
Cardio Quotes

There are 226 quotes

"One exercise that's the most value... car push is the lower body cardio animal for any sport or any activity."
"Don't skip your cardio. I want to get to the point where I don't have to say that because you guys actually do it."
"A bit of cardio goes so far. Did you know that cardio boosts your immune system? And right now, I think we all need a boost of immune system."
"Think of cardio not as a sole method you'll use to lose fat but rather as a supplemental tool."
"This is hands down cardio was the best workout I've done this whole month."
"It's perfect - fasted cardio burns nothing but body fat and still carves you up for hardcore training."
"I definitely do a lot of weight training but cardio, not a lot."
"High intensity intervals are the only form of cardio that does not drop metabolic rate."
"Pushing cardio intensity can enhance fat burning."
"It's easy when I go to do cardio, I like it."
"Cardio should be done either because you enjoy it and/or because it's good for your health, not with the sole intent of trying to lose weight."
"He was one of the most durable fighters ever with his strong chin and everlasting cardio."
"I do an hour of cardio a day regardless whether I'm at the gym or I walk an hour at night."
"New to cardio? No problem, today we've created a 15-minute beginner cardio workout just for you. Let's go!"
"Walking is a great cardio workout and it is low-impact, therefore it's suitable for anybody and everybody."
"Choose the piece of cardio equipment that you enjoy the most and tolerate the most because if you hate it you're probably not going to stick to it or do it."
"It's a relatively low-impact way to improve your cardio and burn lots of calories."
"Cardio intensive strength training workouts are the best way to burn calories and strengthen the body at the same time."
"Dance cardio is fun, it's a great way to get your cardio in while feeling good."
"I've never been the guy that can go into a weight room and impress you with 15 plates on each side of the squat rack, but I've always been a cardio machine."
"The beauty of doing year-round cardio is you can eat more calories. This is the secret, not bike racing but movement in general."
"Cardio is going to be the backbone of anything, no matter what technique you use, no matter what your strengths and weaknesses are."
"I think three hours of cardio training a week um two to three hours of cardio training per week while not enough to get you on the podium at the local you know 10K is still enough to get you really significant benefits."
"You know what I mean, the highest I'd probably say like, 350, 355, and then once, once I start the cardio I start shutting it off."
"That kind of cardio where you're actually doing the movements in the ring is more helpful than just standard cardio."
"Cardio is king. That is a truth. It does not mean that the fighter with the best cardio is going to win, but it does mean that if you do not have good cardio, you will not be able to perform with everything else that you should be fantastic at."
"Mountain climbers, it's your first 20 seconds of cardio."
"Trusting in your cardio takes a lot of work, a lot of preparation, but the preparation is what allows me to walk to the cage with confidence. So it's definitely worth it."
"I'm gonna do a cardio day today and go for a big run."
"Mayweather never gasped; he seemed to have unending cardio that allowed him to use all his skills in the ring without worrying about his gas tank at all."
"The constrained energy expenditure model suggests that adding more cardio may not necessarily increase energy expenditure."
"If you really want to mess your body up and mess your hormone system up, do excessive cardio. Excessive. Talk to any triathlete, any cyclist, that takes its toll on the body."
"If you diet for 12 weeks but you do loads of cardio and eat less, you're gonna end up with smaller legs than if you diet for 16 weeks and do none of the crazy cardio."
"Cardio is absolutely important and a great base to start with."
"Don't skip cardio, cardio is just as important."
"Walking is super underrated cardio."
"Cardio is really important. A lot of people feel like they gotta handcuff themselves to the treadmill. Not the case. My heart rate is up."
"I do a lot of cardio, and I don't like to feel stiff when I'm doing cardio."
"We're not moving at a crazy cardio pace here, this is just the warm-up."
"This workout combines both strength exercises but because you're not stopping with very little rest in between, that's when you're working on your cardio."
"No amount of medicine, surgeries, like, they named off like three or four things that people go after to make themselves healthier. None of that can be compared to cardio of actually moving your body and getting your heart, your heart's health, how key that is."
"When it comes to just fat loss and you have cutting calories, strength training, and cardio, at the bottom is cardio. Cardio is not an effective long-term fat loss approach. It is not. Short-term, you'll get some results, long-term, it's terrible."
"You burn way more calories doing cardio than you do with weights."
"Cardio is burning way more calories than your weightlifting workout."
"Always warm up doing cardio before you work out. If you skip out on doing cardio, you are way more likely to get injured."
"If you want the benefits of cardio then you need to do cardio."
"What modality is best, what's worse, what, how are we making that decision of what are we doing cardio on?"
"It's not uncommon or a freak incident to see some of these athletes up at like 100 minutes of cardio a day or 90 minutes, easy two hours of cardio."
"No one likes to do cardio, it sucks."
"I actually don't want to add any more variables than I need to, and cardio is a variable that I do not need in order to build muscle or lose body fat."
"The reason I told you to pick up your lightest weights, and truly you could do today without weights at all. It's basically, it's a cardio workout."
"Strength circuits paired with cardio tabata circuits."
"Push your pace, push your heart rate."
"This is your cardio it's meant to raise that big beautiful heart inside your chest yes come on."
"Quiet cardio means we are going to keep it low impact."
"You can always get cardio, even through strength training."
"A little good cardio without even leaving the mat."
"The best type of finisher to my mind is the resistance cardio finisher that being things like battle ropes or med ball slams even super high repetition push-ups."
"Nice really finding that squat in between beautiful cardio isn't complete without a good burpee moment."
"Swimming will give you the best cardio."
"Adding in cardio is beneficial. You don't want to replace strength training with cardio but adding in cardio is beneficial."
"We're gonna get strength, we're gonna get Mobility, we are going to get your heart rate up for cardio."
"We're going to work the entire body for strength and cardio using supersets."
"Our goal is to get your heart pumping, get your muscles working."
"Quick and effective. Strength and cardio. Nice work. Awesome job."
"You challenged yourself in the cardio and most importantly, you've stayed moving with me."
"Part of my success was from including cardio exercises such as rucking."
"Work every part of your body, both strengthening and sculpting those muscles as well as getting cardio in."
"How's that heart rate? Hopefully, it's pumping; you're feeling that cardio too."
"Doing cardio is going to extend his life."
"I could eat anything and everything that I want as long as I'm doing a lot of cardio."
"People who do more cardio... live longer than those who don't."
"Doing cardio is great for your heart and lung endurance, and when you're past 30, no matter how fit you are, your health and wellness really depend on how fit your heart and lungs are."
"We're going to get strength, we'll get cardio, and we'll get it done quickly."
"Every third move we do today, we're going to put our weights down and have it be a little more cardio-based."
"Skipping rope works your cardio a bit, so there's a lot of benefits to skipping rope."
"It's very obvious to which one has achieved that body through doing lots of cardio versus the person who's achieved it through strength training."
"Cardio does a very good job at maintaining the size of your legs."
"When you finish working out, always do 20 to 25 minutes of cardio."
"Nice and quick through our movements today, getting that heart rate up even though we're using a dumbbell, it becomes almost like a cardio workout as well."
"Welcome to Senior Shape, today's workout is a quick cardio."
"Cardio is so ridiculously important to the BJJ athlete."
"Cardio is keeping your heart rate elevated for an extended period of time."
"Jumping rope... it activates many of your muscle groups while giving you a cardiovascular effect."
"This plyometric movement is really good cardio; it's also really good functional movement for the body."
"We're going to make sure these exercises are also working our legs and our arms as well as getting our hearts pumping for cardio."
"That was your active recovery cardio and stretch workout. Great job everybody."
"Walking is the most undefeated best cardio you can do."
"I feel a million times better after doing a quick cardio workout."
"What's most important is that you have fun, get your cardio up, and just burn fat and sweat it out."
"That was tough, that was tough, but good cardio ladies, well done."
"Running really helped because I've upped my cardio over the last year since COVID has happened, I've stayed lean."
"That was the most cardio I've done in like six years."
"By crafting and implementing the right cardio plan, you will be able to effectively use it as a tool to break through any plateaus."
"Zone 2 cardio is everything. It does not create inflammation; in fact, it's known to reduce inflammation."
"Avoid the common mistake of doing excessive cardio to lose water weight."
"The updated scientific literature indicates cardio doesn't interfere with muscle and strength gains as much as once thought."
"Cardiovascular exercise has many benefits to it in relation to your heart health and other areas."
"You should feel this getting that heart pumping. That's the power move right, that's why we're calling it power HIT."
"It's honestly one of the most fun ways to combine cardio and strength training."
"We're always getting cardio as well."
"The goal is to get the blood flowing and get the heart rate up."
"You can really go all out because cardio is at the end, you'll have a breather coming, and it's only 20 seconds."
"What's up guys, it's Sydney, and this is your 40-minute hit cardio kickboxing and abs."
"Hope you're ready for this forty-minute cardio kickboxing workout today."
"We've got some ABS thrown with it too, so hope you're ready for that combo of cardio and abs."
"If you want to have fun and burn calories, then this 30 minutes cardio kickboxing workout is for you."
"Kickboxing is a great cardio, it helps you to burn calories and it's really fun with lots of moves and combinations."
"I feel really nice and warm and fuzzy inside my brain after I've done cardio."
"You can get just as great of a cardio workout when you do intervals like we're doing today."
"Strength training, especially compound movements or going heavy, is going to get more cardio, higher heart rate, higher calorie burn than just your steady-state cardio."
"Cardio is a secret to long-term weight loss."
"I do a lot of cardio too. It's actually my number one rule."
"If you're interested in losing body fat, you don't have to run a 10k every day; there are far more efficient ways of doing cardio and burning fat."
"I'm essentially replacing the whole 10k thing with a cardio aspect by doing these as intense circuits."
"Cardio burns more calories while you're doing it, but it actually teaches your body to slow down its metabolism over time."
"Cardio is not bad; it's about lifestyle change, not just doing cardio."
"We added some more cardio... but one of the neatest new additions is this over speed treadmill."
"My go-to for cardio is the Peloton Bike Plus."
"I'm not one who's going to say you don't need cardio. I think everyone should do cardio."
"It just feels very good to do like 20, 25, 30 minutes of cardio or just walking outside before the breakfast."
"Cardio, or otherwise known as aerobic capacity, is your maximal oxygen uptake, aka VO2 max."
"Stick around for this amazing and fun no-repeat all-standing cardio and abs workout."
"Cardio at its best is really strengthening our hearts and lungs."
"What a workout, good content, working the cardio at the same time, love it."
"We'll work your entire body for strength and cardio."
"All of it is going to keep your heart rate up, it should feel like cardio but also feel like strength."
"I'll see you back here tomorrow for your cardio workout."
"Training into the legs here, we get the core involved, we get the heart rates going up."
"When you go continuous lunges for time, inhale down, exhale up, you get crazy cardio metabolic conditioning."
"If you're doing fasted cardio because you feel better doing your cardio without food in your stomach and then you can actually get it in for your long-term heart health, amazing, go for it."
"I had to throw in a bit of cardio so I could leave this place sweaty, breathless."
"Being active is very good for you; cardio is great for your heart health."
"In this workout, full body strong, we are still going to get your heart pumping."
"High burst, high-intensity training trumps long slow cardio every single time."
"By adding in a hundred calories of extra cardio to your daily routine, you burn 10 pounds of fat in a year."
"It's a toning, sculpting workout, a strength workout, but as a little bonus, you'll be getting a little cardio as well."
"I'm super excited, so let's just get this cardio session done."
"I got a good workout in today; today was a cardio day."
"Weight training is cardio, and that's something I just didn't realize when I was younger."
"Doing cardio is not going to improve only your quantity of life, also the quality of life."
"I really believe in keeping healthy... Bag work is the greatest cardio machine."
"Strength training is always going to be a better option for you than cardio."
"I like getting a quick little sweat, I feel like that's the nicest way to do cardio."
"Cardio and core, it's a great way to get your heart rate up and work your abs."
"Surfing has been such an awesome way to get like a different form of cardio and just a different form of sport."
"It's gonna be a great workout. It burns a lot of calories and it's a good hard cardio challenge."
"I have a strength circuit set up for us with some cardio intervals interspersed throughout."
"We're going to get strong and getting our hearts pumping."
"If you add cardio, especially in the morning, you will boost your metabolism and will boost your hunger for the rest of the day, making it a lot easier to eat your food."
"One day of cardio per week is probably getting you 70 to 80 percent of the gains."
"You don't always need to do cardio, but I would still advise it because cardio is good for your cardiovascular health."
"Cardio has so many benefits, including being a mood booster, great stress reliever, and it improves your heart health."
"It's cardio, but we also are going to be working the muscles in every way."
"A cardio workout is great to put between the strength training days."
"So if you do that 20 minutes a few times a week, it's really gonna help you a lot, especially in the cardio department and strengthening your overall body."
"Cardio is not useless, and it is definitely something that can be leveraged."
"Cardio does a few interesting things, yeah it burns calories, but in addition, it also may change your regulation of appetite."
"Increasing activity and having a higher physical activity and doing cardio regularly regulates appetite."
"The most important thing about cardio is that it is so beyond helpful and important for our body."
"We will get some cardio bodyweight sweat rounds, some strength back to basics."
"We're really trying to ramp up that fat burning cardio, ramp up our metabolism, and start burning fat."
"If you want cardio, I'll give you a cardio. Get on a treadmill, go outside, go for a walk. This is core engagement, core stability, core endurance."
"You don't need equipment, you can get the same effect on your heart and lungs with just sprinted on spot."
"I keep active; I'll be in the gym, and we work on our cardio a lot."
"Athletes who avoid cardio are leaving performance gains on the table."
"Kickboxing is my favorite indoor cardio workout; we're going to get that heart rate up and we're gonna have some fun."
"Cardio is a key component to weight loss, and this workout will blast serious calories."
"We're then going to do your steady-state cardio which is going to help with your aerobic fitness also with the weight loss as well."
"Getting that heart rate up, definitely going to target some serious fat burns."
"It's such a good way to get cardio in."
"The point of cardio is to create a level of cardiovascular endurance that is so high that you are never limited by it."
"Cardio is the secret; if you do a lot of cardio, you can eat whatever you want."
"We're gonna be working in some circuits designed to get the heart rate up, bring it back down, up and down."
"Welcome to explosive cardio, the cardiovascular fat burning workout with some explosive moves thrown in."
"Let's jog it, high knee jogs, wide and narrow. We really want to get that body warmed up even more with the heart rate up."
"Welcome to torch and tone cardio sculpt."
"Running and cardio kills your gains is a myth we're going to debunk."
"I want to be the hardest worker. I want to know that I did more cardio than all these guys."
"Malibu Pilates combines the sculpting power of Pilates with user-friendly cardio exercises for fat burning results you won't believe."
"The best results for anybody is cardio and resistance training that's combined in here."
"Cardio is actually a good way of absorbing more food, makes you more hungry, makes you digest the food better."
"Guys, get out here and do your cardio."
"You just crushed a 30 minute full body strength workout with a nice little cardio bonus there in the end."
"We like to tone that core in multiple ways, the kick and the reach both hitting those abs and your cardio is up."
"The key to doing cardio and really sticking to it... is to find cardio that you can enjoy and that is ultimately useful to you."
"Swimming is a type of cardio that is overlooked... it is extremely easy on the joints."
"Give a nice cardio workout today, get that heart rate up, and have some fun while we're doing it."
"We're gonna hit all the major muscle groups plus we're gonna do cardio."
"Practicing integrating a little bit of cardio with our strength training today, so breathing is going to be one of your most important components."
"I feel like this is also another simple one, so if you are a beginner looking for a kind of dance cardio workout, this one would be good to try."
"Probably one of the most simple, basic, pure forms of doing cardio is just going out on a walk."
"You always have to mix up your cardio routine."
"Hopefully this shed a little light on the whole cardio thing."