
Chanting Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"Those chants of Guruji. We can never underestimate their power."
"Chanting is probably the most powerful thing you can do."
"Chant for as long as you can, challenge your mind."
"On the highest level of our priority is our chanting process."
"When we chant Krishna's name, we're also connecting to his pastimes and his ansaraj and his leelas."
"This ecstasy of coming together and singing and chanting comes in the age of Kali Yuga as harinam sankirtan."
"In every town and village, my names will be chanted."
"Chanting the holy name of Sriram brings supreme happiness and joy."
"Just by chanting the name of Sriram, all fortune will come in one's life."
"Chanting japa and chanting kirtan is the heart of the Krishna Consciousness movement."
"It has been just kind of a very peaceful chanting."
"But that's why I find the music and chanting is the best way to begin to engage in a spiritual path because there's so much noise and energy going on that you have to chant, create a purify the atmosphere with the music and sound."
"24 hours 10 minutes and 8 seconds that's how long 582 people continue their Marathon chant at the Hanuman Temple in the Dallas suburb of Frisco Texas to break the previous world record."
"People started chanting 'USA, USA' and other slogans."
"...let's chant om together one time."
"The Muslim troops chanted passionately: 'Allahu Akbar! God is great!'"
"and I've just been like sitting up like chanting things it's like it's not pleasant I was up all night"
"People start chanting Eddie Eddie."
"College is the best time to chant."
"Bully bull! Bully bull! Hala! Hala! Hala!"
"...the chanting of om is the voice of the god of the Gods..."
"He started to recite a special chanting so he could undo whatever magic was cast into that rope."
"Watch with us, watch with us," the people on the screen chanted in unison. "Watch with us, watch with us."
"Let's chant sixteen onwards we have done 16 17 18, today's 19 let's just just follow me into chanting chant of to me Naruto it dirty."
"Are they chanting Tootsie Roll? I think they're chanting Tootsie Roll."
"The chanting of liturgical chanting, the chanting of mantras involves literal physical resonance but also I think morphic resonance and this is one of the things that gives these practices their power."
"Religions have over the centuries developed these techniques and chanting and saying 'om' and meditation and things, I suppose that's probably true."
"The crowd really enjoy no call for Seasons yeting crowd was sure inter chanting Yeet."
"Scotland, you can sing all throughout the game from the start to the very end."
"The sound of the Vedic chanting is enough to produce the results."
"I heard it, soft chanting, rhythmic drums... the ground was also rumbling as if horses were stampeding down the road."
"By chanting God's name, you're not creating karma, yet you're destroying karma."
"You can only chant in the present."
"Krishna gives us a taste that satisfies us; it makes us happy chanting Krishna."
"They slowly approach me all chanting and murmuring."
"The chanting of Hare Krishna awakens that God consciousness that's dormant within the heart of every living being."
"The happiness of chanting the holy names of Lord Krishna gives us so much happiness, it's like an ever-expanding ocean."
"Chanting has purpose, there's a long history of chanting in the Kemetic world."
"Chanting, particularly through kirtan, is the most essential and in some ways is a foundation of all the others."
"How to awaken unmotivated and uninterrupted prema bhakti from the heart by raising one's arms and crying out with great humility the holy names of Krishna."
"When you chant Om, a brilliant light comes down your crown."
"When you chant Om, it can be used to raise your vibration."
"The chanting has benefit everybody because the holy name is very potent and that name actually it's a real benefit, it softens the heart."
"The chanting is good because it's a good way of clearing the issues of the day out of your mind."
"You will hear 70,000 strong chanting your name."
"Let's close with the chant of Om. Inhale to chant, big breath in."
"By chanting Krishna's name, I get to share that love with everyone."
"That's when the chanting began; it sounded like a different language, all female voices and a bunch of them."
"May my feet constantly walk in the dust of Brindavan, may my tongue constantly chant the names of Radha and Krishna's glories."
"We have to keep chanting Lord Ram's name; it's our responsibility."
"I profoundly disagree with the concept of chanting."
"Your name is formless; chanting your name, we won't go to hell."
"This was meant for the sound, for the singing, for chanting."
"Lord Chaitanya's mission: to taste the sweetness of pure bhakti and to distribute it through the chanting of the holy names."
"The more fallen we understand our situation is, the more healthily, qualitatively, and quantitatively we will chant."
"The chanting of Krishna is always beneficial, but it's especially potent when it's heard from the lips of a pure devotee."
"Krishna is worshipped through the congregational chanting of the holy names in this age of Kali."
"Chanting God's names cleanses all of your sins and slowly purifies your soul."
"There's no place you can go to that you can't let go of through these practices, and that's the liberating power of the chant."
"If we continue this chanting of the Krishna Maha Mantra, then that in itself will soften the heart."
"The root solution to all problems is chanting the holy name."
"The chanting goes around the world eternally."
"The loud chanting of Hare Krishna Maha Mantra."
"Chant Hare Krishna and be happy, chant the glories of the Vaishnavacharyas and be happy."
"By chanting and remembering Krishna, these three things happen for the soul."
"Chanting or remembering God's names... you can uplift your Consciousness."