
Mythical Beings Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"Could he absorb the soul of a God? Now that would be tremendous power."
"Abel is classified as a Titan black humanoid, simply put, a demi-god due to his speed, durability, strength, an impressive fighting record being thousands of years old."
"Elves have since become staples in many high fantasy works."
"Those sky people, those powerful ones looked human and were very attractive."
"Whether these creatures or beings are real or not, they definitely make for sufficient stories to be told."
"Lucius turns into a shining angelic being with six angelic wings, halos, and majestic deer antlers."
"She thanks dushi for saving them and then transforms for real this time and actually turns into a two-headed dragon."
"The monolith is a titanic-sized being, measuring roughly 120 meters in height."
"An encounter with this object or its creators could potentially result in the total extermination of life on our planet."
"Every culture since time immemorial has had these stories of the fae, of the fairy folk. Do you believe these people exist? Do you believe that they are who cause people to disappear in the woods and force them never to return?"
"The little people resemble smaller versions of Native Americans, usually measuring between two and four feet tall."
"The little people are much like fairies as they are very elusive and secretive."
"This discovery is prompting researchers to re-evaluate our understanding of Fallen Angels, Giants, and the legend itself."
"A foundry or forge that was built on a volcano or over a lava flow that is worked by fire elementals and fire giants and genies that is used to make super magical artifacts and really cool things."
"I just see them as these like mythical amazing creatures..."
"Aphrodite obviously S tier like she probably doesn't even have sweat glands she probably just has microscopic bottles of Chanel Number Five all over her skin."
"The unrivaled overlord, the Supreme guardian of the entire Northern realm and the revered beast of the double moon Clan."
"Aurgelmir was the purest essence of fire and ice, combined with the essence of darkness itself from Ginnnungagap."
"The top four harbingers have powers rivaling a God."
"The gun devil can never be killed and will forever be used by different groups."
"Magical creatures were real beings roaming the earth."
"Sukuna is 1000 years old but even sorcerers from 400 years ago seek him out."
"Legends tell us how these giants roamed the earth, leaving behind mysterious ruins and tantalizing clues to their existence."
"They definitely bring the cold. I think we can definitely agree on that. When they arrive, for whatever reason, cold comes with them."
"The Earth was divided up for the Elohim, some were all about war and Conquest, while others encouraged art and philosophy."
"Wrathful demons capable of assuming human image."
"I was captivated by this creature that seemed like something out of a fairy tale."
"You've just gone for it, you just go, yeah, grab full ponytail. So yeah, the fae and these lovely folk here, who are kind of like blue and green hued."
"It just sounds a bit off, doesn't it? Like can you imagine being a mermaid and obviously having fish parts, go and swim with you mate who's a human and then in the middle of the water like, 'Hey, can you tell me about fish parts?'"
"The Elder Gods had lied to the denizens of the realms."
"For the lives of gods... weigh only years to mortals, and gods forever."
"Maybe the ancient concept of fairies does seem to have a lot in common with our contemporary descriptions of alleged alien beings."
"Avatars are beings who have descended... to play a role in the world."
"That's a pretty cool image, this dust kicked up and stuff, crocodile warrior demigod fighting in desert."
"Hey, this really validates my opinion that the boogeyman is real."
"It was the cave troll drummers banging their drums of victory."
"Before I could even try to reason with him, Anubis blasted a fireball near to me. I didn’t feel like taking my chances - I just turned and ran off as fast as I could."
"Marked Hominids are actually more human-looking and somewhat shorter than the classic Neo-Giant."
"Nakash... a triple entod... a Divine being... Luminous Shining... who deceives Humanity."
"Let's try to integrate them into society and then over time since orcs aren't really a true race I mean they're corrupted elves so you'd think over time they would slowly evolve back into elves."
"Be wary in your Scottish explorations this summer, as even if the castle appears empty or ruined, you may still upset an immortal tenant."
"There are certain elements of folklore that just show up again and again and again hidden people little people you want to call them fairies goblins or whatever you will find that like culturally around the world."
"My judgment is that this is a rakshasa, and it is very real and really dangerous."
"the gin took the form of an attractive face, it had high cheekbones, well-shaped brows, jet black pupils, and gorgeous eyes"
"I couldn't believe what I was seeing. The creature was bigger than a bear with a huge body, fast legs, thick black shaggy hair, and giant horns."
"If you peer through the hole of the stone, you may see the realm of the Fey Folk."
"The belief was that the Aos Sí lived in a secret society either deep underground or in a parallel dimension where they could walk among the humans without being seen."
"Evil has many shapes, but few can match the presence of these titans."
"I was cradled in immense arms, and I looked up into the face of something both profoundly ancient and newborn."
"Seven seals, seven rings, seven brides for the Scarlet King... they fear their child yet to be born, whose voice shall rend the skies."
"When the war of the beasts brings about the world's end, the goddess descends from the sky."
"The Clockwork of Kronos was a being who could control time."
"...became a cold calculating killing machine that lived only to destroy barbarians and demonic creatures."
"When Billy utters the word Shazam, he transforms into the superhero embodying the collective powers that mamaragan once held."
"How dare he test me, Jamie thought in his mind, me Diablo Vuler, who even the gods once feared."