
Playtime Quotes

There are 148 quotes

"I think $70 for a full AAA game experience that you're going to get more than 100 hours out of, I don't really think it's that big of a deal."
"Scotland literally can't afford the cost of living with Westminster. Does the prime minister not get that people in Scotland don't just want rid of him, they want rid of the whole rotted Westminster system?"
"The thing that you said that I like the most when I look about Deontay Johnson is he doesn't come off the field."
"Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate is going to give you hundreds of hours of gameplay."
"40 hours in length, including main story and side content."
"There's just so much information they throw at you in this 60 to 100 hour game."
"April is from my generations let's play and her and her twin brother were actually the first infants that I ever played with."
"It's always important after the holidays that you come in the rhythm and you're playing a lot of minutes when possible."
"The upcoming Iki Island featured in Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut will add about 15 to 20 hours of gameplay into the mix."
"The sheer amount of time you can spend in this game, the amount of content that this game provides..."
"Grandma and Grandpa Griffith got the boys and Legos and Calvin sat for the whole hour and helped build this back apartments"
"Unleash your creativity with new kids furniture and toys."
"I've played almost 10 hours of awesome blood content."
"He's getting all the snaps have gone up." - B. John Robinson
"You've been playing for two hours, okay, we're corned out of our mind."
"This is your playroom, this is where you go night night."
"The best part of the game is the story, so if you can get through it in 30-35 hours, that's great."
"Sonic Frontiers boasts a lot more content than previous sonic games, taking between 20 and 30 hours to finish for the average player."
"Ninja Total outfit! We're going to fight the bad guy. Get him, Milan!"
"Mr. Dinosaur George loves playing with Mr. Dinosaur."
"Susie, let's play mini golf. Good idea!"
"Not long after that, we moved. I would usually sleep in the bed with my Granny and Pawpaw when he was home, but I would often wake up in the middle of the night and go upstairs to play with my toys in my mom's room."
"Structure play into your day; there are so many tremendous benefits of playtime for your kids."
"He was crazy about pinocchio, best ever played with you play off."
"Anytime my child asks me to play, I will say yes."
"These babies give you eight hours of playtime and 32 hours of battery life."
"Reality playtime: dwelling in the life you already have with the things you already own."
"It's let's play together time, ready, go!"
"Oh, we just went to a new park that I found the other day that I thought Cove would like. So we played there."
"Barbie T is like obsessed with her, she likes playing with her so that's what they're going to be doing."
"the kids are gonna have a great time playing."
"We were playing on the monkey bars and all that stuff we saw these guys all sleeping in the middle of the day."
"It makes a huge difference on playing at home with my son."
"Look at that playtime. Darn sharp right where you're at."
"Let's play dollies and dinosaurs."
"Your baby needs interaction and closeness with you, punctuated by short periods of independent play."
"Mom already said she has energy to play some game so let's do that."
"It's play time for Pepper and her friends."
"Children who have fewer toys actually play for longer periods of time and are more creative."
"I want to have a basement where we can play but it's not like oh don't do that you're going to knock something up the wall don't touch that don't do that like I want to be somewhere where we can play a little bit rougher than we can upstairs so that's my plan"
"Sorry, buddy, we don't play with you until probably the next sorry all the row after."
"It was a good day. I loved seeing Jackson playing with all of his toys."
"This is the other problem with the hound dog, when they decide they're done playing, they are done playing."
"Time to play, we're super spooky up in here."
"It's like when your friends come over and you dump out all your toy boxes at the same time."
"This popular toy line was all we needed for playtime."
"It's like a signal to play with toys after the meal"
"...I played this for over 200 hours, I know a lot of people played for way more than that."
"Here's mama's casserole, are you gonna play?"
"This would be fantastic space for my own. He'd love this. I mean, he could just sit here and play. You'd never see him."
"Can we play upstairs now? Yes, let's play dressing up. I was asking Leo."
"We've got lots of free time now to do what we enjoy doing, and one of the nicest parts of the school day was playtime."
"So my son will put that up whenever he pretends to be like an astronaut and he'll pretend that this Waldorf playstand is a rocket ship."
"She's not in the house. Oh, well, don't worry yourself. She's probably out playing. You know what kids are."
"He wanted to play, so we went outside."
"It's a busy day, but there's still some downtime for the kids to be able to play and have fun and learn those social skills as well."
"Make sure you play with your dog. Engage a fearful dog in any play can be a great bonding experience."
"Cleaning toys makes a great deal of difference."
"I really wish Gracie could stay up to play piggy with us."
"Get your work done, then you can play."
"Every kid needs a swing set and a fort."
"Easily this game is gonna give you 120 to 150 hours of gameplay."
"Make believe and play time can be great for teaching interpersonal skills."
"She wants Daddy to jump on a trampoline with her."
"I want to play with you and Clementine again tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after that."
"Love Every did all the research already and they design each play kit to be age-appropriate to support your child's mental development."
"They are sustainable and they're meant to be loved and they're meant to be played with."
"Once the surgery is over, let's play a lot together," Hannah said with a cute smile.
"You're all winners, and since your room is clean again, now you can play dinosaurs."
"They stick together which means cleaning up easy, and the hours of fun you get out of it for the space they take up, I think is totally worth it."
"Provide them plenty of chew toys, plenty of different textures and types and things to chew on."
"I love when she has the time to play with her friends."
"That was when my brother and I were at my grandparents' house, playing with toys underneath the pool table."
"Oh hi guys, I'm Charlie, and today I'm playing catch with my dad."
"It's always a perfect day when my friends come to play."
"Daddy, can we go play King Kong? You bet."
"He will play with his little tea cups for ages."
"I loved watching the kids play end of the full moon."
"It's for ages six and up, takes about 15 to 30 minutes of gameplay."
"Great job playing. Thank you for playing with me. I love playing with you."
"This is a far better way to have fun together, tiring him out, than letting him go to on a bone off in the corner by himself."
"It's nice that he can be with us in the living room playing, and then when it's time to sleep or take a nap, he can go into the bedroom, and it's a separated space."
"It's time to play, honey. Grab the ski rope and the kids' helmets; we're gonna pull them."
"It's an heirloom in there because you'll give it to your kids to play with, I'm sure."
"It's my shovel, but whenever I'm here, we can play with it together, okay?"
"This toy in batch ride mode delivers lots of fun and lots of dynamic posing opportunities."
"Family togetherness... is balancing out that time that your child is spending in independent play."
"I love learning and I love playing with you."
"Christmas day activity with a toddler: wooden train set, electric train, like you can't beat that."
"We won't be gone long, Caillou. Besides, you like playing with Julie."
"The best thing we can do for motor development is allow our child floor time or practice on the floor."
"Floor time is amazing. Floor time is going to teach them a lot of motor skills without you really having to do much."
"Too many toys give them too many choices, it's overwhelming and then they just don't play with anything."
"Thank you so much for helping me clean up; you made it so easy and now I can play again and I'm so excited about it because I love playing with you."
"Happy Father's Day, Daddy. I hope you will never get sick and have a lot of time to play with me."
"You did it! Good job, that was a big slide."
"I like toys that capture a child's imagination and by that I mean keep them busy in another room for a while."
"I have 30 minutes of play time every day... activity should be fun and fun should be activity."
"It's very important, in my opinion, for students to get active play time, especially when they are younger."
"This is their absolute favorite area, the dramatic play area."
"He comes over all the time to play with me, he even bought me this neat book."
"These are perfect for children's imaginative playtime."
"My daughter is friends with Amber and Paul's children; they all play with each other and have a wonderful time."
"You do Legos with me for a really long time and you color with me."
"Now it's time to learn how to build the best Lego City possible."
"It's finding a good balance between work and play time."
"It's to get the children off the apps and back into the toys."
"I think we'll be able to add this to his existing track and make an even bigger track, so he's gonna love that."
"Playtime, positive reinforcement, and removing the Have a Heart wireless collar are key elements of each training phase."
"Just knowing that like Riley has other people to play with and my mom can kind of entertain Riley sometimes... are a huge, huge help."
"What's important is that the kids have been having the best time playing with Mimi and Papa."
"Raycon offers eight hours of playtime and a 32-hour battery life."
"It's nice and shaded, so she can play in here even when the Sun is high."
"The new glamper will have over 55 surprises, more than 10 hangout areas, and includes an exclusive doll."
"The line delivers on insights on what kids want, including more animal friends and Sidekicks, reveal Innovation, castles, houses, and vehicles."
"Is it possible for you to have an hour of uninterrupted play time, center time outdoors? I think it is."
"I think your kids can feel cool and just really good about having these dolls and playing with these dolls."
"Oh, you want to pretend we're the bears? I suppose we have time for a quick game."
"It was absolutely phenomenal and it saw a redonkulous amount of play."
"You can go play outside, just stay in the yard and don't talk to strangers."
"There's something sweet nostalgia about playing with wooden toys."
"Our children hang out together; they're pretty much best friends."
"Baby bun is coming out for playtime."
"She also loved her stuffies, especially ponies, which she played with on the floor for hours."
"Check it out, you guys. I got the swing to work."
"He's a strong defender, so I think he's going to play a lot."
"I think daddy's gonna get you, I got a Play-Doh Fun Pack, there are 50 of these all different colors."
"I'm so excited, she's gonna be so excited to play with these toys."
"Oh yes, not a duplicate, it's good old playtime."
"I genuinely love this playpen, you guys."
"This is my favorite way to reconnect with my toddler after a meltdown."
"I just know he will get so many hours of playtime, he will just love it."
"He loves this stuff, it's been such like a good thing to have for him to play with."
"What I really love about the formula is that it gives you enough play time to really buff and blend it out."
"These will be awesome for some choice activity time but then also like indoor recess and stuff because kids love Legos, they're so fun."
"Out of any play gym, I highly recommend this one."