
Harvesting Quotes

There are 108 quotes

"I'm sorry for any spider crab lovers that are watching this movie right now, I am going to harvest every single one of them."
"The Claas Lexion 780 TT combine harvester is one of the most modern and advanced Harvesters on the market."
"The appearance of amber on the trichome means that it's finishing or past its prime point of harvest."
"The tree shaker... gently shakes the tree and hundreds of oranges are collected at a time."
"It's your time to reap the rewards of the seeds that you have sown."
"Just pull them out, whoa not many here, oh wow wow there's so many potatoes in here."
"It's like the perfect size to harvest this, you can harvest them a little bit smaller, a little bit larger if you want."
"The only way to harvest is if you sow."
"The act of going out and pursuing and harvesting it is absolutely healthy, it gets you moving, gets you connected with the real world, and it's all absolutely healthy and good."
"This is a spinach harvest taking place in a field in the San Joaquin Valley in central California."
"Peach pickers will use ladders to reach high branches."
"Harvesting pumpkins before heavy frost."
"The perfect time to pick lettuce is in the morning."
"Combine Harvesters are the kings of crop harvesting vehicles."
"Farmers usually wait until the dew from the night before has dried completely. Then around 10 or 11 A.M., not long before midday, harvesting begins. It won't stop again until dew forms."
"Most cucumber varieties are harvested after 50 to 60 days"
"Harvesting can be done in multiple batches because broccoli does not bloom all at once"
"Lilies... you want to harvest them before they open."
"Motivation harvesting... you take that motivation and you harvest it."
"It's always just so great that we're able to go out on this lake and harvest our own food."
"The hunter-gatherer encourages certain plants and animals, he or she aims to harvest the sweeten."
"So I like to keep things harvested because when you harvest you're telling the plant keep on producing."
"We're going to be harvesting, but it's one thing to read about it, it's another thing to be faced with the task of actually having to do it."
"This was our first ever experience harvesting our own olives."
"The more you harvest from zinnias, the more they produce."
"Farmers drive over the quinoa with tractors to thresh it or to separate the grains from the stems."
"You could pick them slightly early at that 60 color stage."
"Harvesting is the funnest thing to do, besides maybe eating the stuff."
"Harvesting involves removing the ripe fruits from the tree and opening them to get the wet seeds."
"Harvesting using mechanical machines like this is usually reserved for the sauce and concentrate manufacturing industry because canned products need large quantities but do not require high quality or Aesthetics."
"Farmers will begin harvesting when they see the wrinkled skin around the stem of the fruit."
"May you be given wisdom for the eyes of your soul to see this as a time of gracious harvesting."
"Anything that grows in the ground that you get to harvest I think is just so incredibly rewarding."
"Harvesting amongst the flowers has really come to fruition and harvesting lunches out here has been, you know, it's been a daily thing and I've really, really loved it."
"Mulberries produce an abundance of fruits that are easy to harvest, process, nutritious, and delicious."
"The crop harvesting machine moves through each row focusing on collecting kidney beans under the brilliant sunlight of the dry season."
"I've never cleaned a bird with a glacier behind me. No better way to enjoy any harvest than in the exact place that you harvested it."
"Harvesting broccoli: when florets start to get fat, it's time to pick."
"The best time to harvest a walnut is in the fall when they drop to the ground."
"Join me in exploring how to care for newborn deer until they mature for velvet harvesting."
"Involve your entire family in harvesting potatoes and enjoy the process."
"Every time you plant seed, you're scheduling a harvest."
"The best time to harvest blueberries is from mid-August to mid-September when they're ripe enough to eat."
"So if you plant some of these, you can harvest these blossoms and eat them, they taste just like a pea."
"You want to harvest your cucumbers, your zucchini, your green beans, your peas, some young harvest them early and often. It'll continue your harvests. We want to get the most out of it."
"Having them vertically gives you an easier access to harvest them and use them throughout the growing period."
"Did you know the name 'combine' comes from combining three harvesting processes? Reaping, threshing, and winnowing. Combine those and it's just simply known as the combine."
"Considerations this depicts the organic lettuce harvesting process in an Arizona field."
"Even though all of this grass will be gone in a few months, I always make sure I cut from multiple spots."
"Sweet potatoes should be harvested around 110 days. We're at 118 days so we're going to be digging them based on how long they've been growing."
"Potatoes are probably one of my favorite crops to dig up because I always feel like you're digging up a treasure."
"We are going to be harvesting several things out of the garden, that's why I thought you guys might like to kind of follow along and see how this turns out."
"It's always fun when we can even just come out here and maybe not get enough to freeze or to make any batches of blueberry jam or whatever, but we can harvest a little bit here and there just to eat fresh."
"I let my corn dry on the stalk as much as I can, and then if I have to pull it, I'll let it dry a little bit after I pull it."
"It's important to keep on top of harvesting."
"This yellow one right here that is in my hand is a great stage for harvesting loofah."
"We try to harvest responsibly; we don't just go to spots and completely decimate them."
"When the cherries are in season, you pick them with the stem."
"I think the more interaction and the more responsibility that we take for our own food and the harvesting of it and everything, the better that I feel and the more, like I don't know, I just feel better psychologically and physically."
"When it comes to gardening, I think like most of our favorite part of the whole entire thing is always the harvesting."
"We just picked these bushes over here; this is what we got, a lot of nice raspberries."
"I believe that if there's a renewable, sustainable resource on the landscape, and that we can extract some harvestable surplus off that renewable resource without damaging the resource, I believe that we should have the right to do that."
"We are harvesting some of the best food in the world, it's wild, it's tasty, and it's nutritious."
"At the beginning of the growing season, we plant our crops; at the end, we harvest."
"I love plants like that where I could just come in and harvest and just kind of reap the benefits."
"Peonies are going to be harvested before they open."
"So we're not going to kill; we're going to get the honey."
"Ginger is a seasonal plant, you can only harvest the herb in February and March."
"I'm going to harvest some of these and cook them up when I get home."
"Harvesting hops is an art that requires generations of experience, quick thinking, flexibility, and long hours."
"The Fent Ideal 9T is a machine that demonstrates true wonders of productivity during short periods of crop harvesting, providing unparalleled quality and exceptional reliability."
"This machine can confidently be called a smart solution as it allows you to take the crop harvesting process to a new level with its cutting-edge sensors and intelligent network solutions."
"The Carrot Harvester works by uprooting the carrots from the soil, removing the leaves, and separating them from other debris in the field."
"By me going out and harvesting as much as possible, I'm actually helping my environment and making good medicine at the same time."
"This doesn't cut into your tender fruits and vegetables, it doesn't bruise them."
"It's time to harvest the prickly pears; we made Margaritas out of these."
"We find that just using our hands to snap the peppers off, leaving a nice long stem, is a lot faster for us."
"That's why we harvest each plant in a way that allows each plant to continue to grow, and reproduce so that it maintains the integrity of the ecosystem for all the other things that live here."
"We've been harvesting blueberries where we live and down the road from us on our other property for about a month now, but these ones are really, really big and they're super, super tasty."
"So Eric and I have been really thrilled so far with this summer as far as us being able to harvest berries and flowers and just wild edibles."
"The best way to pick mulberries is to spread out a sheet or a tarp and shake the tree."
"This is such a nice way to harvest beans right here, it's so easy."
"The more you harvest the flowers, the more flowers it will produce on the plant, plus the more flowers that you'll get to make medicine out of."
"The Mac 2 is a self-propelled machine that's equipped with a series of blades that dig into the soil to lift and separate the carrots from the ground."
"With the help of such machines, today nuts, olives, and other fruits are harvested."
"A time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted."
"The goal with herbs is that you want a lot coming out of the ground so that you can cut it and use it."
"I'm very, very excited about harvesting potatoes this morning."
"I'm going to come and get the last of the dahlias."
"This new pumpkin harvester... is a real lifesaver for farmers when it comes to harvesting large volumes of crops."
"Excellent result for the first section of harvesting in between rain events."
"The Pro Berry 2021 is a trailed harvester that efficiently picks blueberries, blackcurrants, and blackberries."
"I better pick this fruit before it rots on the tree."
"The new e7000 self-propelled harvester utilizes the latest technology including the Eco clean system for maximum control efficiency and dust reduction."
"You can plant beets fairly early on in the season, and you can start harvesting greens from them usually within about four to six weeks."