
Unexpected Love Quotes

There are 109 quotes

"Love happens when you least expect it. After all, this is Christmas at Dollywood."
"When you find love, it's unexpected. You won't see it. Stop looking for it."
"We really fell in love with each other, unlikeliest places I know."
"I said that I would never date a man with children... and now their children are my favorite human beings on the planet."
"Love always springing up on you when it's least convenient."
"Let it be wild and free, let it be passionate, let's see where it goes."
"This person did not plan to fall in love with you Pisces, that was not part of their plan."
"Love comes in unexpectedly, so I see an option almost immediately."
"It was a miracle this love came into my life like a miracle."
"Love finds us when we least expect it, and whatever this mother says makes this person decide to be with you."
"Love can turn up in the most unusual way and sometimes it's just right in front of you."
"Maintain individuality, love may happen unexpectedly."
"I'm excited about that, but like, I she, she had nothing to do with this, right? Yeah, honestly, I think that honestly might have made me feel more in love with you than I thought I could be."
"If you're looking for love it could strike unexpectedly."
"This is a story for people who can relate to falling in love with someone they least expected."
"I unexpectedly fell in love with you, already told y'all that."
"Stop waiting for the right one, it'll hit you when you least expect it."
"Next, we've got 'Love at First Sight.' My reading relationship with you was opposite of your title. It was love at first sight for me, baby."
"Love found me, that's political of putting it. No matter how shy you are, there's things you can't run away from."
"You find love when you're not looking for it."
"We are just two people who weren't meant to fall in love, but we did."
"I never thought I would love a bandit or a thief, but here you are."
"This was definitely one that like blew me away that I did not think I would love, that I do."
"I loved Indie so much more than I ever anticipated."
"What you don't see coming is you're going to have the love of a lifetime."
"I did not expect to fall in love with you."
"I never thought I would find true love inside a prison cell."
"I didn't expect to really love this city."
"Somebody will say that they love you, soon, for most of you you wouldn't expect that or you will be shocked."
"I didn't expect to fall for you. You were right there all along."
"There's nothing I love more than when one character is trying to help another character win over somebody but then they start falling in love instead."
"I didn't know that I could feel this way about someone. I didn't expect it to happen so quickly."
"I fell deeply, deeply in love for a gun I bought as a bit of a joke."
"I wasn't planning to fall in love with you."
"So the moral of the story is don't let blind dates Blindside you sometimes they lead to Unexpected Love connections even if you're just in it for the money."
"You came out of nowhere. They didn't expect to feel this way but anyone but their spouse or their whoever they're with and they they weren't looking for it but you just you just happened you just happened and they felt this amazing connection to you."
"Living right next to the Fernleaf Cactus is honestly a plant that I did not think I would love as much as I do."
"I didn't think it was possible to love somebody that you've never met before."
"Stay open to the possibility of your soulmate appearing in a form that may differ from what you expect."
"Love Comes unexpectedly sometimes even in a sewer."
"I wasn't trying to fall in love, but I did."
"Neither of us was looking for a serious relationship, but we ended up falling in love."
"In an industry where love stories often blossom amidst glamorous red carpets and extravagant award ceremonies, Robert Urick and Heather Menzies found their connection in an unexpected place."
"Love just creeps up on you when you least expect it."
"I think love is something that comes about in the least expected ways at some of the most unexpected times."
"When I first met her, I had no intentions of falling in love; it simply happened."
"Love sneaks in with a plan of its own, comes in unexpected places, life turns in unexpected ways."
"Love will find you when you least expect it."
"Love comes when you're not expecting it to come."
"This awakening of emotions inside of you for somebody takes you totally by surprise."
"Who would have thought the world could fall in love with this lime green monster?"
"Look at us, who would have thought we'd fall for each other."
"The love that you find on these shows really does take you by surprise."
"Love has a way of showing up where you least expect it."
"I understand Love Comes unexpectedly. I can't stop you from being with someone you love; it's your life, and I wish you a happy life with your new love."
"To be honest, John was not my type in terms of physical outlooks, but as we talked, I somehow fell in love with him."
"I didn't expect to fall in love at this event, but I'm afraid it happened. I fell head over heels for Katie."
"Watch me accidentally fall in love with books."
"Love comes when you least expect it."
"I was looking forward to the life of the carefree bachelor, and it was with some dismay that I suddenly realized I was falling in love."
"Sometimes love knocks you down, you didn't know."
"I never thought I would fall in love with that bike throughout this whole process."
"Love can blossom in the most unlikely places."
"It'll come when you least expect it. Don't look for someone, when the right time comes, they will come to you."
"I love it so much more than I thought I was going to, and it's definitely going to be giving retro a run for its money."
"She never counted on falling for his grumpy best friend."
"Maxim becomes utterly seduced and obsessed with cat, she's nothing like he ever wants or expected."
"When I met you at the school, I never expected to fall for you so quickly, I never expected to care for someone so deeply."
"This is a story about two people finding love in a place where they least expected."
"I didn't expect to fall in love with you."
"I never expected you, Kade, and I don't know quite what to do with all of this feeling I have inside me for you."
"I never expected to fall in love with you so quickly, and I hope the future will bring us together."
"Love striking you unexpectedly because your energy is changing."
"I didn't intend to love. It's just that, well, it burst upon me."
"I didn't have any idea how much I would fall in love with that."
"Unbeknownst to you, you have love coming."
"I never expected to fall in love with him, but with each passing day, I found myself drawn to his kindness, his strength, and the way he looked at me as if I was the only person in the world."
"I never knew love would come and find me, find me one day."
"They didn't know that when they met you, they were gonna fall in love with you."
"It's true that you were supposed to ruin him, but under the wrong circumstances, you fell in love with the man."
"I never expected to fall in love, but here I am, completely and utterly captivated by you."
"Who would have believed it? Powerglide shot down by Cupid."
"You're not my type, but you're everything I didn't know I wanted."
"I feel like falling in love wasn't even supposed to come, but baby, you couldn't tell me nothing."
"I never thought in the wilderness, other than you, I always thought I'd be waiting, waiting in vain, but suddenly there you were."
"Love always shows up when you're not looking for it."
"I didn't anticipate falling in love with this as much as I have."
"Love is going to come knocking on your door when you least expect it."
"Love always comes knocking on your door when you stop searching for the love that you desire."
"Someone is in love, and it feels like they promised themselves to not fall in love with someone else, but it happened."
"They weren't meant to fall in love with you, but they did."
"This person holds a lot of love for you, and you may not know it."
"I didn't plan on falling in love with you; I was just having fun."
"They never thought that they were going to fall in love again until they met you."
"They're in love, and they weren't prepared to be in love."
"Love could find you in unexpected ways."
"This person never expected to fall in love, they didn't expect to have feelings for you."