
Underworld Quotes

There are 157 quotes

"Many believe that these creatures are shades of the underworld who return to sow fear among the living."
"The story of Inanna’s Descent Into the Netherworld - Descent being a key word here, shows us that the realm of the dead was a physical place - a place beneath the earth that required descent in order to reach it."
"In ancient Greek mythology, the underworld was guarded by a monstrous canine with three heads named Cerberus."
"Guardian of the underworld and the god of the sea."
"Asteroth's true goal is to change the hierarchy of the devils in the underworld."
"We're going to the underworld 100% oh dude this is so sick man we're in freaking Hades domain."
"He was the mob's version of little Lord Fauntleroy."
"Together they command the spirits back to drag Hades kicking and screaming into Tartarus."
"There's so much to explore in the underworld."
"I knew I would need to head to the Nether and confront Orcus, the god of the underworld."
"The underworld has a lot of identity to it... Most of the enemies in the underworld are pretty unique and special."
"Zeus descended into the underworld and found his long-lost uncles, the Cyclops, Uranus's kids, the one-eyed, oh yeah, all three of them."
"Yami's dark magic is so powerful it affects other dimensions and the underworld."
"Persephone loved Adonis passionately, even amidst the underworld's darkness."
"John Wick is a film in which Keanu Reeves plays a big dick gangster so feared by the criminal underworld like the mere mention of his name makes hardened criminals [ __ ] their pants in fear."
"Can you imagine three levels of decked out but there's a black market on level three?"
"No crime lord actually calls themselves a crime lord."
"Tonight thanks to remarkable police surveillance techniques we're going to lift the shroud that's protected the Rizzuto's so you can see the reality of the criminal underworld as it hasn't been shown before."
"Hercules entered the underworld; it was a sinister place filled with lugubriousness."
"Peter reflects on the situation Harry is back on the green by the looks of things and the criminal underworld is in a worse State than ever he feels a battle is coming a war in fact."
"Miriam Rodriguez became a symbol of courage and resistance against the criminal underworld."
"There is this criminal underbelly to global shipping that is thriving."
"There's something about the underground, these underworlds of America that are inseparable from murder and mayhem."
"... in the criminal underworld, people's loyalties and priorities will always be held above anything else."
"I think this would be the right way to introduce him. I don't think he's gonna show up, but this would be a good one, or Doctor Strange. From the trailers we've seen, there seems to be so much underworld fighting going on in that trailer."
"Somehow the investigators had to get inside the Bounty Hunter's shadowy world."
"He bowed to Hades and Persephone, grateful, a gust of wind whipped through the cavern urging Orpheus toward the exit of the underworld."
"The land of dreams was far from what many imagined it to look like, even in the darkness of the underworld where only dim candlelight and bits of sunlight that managed to leak through the rocks overhead illuminated everything."
"In the black underworld there's been a ton of feared Hitman but one of the most feared individuals ever has to be Wayne silk Perry from Washington DC."
"Lucifer will choose only one hell out of the 12 Hells created in recent times."
"On that note, we’re going to pardon Satan. After all, somebody still needs to rule over the underworld."
"I mean I've met with pimps I've met with guys that sell fentanyl I've met with Kia boys"
"Mirage was among the unsuccessful super villains killed by the scourge of the underworld."
"I think the reason why Jesus sent me on the journey was to say, 'Listen, if there's beauty there, then I'm there. And if I'm there, then there's something good there. It's not like the underworld was just abandoned and now it's the devil's zone.'"
"...so, psyche gets sent on a third, and in the third one she is given a crystal vessel to collect the black water spewed out from the source of the rivers sticks and cockatoos which are for those unfamiliar the rivers of the underworld."
"Persephone eats some pomegranate while she's in the underworld, and as a result, she cannot come back to the world of the living full-time."
"Only lose if you must, but always keep an eye over your shoulder because now you're in the CD underbelly."
"Oh, my God, yeah, we're also gonna get glimpses of this, like, Assassin underworld that Jon was a part of. Like, they have a whole system in place."
"Tim arranged to meet with Mike Hills who lived in Holland and claimed to have contacts in the Japanese underworld."
"Pluto, the lord of the dead, the lord of the underworld."
"Achieving his goal of reaching the top with the criminal underworld while leaving behind a trail of bodies and victims who felt his wrath."
"I really really enjoyed the scenes in the underworld... just basically everything that happened in the underworld... that was some of my favorite parts... I loved the underworld."
"The only Gods who did not live on Mount Olympus were Hades and Persephone, his wife, who lived in the murky depths of the underworld."
"He was still the most powerful Crime Boss in the country, the underworld president of the United States."
"The fourth world is called Tartarus in the Bible."
"Pablo's luxury car collection was a symbol of ostentation and his leadership in the underworld. It was the first to suffer the consequences of multiple wars. Only these scraps remain."
"Doors to the underworld would open and humans would be able to see the otherwise invisible creatures that roamed at night."
"The majority of people never knew the gangsters or the millionaires."
"One of the ways you know you're in the underworld is you have no idea how you're ever going to get out."
"The two men were extremely cautious, and since they had worked with the mafia before, they were intimately aware of how they operated, which made getting to them that much more difficult."
"The professional underworld was very much dominated by the old family gangs loose associations of criminals held together really by their family or ethnic backgrounds."
"Mickey Cohen got a lucky ticket to the big leagues"
"The mob figures most pornographers and prostitutes are shady enough themselves that they won't run to the cops when asked for payoffs and protection money." - Unknown speaker
"You're down deep beneath the Earth."
"He enjoyed the Parisian underworld where he soon became something of a legend."
"It's not an easy life but when I look at Calco and the guys that went and did that, I think to be in that world you can't necessarily be a friend to anyone."
"The case brings to a close an unprecedented level of violence seen in the Scottish underworld."
"How long has the body been here? A week? I'll talk to my contacts in the underworld."
"The gods who rule the underworld appear to be in a tense relationship with the gods tied to the human social order."
"He gains mastery over its secrets and becomes the raider of the underworld."
"Well you know like like why wouldn't you talk to Hades?"
"Boomers from the underworld indicate there is a seven million dollar contract out for Mark Bottle."
"Another important deity is tor garuk, the leader of the torat, a god associated with the underworld, death, and the sea."
"'No, I'd like you to die and become a permanent member of the underworld, but I'm willing to give you a chance to survive.'"
"Hakate becomes Persephone's companion anytime she has to go back and see her other half in the Underworld, whoa."
"He is a man of the sewers of the underworld."
"That's the monster that guards the underworld."
"You're very protected, and I'm getting the energy of you're protected from the underworld; the underworld protects you."
"Osiris was the king of the underworld."
"The roots traveled into the underworld, the stem was fully planted on earth, and that the branches supported the heavens and the sky."
"They won't talk to a policeman, but they'll kiss a gangster."
"Adapa's journey was more than a celestial exploration; it also involved a descent into the underworld."
"In Greek mythology, Cerberus is a huge three-headed dog that guards the entrance to the underworld, allowing the dead to enter but letting none out."
"The snake or serpent as an animal of the underworld and the idea that the dead go through a transformation."
"Legends speak of a number of heroes who descended into the underworld to perform some great feat."
"The fairies are in charge of the underworld."
"Dionysus enters the ancient Greek world as a god of death and rebirth with strong connections to the underworld."
"Traveling through the underworld was a difficult journey."
"The skeleton demon introduced his name as White and he used to be a Duke in the Underworld."
"The cave itself concealed an entrance to the underworld."
"Orpheus dares to travel to the underworld itself to sing for the dead and the gods who reside there."
"He sounded like the Robin Hood of the underworld."
"This was my first glimpse into the cocaine underworld; I was fascinated by the money, the violence, the larger-than-life characters."
"I would rather die than go to the underworld with you."
"The underworld efficiently met these demands, and with Frank at the helm, a sense of Tranquility prevailed."
"Cerberus, often referred to as the hound of Hades, is a multi-headed dog that guards the gates of the Underworld."
"When she's the wife of Hades and the queen of the underworld, that's when she goes by the name Persephone."
"Hey, you know why Hades doesn't talk to anybody in the underworld? They're all dead to him."
"You really get a window into the drug world, and it's not just drugs but anything that's connected to it."
"Persephone was a Greek goddess and dual deity who presided over vegetation here on Earth as well as helped to rule the underworld."
"You have to have style in this criminal underworld."
"The three-faced jester of the underworld definitely deserves the number one spot."
"I'm fascinated by organized crime, the underworld, the drug world."
"Here in what the Mayans believed was the underworld, they would conduct elaborate rituals for the gods, sometimes involving human sacrifice."
"Mercury in mythology was one of the few gods who could actually go to the underworld and come back in order to convey messages."
"In Roman mythology, who is Pluto? King of the Dead."
"Depictions of the underworld have long portrayed it as a realm of fire and brimstone."
"Kenneth Noy's criminal career spanned several decades, during which he deftly navigated the criminal underworld."
"I think both of these, both the serpent and the alligator, are shrines to these powerful underworld spirits."
"Hades is without a doubt the most famous god of the underworld in our modern times."
"They introduce themselves as messengers of the underworld."
"You gladly followed me to the underworld. I never tried to convince anyone to follow me in my rebellion."
"So what if no one's come back from the underworld? I'll be the first, and I'll be the second first."
"Boziak made millions of dollars in the international cyber underworld."
"Navigating the treacherous waters of the criminal underworld."
"This mastery of legal manipulation elevated him to a position of untouchable authority within the criminal underworld."
"But what if the hero himself emerged from the underworld, claiming the title of its king?"
"I navigate the underworld like a ghost."
"This three-faced jester of the underworld knows just when to jest, but scaring people is what he does best."
"I am the Grim Reaper of the underworld."
"I am dwarf planet Pluto, The most famous dwarf planet that you know, With so many secrets to be unfurled, Named after the Roman God of the Underworld."
"The underworld once shrouded in shadows now stood exposed for all to see."
"...producing the map of what the scientists refer to in their paper as a galactic Underworld."
"She was a street urchin who fought her way to the top of the Mafia pile."
"Hades is the god of the dead and the king of the underworld."
"They cover it up but then they get dragged into the underbelly life of Tokyo in a way that they never would have expected."
"Welcome to the underworld, home of all monsters. We hope you enjoy your stay."
"She is also a guardian of the threshold and can move between those realms and enter into the underworld if she wishes."
"Men returning from the underworld deserve to travel first class."
"In this compelling reimagining of the Orpheus story, Lila travels to an underworld of kidnapping, torture, and despair in search of the truth and the man she loves."
"He might laugh and joke around with them, and the laughter wasn't fake, but he also knew that one bad move would mean those guys laughing with him would fix him a pair of cement boots and send him for a swim in the Hudson."
"The underworld was not a story; it was something that was a reality."
"Welcome to the thriving underworld of New York City in 2023, where power, honor, and treachery play out in the shadows."
"The ferryman, Charon, is the one to take the souls which enter the Underworld across the river in exchange for a coin."
"It is believed that the tunnel was built to represent a descent into the underworld."
"In Greek mythology, the souls of the departed travel to the Underworld after death."
"Yes, while we do have a ranking system for devils based upon one's power or family they are born into, you shouldn't treat other devils lower than you because we all serve the same purpose of protecting the Underworld."
"Maybe even monsters in the underworld just need a friend from time to time."
"The Freemasons gave new meaning to the idea of the underworld."
"According to Damara, the Titan is in the Underworld because apparently, that was his home before being imprisoned."
"According to our records, Anastas is one of the rulers of the underworld."
"I am the son of Hades, the gods of the underworld."
"He was respected by everyone in that life."
"Underworlds are found in many cosmologies, including that of the Bhagavatam."
"Teotihuacán represents how they believed it was the underworld."
"He performed a καταβασις, descending into the underworld on a spiritual quest."
"Percy must go to the underworld, find the master bolt, and reveal the truth."
"What if Mulan had to travel to the underworld?"
"Will Mulan be able to save Shang before it's too late, or will she lose him and be lost in the underworld forever?"
"The hurians practiced a ritual where they would descend into a necromantic ritual pit and summon Spirits from the underworld."
"It's a story about Hades and Persephone falling in love."
"I immediately thought back to the Odyssey and the very famous scene where Odysseus enters the underworld."
"The hawk and dove of the underworld, that's a really badass thing to imagine."