a multi-track preset that won't contain routing but a selected tracks can retain the routing."
"This allows REW to measure, identify, and then remove any potential artifacts or distortion that your interface might be imparting on the measurements."
"I mean, once again, Big Mick, absolutely. Just so many big names mix some Tool. So many guys. Greg Price mixing Aussie. He's now doing Metallica. Brad Maddox, phenomenal. Everybody. Bill Chappelle. You know, love those guys."
"You just need to push a little bit of mids on that, just a tiny bit, and your acoustic guitar will just move forward."
"It's great for organization but it's also great for bus processing."
"Making all the changes in the physical environment to actually give your microphone the best chances of picking up a clean signal."
"You can create buses and effects channels super quickly in one click."
"That gimmick, that trick... works because of the contrast between lo-fi and hi-fi."
"This approach will let you maintain gain structure and optimal fader positions while still being able to have each instrument group at the right level in the room."
"Neumans...headphones are going to help you get better mixes."
"All of this matters because, let’s say you’re just looking at the main output of your mixer, and you’re comparing it against what your mic is reading from the speaker system."
"Most people would agree that the hardest part of a mix and the hardest part of the spectrum to get right is in the low end."
"So you’ll see that I kind of moved this a little bit over here so that we're not affecting too much of the mid-range of the bass which is pretty important."
"I love when like one ear is doing one thing and then the other ear is doing something else but like they mesh together and it's like two different things but like it's one thing at the same yeah, that's panning."
"You want sounds that you can hear in the mix without having to turn that fader up. If you have to turn the fader up too far, it's the wrong sound."
"Or maybe I want to pick two sounds, one that I'm going to pan one way and one that I'll pan the other."
"Bus processing is an absolutely essential skill to learn to get your mixes up to a professional level."
"The limiter is like a compressor with a ratio of a hundred to one, essentially not letting any signal pass the threshold."
"You're trying to bring this to where your results are plus and minus 3 dB from that target curve."
"...complete control over EQ, dynamics, just like you're sitting at an SSL console."
"...the dedicated knob per control layout makes using the SSL native channel strip 2 and bus compressor 2 plugins completely intuitive, just like you're working on a large format analog console."
"Compression is about finding the sweet spot."
"Compression is about making it pop through the mix."
"Gear is not the problem and it's not the solution. Changing gear won't solve your mix problems."
"Your kick should Peak at minus 60b but peak level is way different than the actual perceived loudness and that's actually what matters."
"Using compression effectively will be one of those techniques that you'll definitely have in your tool belt as an audio engineer."
"Reference tracks and spectrum analyzers can make a massive difference to the quality and frequency spread of your mixes."
"Sometimes boosting frequencies is the right move, but usually, I would say after cutting the unwanted frequencies."
"High pass everything except the kick and bass, but be careful as some sounds will lose their power if rolled off too high."
"Automate your EQ if you know what you're doing, but if not, static EQ settings can work for the rest of the track."
"Using the solo button to EQ can help get a sound sounding good on its own before mixing it with the rest of the track."
"Sometimes EQ isn't the right tool for the job. Know when to use it and when not to."
"...the widest sounding and the best widest sounding mixes aren't that way because of stuff the mastering engineer is doing at the end."
"Making sure your low end is set properly so that it doesn't overpower the rest of your frequencies is crucial."
"Using surgical EQ sweeps is really a useful thing for identifying problems in a sound."
"The right balance between lows, mids, and importantly highs can lead to a polished mix."
"Mix bus compression: a massive Revelation."
"This is a super essential tip, please please don't be automating the volume on the channel fader."
"How long are you taking to address problems while mixing? Are you getting stuck picking plug-ins? Are you losing yourself while picking frequencies?"
"You gotta take into account how was it eq'd on the mix down in the control room, was the tape speed manipulated? Did they slow the thing down or speed it up which changes the tone, right? Totally."
"When you set up DCAs don't forget that they're there and they could be muting audio but it's not very obvious that they are."
"We actually realized now that we have such a perfectly balanced PA and the room is treated so well we can actually create a main mix that sounds both great in the room and sounds phenomenal online when it's sent to the video switcher."
"The gain staging is just like, 'Oh, I'm hitting the mix bus too hard? Great, pull everything down. I'm not hitting the mix bus hard enough? Right, push everything up.'"
"The job of the mix engineer is to solve creative problems with technology."
"...these moves that are, you know, these extreme moves as it is trying to get all this low end punch to happen."
"So when I use tom mics or whatever I'm using, I'll run maybe the toms into the Scitex when all the overheads and the Scitex and I'll run those two mics into the Scitex."
"...how important it is to kind of get the drums sounding as good as you can before you start recording them."
"So it's really opening the door to another generation of engineers but the one thing that's clear is that when you run your audio through there and listen on this mix bus, it's an improvement and it's something you can't get in a plugin."
"So for me, it sort of culminates with the Neve sound, the 1073, the 1084 or 88R EQ, dynamics that are instantly recallable, resettable, and dynamically automatable."
"...this tells us that the sound coming out of our eq plug-in is already clipping it's already distorting our incoming signal was peaking at negative 0.6 but as soon as we boosted the eq on one plugin we're now clipping as you can see by this red indicator light."
"...the song that the engineer chooses to tune these systems it'll be interesting to see if you can guess it..."
"So, we're just blending those two together so we have less phase issues."
"Vault brings the rich vintage sound of the classic LA 610 tube preamp and an analog 1176 inspired compressor to your desktop."
"The next process down in the preamp our high pass filter and low pass filter very straight ahead they're useful utility filters."
"The M100 solves the problem altogether. We're going to cover this in the measurements, but what Clayton is offering in the Sapphire design is ultimately point source coherence without any of the mentioned drawbacks of a full-range driver."
"Because there is no cabinet, there is no pressure trying to escape the enclosure. Instead, open baffle relies on your room to get the job done."
"Using a summing mixer or a mixing console along with your DAW is a very simple way to combine everything together and have it right here in the analog domain."
"Sculptor is just my last chance to control for any vocal anomalies, tonally, before we make it to our stereo bus."
"Some tracks don't need compressors, some don't need EQ. Literally, you need to just learn to hear what your track needs."
"Many consider Phineas's work as a producer and an audio engineer on this album to be the gold standard for modern contemporary recording."
"Cardioid is the name of the pattern we get from being able to steer the subs in a certain direction."
"An important concept of mixing consoles is buses. A bus is a signal path that allows you to route an incoming signal to another destination."
"The SSL 4K Channel strip plugin lives up to the legend of the 4000E and imparts all of the vibe and rich nonlinear analog character the console was so revered for."
"Given the SSL 4K Channel strip its final sprinkling of fairy dust, culminating in a true emulation of the console namesake."
"So, for compression, you kind of gotta have to know what you're doing, but I mean you gotta start somewhere."
"The fourth way I like to use multi-band compression in a mix is to add air."
"The final way that I like to use a multi-band compressor is to use it as a de-esser."
"It's just the mixing process, the most important thing."
"The purpose of a compressor is to take those spikes in the waveform, the audio, sometimes we get these very prickly kind of spikes sticking up. That's when certain sounds are made."
"So if 2db of EQ isn't making the change that you want to make then you shouldn't be using EQ to make that change."
"Frequency masking is one of the first concepts you should understand to get your mixes to the next level."
"Gain staging is about staging the gain, the volume, from one phase of the process to the next."
"...you always need a second compressor when you work with really loud singers."
"Boosting those low mids can sometimes carve an opening and push you right through."
"By using EQ before a compressor, it will affect the results of the compressed signal."
"And again when it comes to vocals having your lead vocals and your backing vocals both going into one bus so you can gently compress them together and make it sound like just a lovely cohesive hole is really the difference between an amateur sounding mix and a pro sounding mix."
"If you have clipping it's a symptom of not being great at gain staging which means you're going to have a real hard time getting consistent mixes."
"Make sure that you're not tracking your vocal too loud when in doubt turn it down a couple db."
"Once an input signal clips it is too late to go back."
"Setting up a good monitoring chain for your vocalist can be absolutely key."
"Establishing the monitoring chain, setting up all of your tracks, the next thing I like to do is get a vocal mix going."
"It's tucked super far in the back but it adds this nice little bit of harmonic addition that will kind of thicken it up in the mix."
"So there's not really much to cover on this lead vocal. It's kind of the same thing that we always do just tuning EQ compression and then a couple different de-essers."
"What this lets me do is very closely identify where the real thud of a kick or a snare comes from."
"Visualizing your mix: identifying issues, finding solutions."
"...one of the benefits to using an EQ on your mix bus is it can encourage you to not over-process things on an instrument-by-instrument level."
"...using any tools you want to get it to sound finished and done at the mix, even if it's 'no-no's' like stereo wideners on the mix bus."
"That drastically reduces the control you have over both your dry vocal and your delayed vocal signal."
"If you can understand how the compressor is working and how it's affecting different parts of that sound, you're going to have a far better understanding of how to use one and how to apply those settings yourself."
"I personally love the diode bridge. I do too. Vocal bus, you know, tying a group together, but controlling it. Acoustic guitar like you said, piano. It's magic, absolutely magic."
"There's something magical about the way it can control and reduce that dynamic range at the same time. It's making something sound more exciting. That's a feat. It is an absolute feat."
"This is really the power of Flex routing: to better empower your audio engineer to make creative, musical, production-savvy decisions."
"Track stems are all these different tracks audio separately, so they can get an engineering there to make their own beats."
"Enhance the low mid frequencies and it makes the kick drum sound kind of boxy-er and puffier."
"You get to take the two most powerful tools you have at your disposal EQ and compression combine them into one."
"The saturation on the preamp side of things being able to dial in different types of saturation right on your track just add to that color."
"Neve EQs and preamps are so popular because they allow you to really shape the tone but they never take away the heart of that sound. They really allow you to enhance the sound but not really completely destroy it."
"It cleans up the low end and gives you a really good starting place to work with on the drums."
"...it's a lot softer than that so why would I want to gate this signal the main reason would be actually because I want to shorten the length of the snare sound in the closed mics..."
"Using a side chain as part of your mix bus compressor is often a good approach."
"Rather than just using the side chain to cure a problem of way too much sub-energy, take it as a cue to just listen and double check your mixes."
"Lower ratios are usually used when it comes to mix bus compression."
"But there are people working out there today who get great sounding mixes who use way more compression than you're supposed to on your mix bus."
"Once you really understand on a conceptual level how to set these things and why and how to hear the changes that you're making, only then will all the stuff that I just told you actually make sense and actually be useful for you."
"The attack and release of the compression on the mix buss is incredibly important."
"The exciting interesting stuff is how do we compress drums more without making them sound terrible?"
"Channel strips can work magic on guitars."
"...if it's a bass and a kick, the bass will duck by three DB every time the kick hits."
"The beauty of designing your own speakers and crossovers is that you can tailor them to match your room, match your amplifier, match your taste."
"I lower my chair for recording, so I'm putting headphones on to record. I'm making sure I don't have any output to my monitors and that my headphones are at a comfortable level."
"...and also I don't really want to mix my audio signal with my 404 signal, generally audio engineers like distinct channels for the different incoming audio..."
"You'd be amazed at how far you can go with using something like FabFilter Pro Q3."
"These are the questions you want to ask yourself before you set attack and release: how do I want it to change the sound, what do I want to do to the transient, what do I want it to do with the decay of the sound as well."
"This is Voxengo Span, which I use like every day all day."
"This is honestly the portion of the training that I get 95% of my questions from beginner audio Engineers."
"Mastering is about making the mix sound deeper, fuller, and richer."
"So here's an interesting thing, if I change absolutely anything about this file, it can be as simple as turning this volume fader down by 0.00001 decibels."
"Contrast and context is so important when it comes to mixing and when it comes to EQ in particular."
"The next frequency range I like is the 6k area. When we boost that area, it tends to bring up the rides and gives the ride symbols a little more body."
"We're not usually thinking in that sense about the sound of the limiter but we're thinking about the limiter's ability to do something to the sound to get us to where we want to go."
"The limiter is always the last thing in the signal chain so while it's the first thing that I deploy, it's the thing that's at the very end that gives me that safety."
"Buffer the send and potentially also the return from their effects loop on their amp depending on what kind of effects Loop they have as a general rule of thumb."
"The lowest attenuation setting majorly affects the tone of the amp."
"Compression. Use compressors to even out the dynamic range of the vocals."
"Use a pop filter. If you're not using one of these, you're just a shitty engineer."
"...what you get from that is a really really huge attack out of the kick drum but you actually lose some low-end..."
"I particularly prefer decibels because I have an audio engineering background."
"Play less. Just the way sound frequencies work, more information on the bottom end won't translate the same way it will in a higher octave."
"Thicker is better, and you can always use the high pass filter to make it thinner again."
"If your snare is thin, flip the polarity on the bottom mic, and then it will be thick again."
"The moral of this story is that if you're recording or something sounds distant, check the polarity."
"It's all about the low end, avoid the soundtech solo, and nobody leaves humming the kick drum."
"Acoustic treatment is very important in a home theater."
"Impulse response can be just as mind-blowing in terms of change and improvement as the actual frequency response changes."
"Realistically this is a pretty darn good curve for matching our target so for the sake of time I'm pretty happy with that."
"A little reverb can go a long way for your musicians on stage to help them get a really good sound."
"This will really make your musicians sing better, play better, which is going to make your job as a mix engineer so much easier."
"the thing that I will preface is that a lot of people don't know if they're hearing it the way the artist intended and are making critical decisions based on that that's what drives us nuts."
"One of the main jobs that we do as audio engineers is to provide intelligibility."
"I always liked sound reproduction."
"Don't use EQ as a solution for time-based issues except for kind of the gray area of just room buildup due to reverb and reflections that kind of thing."
"Our ears are more sensitive to peaks than narrow band dips in frequency response."
"Unless you're in one of those two situations, an offline bounce is what you're going to want to do."
"I encourage you if you have not messed with vintage EQ, it's a great one to get your feet wet with."
"If you want to get some loudness to your tracking, you're worried about compression, look at normalizing the audio."
"Mastering is simple. It's about getting the level right, but EQ balanced and managing the dynamics."
"You can make huge changes with just those three things."
"Now we have lots of layers, and before we do anything else, I want to adjust the volume of these layers. If I have lefts and rights, I'll make sure that I put those where they need to be."
"So it's just attenuating that vocal. I literally loaded the plug-in and did nothing with it and it just sounds great."
"So not only have I mixed an entire vocal section with just the stock Studio One plugins, I've also mixed an entire song with just stock Studio One plugins."
"Parallel compression allows you to bring up those quieter parts without affecting the louder parts."
"Mastering is the process of taking your mix and adding some final tweaks such as EQ compression and limiting to make sure the volume is at a competitive level and your song sounds the best and it can now."
"Threshold and ratio are two most important knobs of course in a compressor."
"Let me put on just a metering plugin so that we can keep an eye on that throughout the process here."