
Local Knowledge Quotes

There are 103 quotes

"I'm not from this area. I was just trying to ask what time the local bus gets here."
"Over the course of our 30 years of doing real estate we've learned the value lesson of driving Street by Street neighborhood by neighborhood."
"But yeah, this is Zuni. So glad you were able to come out here and get a little bit of input from us."
"A vast majority of good police work is just knowing your area, knowing your players, and doing good intel."
"Georgia is all about ground game and knowing where to go when to go and how to get there even in the deepest red confederate flag."
"Suddenly the main protagonist called for her aid, Aqua, as she relied on her to learn all the news of the local area and seek assistance."
"When people live in the neighborhood, do they know who the gang members are?"
"He grasped instinctively how a local population could use its position and its landscape to defeat a foreign military occupation."
"Nobody knows better how to improve the quality of life of low-income communities than the communities themselves."
"He knew every superstition, every back road, and he knew stories only locals knew. The stuff you can't really find online."
"It's very hard for me to tell you what you need to do, but you need to know the local rules."
"Locals on the French island of Corsica have long recognized a wild cat that may be a previously undiscovered species, known as the 'cat-fox.'"
"Just make sure you have a good Agent if you're going to spend any amount of time there in Egypt because you're going to need it."
"They used their extensive knowledge of the local terrain and their network of informants."
"If you lived here, you literally knew everyone's business."
"The cuayote has the nickname gallinita, which means little hen."
"Stay local especially when you're just starting out because you know your city better."
"It's written D-U-V-A-L, but when you get here, you have to pronounce it the right way, and the right way is 'Doo-val'."
"Know your bridges. The locals around town identify the bridges by colors."
"I really think it's a mistake not to take a black cab when you're here in London because the cabbies here in London they're not just someone that's driving you following Google maps to get to your destination they know this city."
"Here scientists rely on the empirical knowledge of local populations who for generations have been living at the foot of these giants of fire and have learned to interpret the warning signs of an eruption."
"Cambridge Bay is known locally as a calaktuak."
"Remarkably no injuries were reported during this Deluge thanks to the local population's familiarity with the warning signs."
"It's important to find local sharpshooters who know their business cold."
"These classic patterns were developed in this area. They're local to this area. They're unique to this area. And they catch fish. They still catch fish."
"We locals don't go up there on a Saturday in July because we know it's going to be a zoo."
"Her roots are in the fishery and in fishermen like Frank Kolbert, whose intimate knowledge of the island's coves and shallows has made him one of San Brendan's top lobster fishermen."
"It's essential that every hotelier knows exactly what's happening in their area so that they can recommend activities and days out to their customers."
"We've been here for about a week now so we've learned so much and gotten so many great tips from the local people here."
"Boots on the ground matters; the local markets really matter because you can't find a solution unless you really understand what's going on."
"Most of the locals knew better than to go there."
"This little spot here is called Sheldon Lagoon. I'm not going to take any credit for this. I didn't know it existed. This was all local knowledge."
"Was this thing the thing that killed the horse? Did the locals know about it? Was it some mangled creature?"
"As locals, we know when something is hyped up or not around the whole local aspect, but this was legit."
"I just really believed in local knowledge. I think that people know how best to organize their reality."
"Having a local understanding of the market cannot be underestimated."
"Usually I like to chat with them because they just know the city so well."
"Make sure you got a bit of local knowledge man because that would be very confusing."
"Thank you for the best day. I don't think I've ever met a local in a city who's known so much and had so much information."
"Government, use people's knowledge."
"It's great when you don't have to worry about route and you're being taken around by somebody that knows where they're going like the back of their hand."
"GPS is great, maps work fine too, but sometimes there is just no substitute for local wisdom. Thank you guys."
"Locals tip: Diamond Head always has waves."
"I'm just lucky to live in Devon where we've got these little back lanes that I know like the back of my hand."
"Local knowledge may offer up this information; people's lives and allegiances move on, and time can tease out information that has been closely guarded in the past."
"Rob grew up fishing the Raritan Bay, and he has a knowledge of the area and the fish movements through it that can only come from a lifetime on the water."
"You can't live as close as Akron and not know all about this city; it has a wonderful, amazing history, it has amazing people, it has amazing cultural institutions, educational institutions."
"I'm a lifelong Bigfoot enthusiast and I've lived in this area all my life."
"We know North County San Diego like the back of our hand."
"Always remember to ask the locals what is the best restaurant or where to eat."
"Ask any local the name of the pub on Timber Hill, and without exception, they will always answer: The Murderers."
"The beauty of local knowledge, I just can't get enough of it."
"People travel to the area; they do know that the lake is home of the Lagarfljótsormurinn."
"Locals are always going to be your best source of information for what a neighborhood is like."
"I've grown up in California; fire season is a thing, completely a thing."
"These are our neighborhoods, who else knows these blocks like us?"
"It's possible to gain this kind of information and knowledge right here in Liberia."
"Local knowledge will always trump any type of skill or technique."
"It's wonderful, the idea was if you have some local knowledge about a given location, you want to share it with all the other boaters."
"Here's a tip if you guys are ever in doubt, make sure you ask because it's always better to ask a local."
"You always listen to the local advice, they know best."
"The best way to find out where you need to go is to actually ask the locals."
"Knowing those super short routes in your area for getting outside and trying to be consistent is really important."
"The reason the police are the licensing authority is because they possess local information that helps inform their judgment."
"The search for the source of the Nile... depends on disregarding local knowledge."
"There is no substitute for local knowledge to what goes on in your environment."
"This is my home waters, my backyard. I have my finger on the pulse of what's going on."
"It's almost as if listening to the guy who's lived there for decades would have been a good idea."
"When I took a taxi during a recent Edinburgh film festival, the driver was amazed that I could put a name to every street we passed."
"Local knowledge can be a powerful weapon."
"If you want to know something about a city, you have to ask the people who live in it."
"Local knowledge goes a long way; you gotta get someone you trust."
"Look for the place that has work trucks in front of it. That's a place that has really good food because the people who live in the area, they know."
"There's no way of replacing local knowledge... it's so much more efficient to cycle."
"We need a local to give us information on that."
"I'm starting to get to know the city of Tucson a lot better."
"There's a great advantage of staying in a certain place for a long time because you understand the people and their needs."
"Locals know not by hearsay what the temperature of around 50 degrees feels like."
"I was working in a busy suburb of my city; it was a hidden gem that only a few drivers knew about."
"I know absolutely everything about my town."
"Always look for the local tourist office."
"Every local knows if the squid luau is good, the Hawaiian food is probably authentic."
"It appears that this is all common knowledge for the locals, but the story has not yet reached the ears of many outside of this small bubble."
"I've lived in Melbourne my whole life; I know the city really well."
"Hot day today, so as we Str would know, hot easterly is the breeze that we've got."
"Local juries matter; the jury will know."
"Be mindful of your environment here; they know this country better than we do."
"Maximize your budget by talking to people that live there; they know the secrets."
"It's just that I've lived here for 30 years, and so when you live in a place for a long time, you tend to get to know that area fairly well."
"I had a lot of contacts in Austin because I've lived here for over 20 years, and that's how my business was born."